I had a dream that my neighbors house was struck by lighting and it caused a black hole that was spitting giant sharks out. But by the time I was able to dial 911 it had already closed and nobody believed me, it was at that moment I climbed out my window and started walking through back yards to go to this veterans convention being hosted in someones back yard.
It just so happened, they all saw it too and believed me. It was just then Marty Robbins walked toward me from the group and I said "wait I thought you died?" And he goes "nah I faked my death" then he walked me to this hockey rink where he was going to explain how he faked his death to me
He disappeared tho and it was now my turn to play so I got all my gear on then went over to the bench to wait for my shift on the ice when suddenly we were all watching a hoi4 game on a big screen, and the chair I was sitting in was now very precariously hanging over a 30ft drop
So I climb down to go grab a blanket or pillow or something out of my room to make it more comfy.
Once I made it back, most of north america had been conquered by the fascist "falcon empire" and texas had, logically, rebelled and started fighting them with guerrilla tactics.
I then realized I'm still over a 30ft drop and really really super uncomfortable. So I get up to go to my room (now some kind of shopping center/office thing) to get more blankets and pillows, I then decide to SPRINT so I dont miss the game, when this one random dude appears and starts copying my exact breathy runny sounds and zooms right past me. Weird flex but ok
Then I go into the store, grab a pillow and blanket, and start to run back out. But I'm moving too fast for the sliding doors to open in time so I have to throw myself on the floor to avoid hitting the sliding doors.
I decide not to run anymore.
I casually walk through a parking lot in almost pitch black aside from the light of the cars driving back and forth, almost get run over once or twice, then get asked by one of the Texan minivan mounted machine gun teams if they should attack yet, I told them "wait for my signal"
Then I walked up to this Ford expedition (where my precarious chair used to be) that had it's back open and was being transformed into it's own machine gun platform by a group of falcon empire loyalists
I walk up all friendly like and hand them the blanket and pillow I got earlier to make the gunner seat more comfy, then I call the Texans over.
Sirens start blaring, a couple of old like Cadillac I think cop cars belonging to the Texan sheriff whip around the loyalists and surrounds, and the machine gun minivan zooms up and aims at the loyalists.
Unfortunately, I woke up before I could see what happened