Archived Something Has To Be Done...

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
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Something has to be done about this silly Role Players that constantly play as either Zombies, Vampires or the Lich King. Just today I took this screen shot. There should be some rules new players have to read basically saying not to mention people like Herobrine ect. Also no stupid skin, this same guy had a lich king skin. Some rules have to be done before the server is overrun with people like this. I'm not trying to be rude, but we have to help them and guide them.
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No. Nothing has to be done other than messaging them helpful advice, we do not punish people for being inexperienced.
Oh so you don't wan to tell them the rules at the beginning so we can avoid future problems?
Moajority of people that role play in that sense don't care to read all the lore when they first start, forcing people to read lore when they join would, at least I believe, drive people away, seeing as this isn't just a role play server.
Moajority of people that role play in that sense don't care to read all the lore when they first start, forcing people to read lore when they join would, at least I believe, drive people away, seeing as this isn't just a role play server.

If they don't want to follow that's their problem, it's quite asinine to not try to stop problems before they happen. Things have rules, you /have/ to follow them.
Not sure it's quite the same issue, but someone in the tavern ran over to me in full diamond armour and spammed the fireball spell a few times, then ran off... annoying, to say the least.
Well if someone has the fireball spell then they obviously didn't just join, because they would have to be prem. I think people not being lore compliant when they first join and begin RPing is being slightly different issue...
Having rules against merely being unaware of the lore will absolutely make potentially skilled roleplayers leave the server. Just offer them advice. There's no need to punish them for it.
I agree - all it would take is a single sign somewhere in between the Universe Spawn and the Medieval Spawn saying "Don't steal from other games/stories during roleplay." would be amazingly useful. And anyone who doesn't listen can get ranted at by the rest of the people until they do, because that's what they've earned.

Also, I think removal of the /ignore feature would be beneficial... or at the least, removal of it for players who haven't been online for at least 1 month. Then they have no choice but to accept advice that's given.
indeed but i think a sign stating "you are no herobrine nor a sprakling vampire fairy" would help i think XD
True. Maybe there should be a sign near the initial spawn saying "It would be appreciated if you would act within what is lore compliant, which means no demi-gods, vampire kings or other somewhat out there things. By doing this, you help keep the roleplay environment more enjoyable to the veteran players and rp-ers." Or something like that.
If they don't want to follow that's their problem, it's quite asinine to not try to stop problems before they happen. Things have rules, you /have/ to follow them.

It isn't illegal to be in-lore compliant. It's like telling someone they can't PvP because they don't know how to strafe someone, or refill their potions quickly, people will see you as unskilled but it shouldn't be illegal to be oblivious.
It isn't illegal to be in-lore compliant. It's like telling someone they can't PvP because they don't know how to strafe someone, or refill their potions quickly, people will see you as unskilled but it shouldn't be illegal to be oblivious.

I never said it was illegal, we need to prevent this...stuff...that is happening. Simply looking it over will help nothing and in fact make it worse. When there's a bleeding wound do you try to stop it up?
There's really no way against it. All I can see are new players running past the sign, blissfully unaware of it. All you have to do is give them a friendly heads-up, and if they ignore you, that's their problem for not taking helpful advice. If they don't want your advice, they obviously don't want to stay.
I never said it was illegal, we need to prevent this...stuff...that is happening. Simply looking it over will help nothing and in fact make it worse. When there's a bleeding wound do you try to stop it up?

You really think this generation of people will take their time to read through the Lore when they first join the server?
You really think this generation of people will take their time to read through the Lore when they first join the server?
this is not about reading lore, we are talking about a simple sign stating tht you aren't herobrine or so, it doesn't harm and you don't force people to read lore
this is not about reading lore, we are talking about a simple sign stating tht you aren't herobrine or so, it doesn't harm and you don't force people to read lore
Herobrine is just a small snippet of what people try to Roleplay, there are many other rediculous things people try to Roleplay as, you need much more than as sign. The best way to fix this and message the player that they can't Roleplay as such things in a friendly way.
Herobrine is just a small snippet of what people try to Roleplay, there are many other rediculous things people try to Roleplay as, you need much more than as sign. The best way to fix this and message the player that they can't Roleplay as such things in a friendly way.
indeed it would take more then a sign but it's a start
If they had punished people who did not read lore in the beginning, I wouldn't have been here. In the beginning of MC, I wore too many Nyan Cat skins. Literally. I didn't even bother reading the lore. In the beginning, I really didn't give a damn about anyone.

And here I am. Why am I still here? It's because people gave me advices, instead of forcing rules about skins and how I role-play.
I never said it was illegal, we need to prevent this...stuff...that is happening. Simply looking it over will help nothing and in fact make it worse. When there's a bleeding wound do you try to stop it up?
When there is a bleeding wound, do you try to punish it?

Don't yell or scream at people who have just started, all you are doing is ruining THEIR chances and how you look to them. When someone joins, most have a strong prejudice. The first players they meet, they will base a big hunk of the player base off of. If you disrespect them and leave them no chance besides immediately punishing them, what have you done?

I disagree to punishing new roleplayers, the best thing we can do is try and help them as much as we can. Being non-lore compliant as fine, so long as it isn't anything hugely ridiculous like being Herobrine, in which they will have advice sought to them. I started as a horrible roleplayer, and it took one player who was strongly patient and respected my actions who gave me advice and let me become an actual roleplayer, and they were also the reason I didn't go so inactive so quickly because of my first roleplay "Incident."
Give them a chance, and they might give you a sense of true talent.
You can give all the notifications and information you need, it may inform more people of what they are doing wrong, but anyone can easily ignore advice given to them.
I think the first thing you should do is message them in a polite way, and explain what you think they're doing wrong. Everyone has their own choice, and so it's impossible to control such vast amounts of people.
Not everyone wants to stick to lore, either because they don't know it exists, or choose not to notice it. I think (as well as a sign) there should be orderly appearing posts in chat, like the ones that already exist, saying something like:

"Please try to be polite and not interrupt roleplays."
or "Have you read the lore?- If you want to roleplay, I'd suggest reading it here: [Link to wiki]" etc.

You can only ever decrease the number of people who god-rp, or call themselves silly things, you can never completely rid of it, but I think a message now and again could nudge people that want to learn in the right direction, showing them the lore and what they may be doing wrong. (Perhaps adding Roleplay rules to the wiki also?- So people who do find interest in reading the lore, can also come to grips with god-rp and how to avoid that sort of thing).
Would you suggest we jail/punish these players? you need to remember we have a VERY varied community on massive from age ranges and background etc. not all like roleplay or know how to and some are perhaps too young to understand they cant be certain things.

We in no way should start punishing for what they believe might not be wrong.
As said multiple times it takes little to no time to simply say " hey i know your enjoying your rp but perhaps take a look at this? [link to releveant thread] this will help enrich your experience and allow you to get better involved compliantly"

Some may say "bugger off i r herobrinez" but thats what /mt c is for :) staff are always here to help players in need.

We all had to start somewhere and im sure weve all been the op dinosaur void demon of herobrine at some point in our rpness, just cut them some slack.
When there is a bleeding wound, do you try to punish it?

Don't yell or scream at people who have just started, all you are doing is ruining THEIR chances and how you look to them. When someone joins, most have a strong prejudice. The first players they meet, they will base a big hunk of the player base off of. If you disrespect them and leave them no chance besides immediately punishing them, what have you done?

I disagree to punishing new roleplayers, the best thing we can do is try and help them as much as we can. Being non-lore compliant as fine, so long as it isn't anything hugely ridiculous like being Herobrine, in which they will have advice sought to them. I started as a horrible roleplayer, and it took one player who was strongly patient and respected my actions who gave me advice and let me become an actual roleplayer, and they were also the reason I didn't go so inactive so quickly because of my first roleplay "Incident."
Give them a chance, and they might give you a sense of true talent.

Not trying to punish them, simply trying to help and guide them. Maybe a /warp rphelp with a couple of signs to guide them?
Not trying to punish them, simply trying to help and guide them. Maybe a /warp rphelp with a couple of signs to guide them?
It would take many signs to help just one person, and who would actually go there?
If there is no contact to another player, most people will not feel the initiative to go there and do anything, because it's just boring reading something out instead of doing it with another person.
I'd like to put my input here as I feel it to be a topic that I'm strongly related to. -sigh- Okay. Here's all the embarrassment.
When I first joined Massive I was guided by my sister. The one agreement that we had made was that in order for me to join the server I had to play as her character's grandma figure. Yeahh. My first character was a 73 year old woman named Edith River - something who died by falling asleep.
Well... This is where it gets worse. After the week I played as Edith and promptly killed her off I slipped out of the grasp of my sister's guidance as she had/still has little patience for me. I became a lycan. A ridiculously embarrassing female werewolf thing that had wolf ears and a tail that could 'Transform' into her said 'wolf form'. If someone told me harshly "Go read the rules!" Or "Wow, stop being such a flupping idiot!" I probably would have cried. A lot. And then end up ignoring that because Puffy would get pissed for me crying. Anyway.
My point is. I was a major noob. And still am to this day. Sure I read the lore and try my best with grammar but I'm still learning. I am far from perfect and yes it's embarrassing. Yes I probably regret writing this all but no criticism did anything good for me. No rule signs. No nothing that seemed enforcing. The only reason that I am learning/growing as a role player is through my friends I have gained. Kinda gentle help, and constructive criticism. And there is a person sitting behind that screen. Those "noobs" are people too. People who may be sensitive. People who may cry when others insult them or say a bunch of curses and mean things. I'd just would like to say,
We've all been there.
They're people too.
If you can help them with a kind, open heart, then do so.

Because I know that I try to.
Without @xXFallenNinjaXx I probably wouldn't be the role player I am. I don't know why but seeing all these people who have helped me @commanderpizza and @Damon Sictor. Especially have helped me. I look up to others as role models. All it took was a gentle nudge and I'm still on my way.
I'd like to put my input here as I feel it to be a topic that I'm strongly related to. -sigh- Okay. Here's all the embarrassment.
When I first joined Massive I was guided by my sister. The one agreement that we had made was that in order for me to join the server I had to play as her character's grandma figure. Yeahh. My first character was a 73 year old woman named Edith River - something who died by falling asleep.
Well... This is where it gets worse. After the week I played as Edith and promptly killed her off I slipped out of the grasp of my sister's guidance as she had/still has little patience for me. I became a lycan. A ridiculously embarrassing female werewolf thing that had wolf ears and a tail that could 'Transform' into her said 'wolf form'. If someone told me harshly "Go read the rules!" Or "Wow, stop being such a flupping idiot!" I probably would have cried. A lot. And then end up ignoring that because Puffy would get pissed for me crying. Anyway.
My point is. I was a major noob. And still am to this day. Sure I read the lore and try my best with grammar but I'm still learning. I am far from perfect and yes it's embarrassing. Yes I probably regret writing this all but no criticism did anything good for me. No rule signs. No nothing that seemed enforcing. The only reason that I am learning/growing as a role player is through my friends I have gained. Kinda gentle help, and constructive criticism. And there is a person sitting behind that screen. Those "noobs" are people too. People who may be sensitive. People who may cry when others insult them or say a bunch of curses and mean things. I'd just would like to say,
We've all been there.
They're people too.
If you can help them with a kind, open heart, then do so.

Because I know that I try to.
Without @xXFallenNinjaXx I probably wouldn't be the role player I am. I don't know why but seeing all these people who have helped me @commanderpizza and @Damon Sictor. Especially have helped me. I look up to others as role models. All it took was a gentle nudge and I'm still on my way.
When I first joined, I sucked at roleplaying, like most people. Of course, there were people who said, "Kill yourself." or "Delete the game, you stupid friendgot." Usually, noobs would leave, fed up with all of the insults. Yet, when you're nice to other players, or you meet like a role model who helps you learn rp better, it gets fun, and you stop being a noob. I am now better at roleplaying than I was and I still got many things to fully understand. @ConfinedPandora was the one that really gave me the chance, I learned from her and made more friends on the server.

Give people a chance, because you were definitely given one.

And if you're going to be one of those people who insult noobs, then so be it. They will probably become great role players one day, and you will have to apologize.
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