Archived Standard Of Chat

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I don't personally make many jokes these days, but when I do I like to pull a few crackers, normally I keep them in faction chat rather than general. But of late I'm seeing some heavy over exaggeration of mutes for jokes in general. I don't like this. Neither do 90% of all players on massive. If you look at your complaints section nearly every third thread is bbb muting somone for in my eye what was a reasonably funny joke. Like seriously some of them are good clean jokes borderline "trolling" and relatively funny. So my suggestion would be to change the mutable definitions of trollolololololing

If said troll joke was designed to maliciously make fun of and degrade said player then mute
If said troll was specifically designed to throw off or make a fool of said gullible player then mute
If its just plain funny then laugh (it seems like none of your staff have a sense of humour a rarely see any of them lol in general)

The most important part right here... Staff talk to the receiving end of the joke and ask "are you offended" then mute said player (this in my eyes is justified reasoning for an hour ban ill sit there and take it if I offended someone rather than staff judging my funnies as pure troll), cause by Jove they might have laughed at that joke to, and all the staff have done has put down a reasonably funny player made them feel bad when trying to make others feel good, this just makes our staff seem plain evil, which will drive away players.

Hopefully my suggestion will taken into account and not disregarded on the first look, there are many of us who think this needs to be adjusted ever so slightly, cause I don't want to chat in general anymore and massive craft is beginning to become less social and if I'm totally honest I don't enjoy not being able to joke without being insta muted. I now spend most of my time in places that will appreciate my humour.


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I will carry it to the next staff meeting our codex implies staff members should always use warnings when they can avoid having to use other methods of punishments. I'll have to talk it out with the others to know more before I can say more on the matter.
This is much appreciated
If I can overcome your general patronizing attitude and demeanor, I will take it to the next staff meeting to figure out what happened to the warning first standard, though I already know the response.

I commend your ability to poll 2800 players and gather an accurate response figure. You should work for polling agencies.

Your demeanor hasn't been much better. You were extremely sarcastic your first post, and it added nothing to the conversation at all.
Your demeanor hasn't been much better. You were extremely sarcastic your first post, and it added nothing to the conversation at all.

I'm just pointing this out, but you can never really blame the Massive staff members for being sarcastic or whatever. (Not saying you were being sarcastic Mon) Cause honestly, these people VOLUNTEER to help moderate the chat, stop rule-breakers, and generally just run the server. And they have to deal with people nagging at them EVERY DAY. They do deserve some credit for being as friendly as they are.
I'm just pointing this out, but you can never really blame the Massive staff members for being sarcastic or whatever. (Not saying you were being sarcastic Mon) Cause honestly, these people VOLUNTEER to help moderate the chat, stop rule-breakers, and generally just run the server. And they have to deal with people nagging at them EVERY DAY. They do deserve some credit for being as friendly as they are.

Normally MonMarty behaves just fine and is a good example. I just felt it was very rude of him to say something like that. And yes, I do realize all that the staff do for the server well being, don't get me wrong. I love the staff! But that doesn't exclude them from having exemplary behavior.
A regrettable personality flaw of mine. Whenever players draw this "I speak to 10 people therefor I know the opinions of 4000 people" thing, I tend to get very sarcastically insulting.
I think the staff need to be given a little break on this. With how much of a turnover most MC servers have it's illogical to think they can create a standardized punishment system. Thus far in my time on this server I've yet to see a staff member abuse a player. The mod's generally talk to each other about things and from what I seen from the admins they keep close check on the mods. If someone breaks a rule they should be punished to the staff members digression. At least that's my 5 cents.
I have not been on the server in almost two years and all I can say is you can not win a argument with MonMarty.He knows his stuff and would not lie lol so trust me me and him had a evil past but I trust the man 100%.

The fact that you post a troll face picture along with your "complaint" just makes me not even bother to take it seriously. So here, let me draw you a pony!


I like the pony :D

Eh I see only one fault in that (This probably only applies to 10% of the Massive population though so no need to take me very seriously on this.) I have been muted for saying "*Holds Rok's hand* Hey baby~" in general after they asked someone to hold their hand and I got an hour mute for that saying "sexual phrases in general" or somethin' like that. I personally have no idea what was wrong with saying that seeing as there was nothing else sexual being said in general at the time and nothing hinting to the fact that it could of been a sexual pun. (Which it wasn't meant to be sexual at all)
My next mute I'm pretty sure I deserved, I don't remember what I said exactly, but I do remember that about three other people were saying some incredibly sexual and vulgar things repeatedly in general chat and I, being the immature young teen I am, joined in and said one thing as a reply to one of them then got muted for an hour. I wasn't upset about my mute because I deserved it (I think q_q I still don't remember what I said) but I went to /seen some of the others who were saying vulgar inappropriate stuff repeatedly and a mute didn't show up on theres. So after that I was pretty butthurt about the mute system because that was my second bad mark on my record (which was completely clean for my first year on Massive) when the first wasn't even something worth muting over in my opinion and the person who I said it to's opinion. (Me and Rok were in a skype call at the time of the first mute)
My next and most recent mute was me saying "penicorn" in general when someone said they'd like to see unicorns in Minecraft and the reasoning was "Sexual tendencies in general". The mute was only 30mins so I'm not complaining about that, but it comes down to the fact that my first mute wasn't sexual and because of that mute (and the immaturity of my own actions when it came to my second mute) I now have "sexual tendencies in general" on my record when a player /seen 's me and when a mod checks my records, which isn't true. I just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time whenever I do decide to do something inappropriate, so now if I say something like my first mute in general chat again I have no doubt my next mute will be for two hours or something around there which I don't find to be fair.
I do on the other hand agree with the strictness of the general chat muteings but at the same time so much of the really horrid vulgar stuff gets through and the innocent derp jokes that are made vague enough that minors wont understand them get punished.
But I guess I should really just not say anything sexual at all in general and not have to worry about this in the first place >w< Anyway~ Sorry for the wall of text and the seemingly pointlessness of this post because I doubt it applies to many. Anyway I hope you get my point ^^
Eh I see only one fault in that (This probably only applies to 10% of the Massive population though so no need to take me very seriously on this.) I have been muted for saying "*Holds Rok's hand* Hey baby~" in general after they asked someone to hold their hand and I got an hour mute for that saying "sexual phrases in general" or somethin' like that. I personally have no idea what was wrong with saying that seeing as there was nothing else sexual being said in general at the time and nothing hinting to the fact that it could of been a sexual pun. (Which it wasn't meant to be sexual at all)
My next mute I'm pretty sure I deserved, I don't remember what I said exactly, but I do remember that about three other people were saying some incredibly sexual and vulgar things repeatedly in general chat and I, being the immature young teen I am, joined in and said one thing as a reply to one of them then got muted for an hour. I wasn't upset about my mute because I deserved it (I think q_q I still don't remember what I said) but I went to /seen some of the others who were saying vulgar inappropriate stuff repeatedly and a mute didn't show up on theres. So after that I was pretty butthurt about the mute system because that was my second bad mark on my record (which was completely clean for my first year on Massive) when the first wasn't even something worth muting over in my opinion and the person who I said it to's opinion. (Me and Rok were in a skype call at the time of the first mute)
My next and most recent mute was me saying "penicorn" in general when someone said they'd like to see unicorns in Minecraft and the reasoning was "Sexual tendencies in general". The mute was only 30mins so I'm not complaining about that, but it comes down to the fact that my first mute wasn't sexual and because of that mute (and the immaturity of my own actions when it came to my second mute) I now have "sexual tendencies in general" on my record when a player /seen 's me and when a mod checks my records, which isn't true. I just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time whenever I do decide to do something inappropriate, so now if I say something like my first mute in general chat again I have no doubt my next mute will be for two hours or something around there which I don't find to be fair.
I do on the other hand agree with the strictness of the general chat muteings but at the same time so much of the really horrid vulgar stuff gets through and the innocent derp jokes that are made vague enough that minors wont understand them get punished.
But I guess I should really just not say anything sexual at all in general and not have to worry about this in the first place >w< Anyway~ Sorry for the wall of text and the seemingly pointlessness of this post because I doubt it applies to many. Anyway I hope you get my point ^^

Yes, but I do take it on a case by case basis. If I know your general reputation beforehand, the process I mentioned is modified. What I wrote doesn't apply to everyone, but if it's someone I've never had to interact with nor know anything about OR (on the opposing end) if it's someone that has a history of causing issues, I go by said process.
I personally have my own personal way of handling mutes which marks the severity with which I will mute someone. If I see something mute worthy I go through a process.

1. I check the person for previous mutes. I see If they have been muted before, what for, and for how long. What I see here determines step 2, except in some cases where outstanding actions call for more severity.

2. First time offenders get hit with either a warning or a 30 minute mute depending on content. Some obvious wrong chats (very case by case) get this as well.
Prior mutes of 15 minutes or less get a 30 minute mute.
Prior mutes of 20 or 30 minutes get a 1 hr mute.
Prior mutes of 1 hr get a 3 hr mute.
Prior mutes of 3 hrs get a 1 day mute.
Prior mutes of 1 day get a 3 day mute.
Past this point I start dishing out temp bans.

Other staff have their own systems of judgement, but this is mine. I can make decisions pretty quickly and efficiently this way when I am moderating the chats. I don't typically moderate the chats closely (namely general that I don't) so if I see something offensive it is because it either stood out or someone else found it offensive and pointed it out.

Tom and imboring have pointed out already, very well, why the rule change was implemented.

If people don't want to get muted for something offensive, then they simply should keep it out of the global chats.

:/ I don't know. I got muted for a hour for calling someone "stupid nut".
:/ I don't know. I got muted for a hour for calling someone "stupid nut".

Hence why I said I take it on a case by case basis.

As I said before, "If I know your general reputation beforehand, the process I mentioned is modified. What I wrote doesn't apply to everyone, but if it's someone I've never had to interact with nor know anything about OR (on the opposing end) if it's someone that has a history of causing issues, I go by said process. "

It all depends on the situation, the extent of the offense, and who committed it.
Hence why I said I take it on a case by case basis.

As I said before, "If I know your general reputation beforehand, the process I mentioned is modified. What I wrote doesn't apply to everyone, but if it's someone I've never had to interact with nor know anything about OR (on the opposing end) if it's someone that has a history of causing issues, I go by said process. "

It all depends on the situation, the extent of the offense, and who committed it.

This is why we all love you, Omnom.~
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