All the races being deleted really limits players
All the races deleted had extremely low player bases, in the range of like literally 2 for some.
I feel that people look back at this "earlier" time of Massive with really thick rose tinted glasses. Did Massive have more races? Sure. But that doesn't mean they were good. A lot of early concepts were flawed, or just downright unpopular. Also abused. Remember the Avarr? A bird race, 7ft tall and stronger than Orcs. KOS, and all I can remember is people powergaming and trolling with them. I remember when Thylan were retired- So many people complained, but
not a single person actually played a Thylan. I feel like chances are people would play these beastly races for like a month as a fad- It always happens- and then go back to their standard Ailor/Elven characters.
I'm going to do a random sample off the first page for character reviews as an example.
Out of 40 sheets, there following races were present:
- 13 Ailor
- 6 Altalar
- 3 Kathar
- 3 Cielothar
- 2 Sihndar
- 2 Isldar
- 2 Slizzar
- 1 Avanthar
- 1 Maraya
- 1 Orc
- 1 Varran
- 1 Half-Varran
- 1 Half-Elf
- 1 Url
- 1 Qadir
- 1 Yanar
Which means from my sample...
32% of the sample plays Ailor.
42% of the sample plays an Elven race.
17% of the sample plays Other (Slizzar, Maraya, Orc, Varran, Url, Yanar).
And these aren't all main characters either. There were like five apps from mroof so the results are skewed.
Alternative races aren't as popular as the core races. This is very simple.
I remember back when Maraya were actual bugs. They could be giant wasps, moths, anything. Complete bugs. People played the heck out of them back then.
Rose tinted glasses. The Vespid weren't that popular outside of a small group. There was a small cult essentially that came along with them, but nothing comparable to the Ailor/Elven playerbase.
It's always fun to have lots of races, and sure, Massive may have had more in the past. But that was from a time where the server was heavily disorganized and can't even hold a candle to what it is now. The lore wasn't as detailed, and there were holes, many many holes. As of now, the server is streamlined and concise. Adding more races would spread out the already large race pool.
We literally have 18 races. Don't believe me?
- Ailor
- Ch'ien-ji/Shihai
- Dwarf
- Qadir
- Songaskian
- Altalar
- Avanthar
- Cielothar
- Sihndar
- Isldar
- Kathar
- Yanar
- Allar
- Slizzar
- Varran
- Orc
- Url
This isn't even including subraces, which would make the listen even longer. 18 races is INSANE for a server such as Massive. I really don't think we need any more furry races, or scalies, or monsters. We have enough. To add more would over saturate the already saturated race pool. The fact is, people like playing the familiar. Abstract race concepts do not fly well, and it shows in numbers. Release hype usually makes things feel much more popular than they actually are, and you end up with a race that may be "cool", but once that bandwagon passes, the numbers drop.
Thus, I do not think it is worth devoting manpower to creating another race to add on top of the 18, when there are other areas of lore that could actually use the time and effort to be worked upon and brought up to MassiveCraft's current standard.
abstract races aren't popular we don't need more weird races, it won't do anything.