Character Information
Appearance Information
- Full Name: Tohlinel
- Heritage / Culture: Maraya (Vault)
- Age: 23
- Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)
- Religion: N/A
- Character Occupation: None currently (Used to help with PodChildren and machine maintenance)
Appearance Information
- Eye Color: Dark Blue
- Skin Color: A lighter Blue
- Hair: Purple
- Height: 5'5"
- Body Type: Endomorph
- Additional Features: She keeps her hair tied up in several silver rings that act as hairties.
- Skill Information: Informed on Chemistry and Technology, interested in genetics
- Hobbies and Talents: Technology hobby and Alchemy Hobby
- Mechanics: A runner and a trackstar, she's more likely to be reading than fighting, though she can hold her own if absolutely necessary.
- Languages: Shalota (Native), Common (Learning)
- Core Concept: A survivor of The End, she's here to explore the new world around her and find out what happened to her people, specifically her family (made up of a father and brother who were Kul-Merai, and her mother who was also an engineer). She also still believes in the Tohn Sona, even if it's a little difficult now. She also believes Mirvat betrayed their people, leaving them asleep.
- Attack Stat : 5
- Defense Stat : 5
- [14/14 points spent]
- Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 2
- Gut Punch Pack: This Pack is for jerks who don't want people getting past them.
- Break Down Pack: This Pack is for those who refuse to let mundane barricades stand in their way.
- Gut Punch Pack: This Pack is for jerks who don't want people getting past them.
- Constitution: 2
- Thick Hide Pack: The Thick Hide Pack is for those that want to be physically defensive without wearing Armor
- Rebound Pack: The Rebound Pack is for those that wish to keep a stable footing in combat.
- Thick Hide Pack: The Thick Hide Pack is for those that want to be physically defensive without wearing Armor
- Intelligence: 5
- Hook Shot: This pack allows Technicians to scale buildings with a grappling hook.
- Tech Assimilate: This pack allows Technicians to protect themselves at the cost of their health.
- Safeguard Pack
- Oceanic Pack
- Wardrobe Pack
- Hook Shot: This pack allows Technicians to scale buildings with a grappling hook.
- Wisdom: 4
- Chem Cleanse: This pack allows Alchemists to cleanse their own Status Effects, but at a cost to their own health. (+1 Free Pack)
- Technique Parry: This pack allows Alchemists to protect themselves from a devastating technique or maneuver.
- Chem Revive: This pack allows Alchemists to attempt to revive an ally on their last legs.
- Chem Bolts: This pack allows Alchemists to use their concoctions to attack at ranged, harming their enemies from afar. Please note, if your character has this Stance Ability, they cannot acquire any other Stance Abilities, regardless of their source.
- Chem Berserk Pack :This pack allows Alchemists to become offensively very powerful, but suffer more damage in exchange
- Chem Cleanse: This pack allows Alchemists to cleanse their own Status Effects, but at a cost to their own health. (+1 Free Pack)
- Dexterity: 1
- Sharp Reflexes Pack: This pack is for the quick witted and flexible, dodging out of the way of an attack at just the right moment. (+1 Free Pack)
- Escape Artist Pack: This pack is for the slippery scoundrels who need to escape a bind - literally. Tying these individuals down is quite challenging
- Sharp Reflexes Pack: This pack is for the quick witted and flexible, dodging out of the way of an attack at just the right moment. (+1 Free Pack)
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 0
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