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Statements Of Opinion


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
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From the desk of His Lordship, the Count of Hurst and Ferdsaxton, War Minister of the Regalian Empire

It is with grievous discontentment that I find myself having to pen this, for it seems the concept of common sense and decency has left the Crown Isle. I've put this off for too long, and I only pray this writing has not been in vain.

Last February, I was elected Consul of the Noble Assembly. Halfway through that tenure, I was elevated to the position of Proconsul. My final act, as all are aware, was dissolving the Noble Assembly and my own positions.

The reasons were numerous, but for myself, I found the Assembly to hearken back to stories my father told me of the Imperial Senate. Call it what you want, but any council that has seen the nobility collectively involved has produced two types of individuals: the outspoken, and the complacent. The outspoken, the same handful of families that would debate and push forward their agendas, while the complacent sat by and enjoyed the fine velvet of the cushions they sat on.

Why do I even bring back memories of a perverted body originally intended to justly serve the empire? Because the same lessons that one should have learned before are repeating once more. Call it a stroke of bad luck, or the irrefutable fact than individuals never change. I have my regals on the latter.

On the Subject of the Elven War

Almost one year ago, Heron Charles, Johann Eschevard, and the entirety of the Westmark Army were wiped out by the Inheritor States. This single act is what led to both Church and State mobilizing on the warfront. With the call to arms, families pledged their banners, and hoped for a short war and our timely revenge.

It is now month eight of this campaign.

As War Minister, I have spent time attempting to remove the current rut on the western front. With the recent appointment of Minister d'Vaud, I firmly believe both ministries will be able to work together unlike what has been seen thus far in my tenure.

However, I did not write this paper to praise the new Minister. I started off with the words "grievous discontent." My discontent with the war effort is simply put: despite the call to arms of last summer, the Lords of the Archipelago have collectively contributed a grand total of 36% of all men to the front.

I see the same few families putting their support towards the war through thick and thin, with nothing to show from their selfless duty as Regalian Lords. At the forefront of support are Houses Harhold, Kehlen, Piergarten, Viduggla, Miramonte, Valeur, and Carwell, who dedicate over half of their local troops to the cause. And to the Holy Synod, House von Duer, and House Rosendahl, who have dedicated every man they can muster to see victory. These collective names are true Regalians, who know their duty when it comes to the march of progress. For despite some sentiments, this war affects everyone, from the lowest farmhand to the highest noble.

But, there are far more names not mentioned here that dedicate nothing at all. I repeat, there are some rulers of the Archipelago that have not dedicated a single ship or man to the state armies. To rule as lords on behalf of the Emperor, yet refuse to send even one man to the front, is a sign of cowardice, and unpatriotism. There is nothing else to say on the matter. I find these families, who sit idly in their lounges sipping wine and making simply smalltalk on what gala is this week, while our troops live in makeshift camps every night, to be a threat to this Empire more so than the Elves we are fighting against. A sorry state that is felt fully on the soldiers on the front, who have been away from family and friend for months.

If these complacent families wish to prove me wrong, do so by taking up your duty as lords and see this war concluded through your support. I have nothing else to say to cowards.

On the Subjects of Local Stability.

I can't fathom in the slightest how the Archipelago has reduced itself to such degeneracy. The last time I witnessed these events transpire, half of those who read this were never conceived by their parents. I have lived through one Pessimism, and I'll be damned if I have to relive and repeat the mistakes of our fathers once more.

On the subject of Drachenwald, I find the regional stability to be the fault of multiple parties, myself amongst them. Harhold's refugees came into my lands, and having little resources to support the influx of thousands, I worked with House Viduggla in private to spirit these individuals to other lands that could. The declaration I made with this action was a simple one: those who have lived in my lands and call myself their lord will continue to be protected by our feudal agreement. Those that come en masse seeking asylum, with the wellbeing of our locals at stake, will be given no quarter. Those that work my fields, need only maintain their feudal obligations, and I will return mine in turn.

To the House Black, whose homeland has lost its former glory, I have nothing to say befitting of a public statement. To write any more would be an insult to our cooperation over the years, and I only pray that your situation is resolved soon, for the sake of the realm. And one day, your lands will return to their former glory, to stand as a testament of Regalian perseverance.

With my thoughts on Drachenwald concluded, I now turn to the latest chapter of regional instability. It has not yet been a year since the late Lord Xavier Ravenstad marched into Lorhauser, causing hardships that have not fully subsided. Today, a different one befalls those lands. To the House Piergarten, I pray for your people's safety in your lands. While these words will do nothing in ending the occupation, may they serve as a reminder that even those who are waters away look at what is transpiring. Spirit's Protection.

Finally, on the Subject of the Economy

House Dei Termini's recent disclosure of letters is enough to hold me from writing a lengthy argument on the subject of taxation. However, I have one point to make.

Why did it take an individual hailing from a fief not even affected by the riots to request the tax reduction of those he holds no allegiance to? Or why did the affected lords not foresee the consequences of these heavy taxes on local stability? This negligence is one that has not been seen since the House van Sherburne taxed the former Drachenwald Lordship to the tipping point. And yet, the same history repeats itself. I only pray that another Crisis does not arise over the entire Archipelago from this, as the last one almost tore this Empire apart from the inside.

With this, I conclude this lengthy, yet necessary, statement of opinions. I pray the Imperial Spirit guides the rulers of the Empire in making sounder decisions in the future.

May His strength guide our Holy Empire.
His Lordship,
Dietrich Gunthard von Drachenburg
Count of Hurst and Ferdsaxton
War Minister of the Regalian Empire
Patriarch of House Drache

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"The infidels shouldn't have been here if they didn't want t' be chased out. My realm is that of good unionist men an' women, an' they do not take kindly t' outsiders. The only part I had in this was taxing both peoples, so I ain' gained nothing." Revain Hengest says during an audience with the press. He also adds that the cattle confiscation was necessary to supply the occupation forces and that the farmers will be compensated with surplus grain from Lokinge.
Peering down at the message he had a brief smile at the small messaged directed to his kin, giving a firm nod. He most certainly was not disheartened, for this was yet another obstacle him and his family have to overcome. They had done it before, and they can do it again. Maxence took this message as motivation, standing from his desk to share it with his kin " Have a gander at these words "

@mochalattes @Jareth @seoulmate @Zombiel3ait
The parchment flapped in the breeze, the clean edges making a crisp sound in the wind.