Archived Stronger Back Story For Regalia.

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Lucifer Undere
Oct 11, 2013
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I have, in my RP character's life, become a scientist and done some research. This research was to make the backstory of vampires more believable. It was said that before humans were evolved (still in the monkey stage (australopithecus) a giant meteor crashed into the planet spreading a vaccination known to be Pactrocniem. This essentially protected all the other races that were evolved, but humans. So that when humans were evolved, they didn't have to essential molecules, that the other races had evolved with. This left them open for the dark plague, thus making humans the only race that can become a a vampire.

So here is my preposition. The world edit team, somewhere off on a new island, or even an island of Regalia, can make a meteor crash site. If it looks sounds like a good idea, please implement. If you have suggestions please write down the bottom because I think if this is done, people with have a better knowledge of the history of some races by cause there isn't much on them for people RP exploring like I myself do.
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Proper term. It is Latin for Championship or for Protection.
Ummm, that makes no sense. In the lore humans were desedant of a long dead race, just like dwarves, elves, orcs and maybe Yanar I don't remember. What your saying is tht not only do building that we don't need but also the lore that has only recently be redone. Also this has nothing to do with regalia, this is about vampirism.
Okay -Rubs hands together- time to pick this thing apart.

Right off the bat, scientist isn't a thing. The closest thing we have in medieval times would be alchemists. Alchemy is essentially science, but ya know... semantics.

Humans didn't evolve from monkeys in our lore. They evolved (or devolved) from the Seraph, an extremely advanced civilization that has long since fallen.

Spiderer1210 Certain kinds of bacteria or proteins can act as a vaccine, inhibiting the spread of other diseases. However, the Sanguine Curse is a curse. It may act like a virus, but it is magic in nature and cannot be vaccinated. The reason only humans are able to contract it is because it was created for that sole purpose by the archdemon.

Also we don't have a latin culture, so we don't have latin names for things.
I imagine the Dark Disease was /created/ solely for humans. After all, humans rule the biggest empire on Aloria. To cause discord in humans is to make the empire fall, and the demons in a much better position to properly invade.

Granted, that's not how it may remain. Time changes the way things work and peoples' priorities. But in the beginning, I imagine humans were the priority.

I could be way off, though. XD Or I could be going in too deep.
Oh I totally agree with them, I agreed about the crater thing. Yay craters!
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