
Somebody is gonna win this thread someday, long after massivecraft does due to inactivity and/or poor management or bankruptcy or something. Or maybe it'll keep going until the sun explodes, in which case that one last person to post will have won, but nobody will be left to admire it, not even the winner. Hell, there will be no record even left to confirm who won, for the internet will be gone just as soon as the rest of the planet.
yo looking back at this threat and my old posts back from 17-18, holy shit i was a cringey kid lmao

popped by to apologize to anyone in the thread that i was weird to
everybody wants to beat up themselves from 2-6 years ago, i've found
it's like a mountain lol, once you past a certain time passed point you just kinda laugh and don't care anymore but until then it haunts you
Oh boy, reading back on messages from the past, I struggle to even understand what I was thinking with some stuff. But then again, reading anything I've posted even recently is odd, especially if I don't remember having said it. It's like "are those my words?"