[ ♪ ♩ ♫ ♩ ♪ ]
Medley of Wadaiko Matsuriza | Wadaiko Matsuriza
What Remorseless Emperor commands me
I no longer govern my soul
Blood and Thunder | Mastodon
Medley of Wadaiko Matsuriza | Wadaiko Matsuriza

What Remorseless Emperor commands me
I no longer govern my soul
Blood and Thunder | Mastodon
Character Information
Used Name
Sun Heishan [ 孙黑山 ]
Used Name
Sun Heishan [ 孙黑山 ]
Previous Names
Sihai | Huo-Chang
Sihai | Huo-Chang
24 years old | Birthday on the full moon of July
24 years old | Birthday on the full moon of July
Occult status
Archon | Hunter
Archon | Hunter
AFAB | She/ Her
AFAB | She/ Her
I've given everything I could
To blow it to Hell and gone
Blow Up the Outside World | Soundgarden
I've given everything I could
To blow it to Hell and gone
Blow Up the Outside World | Soundgarden
Core Concept
Heishan was born under fell circumstance, beneath the light of the Crimson Moon, when it is thought Demons are at the peak of their strength. Perhaps it is the celestial circumstance of her birth that has caused all the misfortune in this woman's life. Heishan's story is that of tragedy - she has lost her family, her nation, and her very God all within a relatively short amount of time - for nearly half a decade she has known only grief, and that grief has long fueled a boiling rage deep within her. Instead of internalizing her despair at the world's fate, she lashes out, in all directions, to slay those she believes responsible for Aloria's decaying state of being. She calls herself Heishan - a mountain charred black - under belief she is to summit a mountain of burned-black corpses, and look over valleys of flowing blood, before she will ever see the world saved.
Heishan is a Draconist. Once, she was undyingly loyal to Caius' cause, for she could understand the Dragon's rage, it is the same sort of disgust, desperation, and despair she herself felt at times. In his passing, however, she has turned to now praise Triton, dragon god of warfare in her unending preparation to fight the wars of the Dragons.
Heishan was born under fell circumstance, beneath the light of the Crimson Moon, when it is thought Demons are at the peak of their strength. Perhaps it is the celestial circumstance of her birth that has caused all the misfortune in this woman's life. Heishan's story is that of tragedy - she has lost her family, her nation, and her very God all within a relatively short amount of time - for nearly half a decade she has known only grief, and that grief has long fueled a boiling rage deep within her. Instead of internalizing her despair at the world's fate, she lashes out, in all directions, to slay those she believes responsible for Aloria's decaying state of being. She calls herself Heishan - a mountain charred black - under belief she is to summit a mountain of burned-black corpses, and look over valleys of flowing blood, before she will ever see the world saved.
Heishan is a Draconist. Once, she was undyingly loyal to Caius' cause, for she could understand the Dragon's rage, it is the same sort of disgust, desperation, and despair she herself felt at times. In his passing, however, she has turned to now praise Triton, dragon god of warfare in her unending preparation to fight the wars of the Dragons.
Be with molten lava
Give me my nirvana
Self-Immolate | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
Be with molten lava
Give me my nirvana
Self-Immolate | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
Appearance Information
So beware ye witches fair,
lest thee be spied by dragon-glare
Gila Monster | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
STR | 7
Bruiser Grit, Diving Tackle, Heavy Throw, Breakthrough, Stalwart, Resilience, Stampede
CON | 5
Fortitude, Rage Counter, Interception, Breather, Iron Will
WIS | 1
Chem Berserk
MAG | 2
Safeguard Pack (Magic) (reclassified as ley), Wardrobe Pack (Magic) (reclassified as ley)
STR | 7
Bruiser Grit, Diving Tackle, Heavy Throw, Breakthrough, Stalwart, Resilience, Stampede
CON | 5
Fortitude, Rage Counter, Interception, Breather, Iron Will
WIS | 1
Chem Berserk
MAG | 2
Safeguard Pack (Magic) (reclassified as ley), Wardrobe Pack (Magic) (reclassified as ley)
Killing all in its path, nay mercy shown
Until the Dragon stands triumphantly high-lone
Dragon | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
Killing all in its path, nay mercy shown
Until the Dragon stands triumphantly high-lone
Dragon | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
Fighting Style
Heishan's fighting style can only be described as 'brutish' or 'caveman-like'. She's a far-cry from the elegant swordsmen or enlightened mountain monks of her homeland, for she is a fighter without grace. Heishan fights with a barbarian's rage and a berserker's tenacity, utilizing her physical strength to overpower her opponents through sheer might, and superior constitution to weather any blows that might come her way. Heishan has a preference towards versatile broadswords that can be used in a one handed or two handed manner when she chooses, specifically she favors the Dao, but will also use blunted weapons like maces or clubs when she is not looking to lob head and limb off.
Heishan's fighting style can only be described as 'brutish' or 'caveman-like'. She's a far-cry from the elegant swordsmen or enlightened mountain monks of her homeland, for she is a fighter without grace. Heishan fights with a barbarian's rage and a berserker's tenacity, utilizing her physical strength to overpower her opponents through sheer might, and superior constitution to weather any blows that might come her way. Heishan has a preference towards versatile broadswords that can be used in a one handed or two handed manner when she chooses, specifically she favors the Dao, but will also use blunted weapons like maces or clubs when she is not looking to lob head and limb off.
The folly of men,
The tragedienne
Flamethrower | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
The folly of men,
The tragedienne
Flamethrower | King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard
Hobbies, Talents, and Languages
Get up, get back on your feet,
You're the one they can't beat and you know it
Fooling Yourself | Styx
Get up, get back on your feet,
You're the one they can't beat and you know it
Fooling Yourself | Styx
Life Story
Circumstance of Birth |
A Carefree Childhood | T
A Night of Flame, Blood, and Prophecy | ...
Circumstance of Birth |
A Carefree Childhood | T
A Night of Flame, Blood, and Prophecy | ...
Nothing was the same since.
The Black Mountain |
Long March |
Across the Sea |
Dexai |
Bridge the Divide |
Westward |
Dying Lord |
Flame of Vestor |
Advancement |
Plot Hooks
What the hell is an inline spoiler
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