Beware this terminal gek kanker is a true story
So, one day I was playing my criminal Orc character and decided to abduct a Noble for ransom. Well, I busted into his house, and was met by two armed bodyguards and an armed Noble. Doing the only logical thing, I snatched up a lizard, Eric Liolen(
@Ghirko ) and mad a run for it, but not before like THREE TIMES someone tried to attack me with the lizard's neck held in my elbow. Basically, they tried to stab me before I could snap his neck. NAH. FEAR RP ALL THE WAY. BUT THEY KEPT TRYING. Later, a bodyguard SOMEHOW FOLLOWED ME TO MY SAFE HOUSE and was banging on the door or something. I managed to escape with my hostage, and was intercepted by the Regalian Gestapo or something(idk what charter they even were never heard of 'em.) So, they follow me as you would expect, and COUNTLESS TIMES TRY TO ATTACK BE DESPITE THE LIZARD AN ARMS TWIST AWAY FROM DYING.
Gestapo guy: cuts off arm so fast u cant comprehend+
Okay, that's not the real emote, but it's ACCURATE ENOUGH. He said that he cut off my arm in his emote. Then he explained he went from a low guard (Which is holding the handle at thigh-height, blade pointed up and out to about chest height) and then proceeded to lob off my arm with his BIG FRICKEN SWORD. So, my response was simple...
1. No
2. No
3. No
Basically, there was NO FRICKEN WAY he could do that before I broke the Lizard's neck, yet he said he had "so much training he could cut your arm off before you could even comprehend it", and that "after that you'd go into shock and be unable to do anything because that's what happens when you lose a limb" Finally, it came down to perms, in which he would have to literally kill Ghirko's character in order to make that attack. I didn't want to ask for kill perms from Ghirko, but OH WELL TOO BAD LET ME CUT OFF YOUR ARM NOW YOU CAN'T KILL ERIC CAUSE SO FAST U CAN'T COMPREHEND