
-A lone traveler appears ones more- I have returned for but a short moment to my lands of old. What is new, what has changed and who has died in my absence? 5d2045398475ae496dcf4a2f7631110b.webp
We lost many a good Stuff poster, my friend... It is good to see a familiar face out here on the frontier.
Oh. I think the IC laws were moved around regarding sexuality so maybe they're just more open about it now lmao
Oh goodness gracious. I hope they don't make the sexuality sections of their character applications replace their personalities like they do in TV shows when they have a gay character.
Oh goodness gracious. I hope they don't make the sexuality sections of their character applications replace their personalities like they do in TV shows when they have a gay character.

Netflix: Oh this character's gay? dw we have a wonderful side character position for you, make sure you base the personality around it~
Sexually is not a character trait, it's more a like/dislike. A lot of people treat it like a character trait.
Yea which is why some openly gay characters act weird
Though if they build a character around a trait then add the sexuality (hetero, homo, bi, etc) then the character is like any other character
Sexually is not a character trait, it's more a like/dislike. A lot of people treat it like a character trait.
lmao what are you talking about?
when it comes to screenwriting everything is a character trait, and by unspoken rule every character needs 3 or something

so say your character doesn't have enough personality traits on their own, so you add gay, a differing skin color, or make them female.
Or have all three on their own, because since they are all character traits it makes someone a character.

Thus comes the problem from an acting point of view the only thing said actors have to work off of is skin color, gender, and of course, sexuality.
Which is difficult needless to say, telling someone "act like a gay black woman" is quite difficult on someone.

or something
ok but why all the colors why are there three different colors you made this confusing for no reason