Archived Street Names?

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The Futuristic Australian
May 22, 2013
Reaction score
The Land Down Under
Roleplay Guilds
I was just thinking thinking the other day, mainly because i own a house at the very back of Regalia and was trying to give directions, i thought "hey wouldn't it be easier to just say: i live on <street name> down the end on the left.

So just chucking the thought out there, why don't we introduce street names in Regalia?

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This gets the Barbas Seal Of Approval, that's for sure!
The big street in the center should be given a straightforward name, like "Main Street" or "The Drag". The original founders of Regalia wouldn't have been all that original in naming their streets, so the older streets should have simple names. All the streets should have simple names, and if they have a unique location they should be named after it (ex: Market Way, Theatre Street, Teahouse Lane"
Barbas Lane. This way to the soon to be constructed whorehouse.
Road map! I have no clue how to find my way round the place. We need a waypointed Dynmap and road names. I definitely agree with this.
This would be brilliant, for a food few reasons. I got lost while doing the Tour of Regalia quest.
Going from the library to the Victory Tower it said head east when I only had to look south from the library entrance.
Albatross Avenue, please and thanks. :D

I almost wasn't going to post this thread because it's such a minor thing but i thought might as well put it out there
Why didn't anyone think about something like that before!?! that's a brilliant idea, and i support it! So simple yet so useful, and easy to implement. No need for plugins, coding, anything. Just put some signs around regalia!

MonMarty You need to see this.
My thoughts exactly

Just simple names as well like Mecharic suggested:
Main Street
Market Lane
Noble Avenue
Crimson square
Commoner road

Then maybe some more imaginative names for places likes the docks
Sounds good, cause I have no idea how to find my way around Regalia, and I often get lost and have to wander around before I can figure out where I am.
Road names has been considered since old Regalia was being built, that much i know. But it was not really necessary back then. But it's more important now in new Regalia when everything looks the same.
Just a note, my faction had street names before it was cool.
Is that my 3D render as your avatars background? :P
Golden Willow Way, that'll be my favourite
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