Taking a moment to relax in his white palace Greggory realized that he was bored. Choosing not to accept this, he stepped out of his adobe to the nearby grounds. Surrounded on all sides by life Greggory made his way to the strangest and most random part of the gardens, the off topic section. Stepping foot into this wide pasture Greggory took the first path he saw, ready for the chaos he was sure to meet. And he was not disappointed. Walking down the path the roleplayer found a chamber filled to the brim with such insanity, of people claiming victory, of memes and videos, of madness. Greggory knew he had found something he had lost long ago, and said, "This is pie. A pie that everyone wants and fights over, perhaps even die over, that nobody will have. The world could end and they would still be fighting. I fought for the pie too, for a time. Perhaps I can put away the time to fight for this." Greggory then stepped towards the center of the madness filled chamber and placed down his contribution. His very existence. "And now I say the words of legend, and dare any foolish to defy me.
I win!"