Archived Stealth Traits Concept

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Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
OR, United States
After being away for an extended period of time, I've returned to MassiveCraft to find the race system traded for the Traits system. At first I skeptical, but quickly grew attached to these traits and the customizability behind them. You could be an archer, a warrior, a bruiser, a tank, anything you truly wanted. Anything, except possibly a Rogue. The largest "Stealth" capabilities in Minecraft outside of invisibility potions is purely just holding down the sneak button to hide your name tag. While this is handy at times, I feel it has incredibly low combat effectiveness as no matter how well you hide, the second your arrow hits and they look in your direction, you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb. I do understand that allowing players instant invisibility would be drastic, and could be incredibly abused, but I wonder as well, would it still be possible to make people feel like while they're sneaking they are actually stealthier than their character crouching down 1/4th a block?

To do this I'd realize it would require a surplus amount of balancing since the ability to vanish leads to incredibly unfair battles. My theory on this matter would be to lower the characters opacity (transparency) while they are sneaking. Perhaps by causing a characters model to fall around 50% visibility, it could allow use of shadows and dyed leather to allow a character to blend in. Obviously this is just a random idea of how it could work, but it's a semi-balanced one. The price would have to be high in terms of Traits, and it's very likely it would be limited to premium members, but I'd love to see some kind of mechanic to balance it out. Perhaps your opacity is lower when you are not moving, whilst moving or drawing a bow would cause you to become slightly more visible. This would encourage stealthier players to think more tactically about how to approach a battle their faction may currently fighting. Other small adjustments could be along the lines of, if you have stealthed for a certain period of time you could gain a 3 seconds Speed boost to allow you quick flight from a hairy situation as well as moving around a bit more fluidly while stealthed.

I can understand entirely why the admins would not want this feature incorporated, whether coding it may be difficult, or the fear of it being abused in ways against the server. I just feel it would allow people with a particular playstyle such as myself, to play the Rogue character. Other bonuses would be nice, such as charging an arrow while stealthed would give it more power, but that can easily be accompanied by taking the Archery Expert trait. Honestly, so long as full invisibility is not granted, this trait would not be incredibly powerful as in the grand scale of combat, you'd be potentially giving up 40-50+ Trait points just to be harder to find. It adds a nice element for roleplay, and allowing players to define themselves.

Anyways, this is just a concept, and it'd be nice to see it elaborated upon, so comment your guys' opinions. Would love to know via admins if it'd ever be possible to see something like this in the future of MassiveCraft!
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With traits that are so glitchy that I can kill someone in 2 hits using unarmed and them NOT using unarmed vulnerable (I have video proof) you wanna add a trait that can easily get you those 2 hits without being seen? Traits need to be fixed before anything like this is considered.
I don't think that is really a glitch...take into account MCMMO as well.
I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. I've seen servers...well, a server...where certain players were made partially invisible to each other, plugin not mod. Then there is the link provided in a post above.
It is possible to make a player partially transparent. But it's not possible to control the degree of transparency.