thatd be dopeWhat if suddenly, water weighed less than air. All oceans, rivers, lakes and seas instantaneously rise into the atmosphere, forming a thick layer of ocean, reaching down to touch mountains and high mainland points. Humans panick, and scuttle to lower grounds. They form colonies on sea floors, now dry, and attempt to rebuild society.
Only if you get caught
Snape kills dumbledoreSnape Is Snoke when Snape wanted to look like voldemort.
He blew himself up to look like voldemort, but he had to go to the star wars universe to hide his shame.
they sound coolLast night at around 2 am, a bunch of ER staff were talking about "diabetis". Like the meme. Fun listening to that. There was something else, but I've since forgotten. Will post if remembered
do itIf anyone posts after me I will spam the thread with Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, and Last Jedi spoilers. Working as an extra and having friends who do the same has given me a big selection of weapons -.-
*yells into radio* he called my bluff, abort, abort! *helicopter hovers above and drops a rope which I escape on*
John Snow*yells into radio* he called my bluff, abort, abort! *helicopter hovers above and drops a rope which I escape on*
What did you call my... Wait really, what did you call my pink toucan.dhdysggisissfjarusfisfiarjsrsfjarjafjsfsfjsfjzvkzjfafmsfjsfjsfjaduajfsfjarjajfsrafsfifstwrjuajsjfasusufsfjstkaurajfsncsmvxjfshdafafjajfzfivzczjcsjcz jdhxhgkvjffjfyryefwtsgxgxgsdzhv yZifirod ovjxiguxjdhah gxh tshwehstqyrudyfi hh jdhdhxhshduhxudhduxjxjfjchfhdnxjdvzkgsgks