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Solidarity Bull Of June 16th, 308ac


Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
Church of Solidarity Bull of the Sixteenth of June, 308 AC

Head Reverend Wilhelm Hiberson


Curae I- Canonization of Heron of Yanar


| Curae I- Canonization of Heron of Yanar |

The Church of Solidarity ordains Chengis as Chengis the Selfless, Heron of Yanar. The 29th of May will be dedicated to him and he will be included among the Herons of the Sword for his sacrifice for the Empire during the last hours of the catastrophe known as the Clicker Crisis.

Chengis was raised to be a faithful and charitable Unionist. He served as a guard in the Arcanum and as security prior to him giving his life for the Empire. This yanar has served others by doing his duty as well as doing other charitable tasks like help with cleaning without being asked.

When the call came for the guards to pave the way to the Clickers' Lair, Chengis did not hesitate to volunteer. Before the Clickers could be defeated, the explosives that were there needed to be set off so a proper attack could proceed. Due to ill planning, one had to stay behind so that the others could escape alive. Chengis stepped up to the task so that others may live.

He was caring, hard-working, selfless, strong, and above all one who was meek and humble before the Spirit. For these reasons does this church declare him as a new Heron. It is our belief that people should be mindful of the welfare and well-being of their neighbors and also be willing to lay down their lives for the Spirit and the Empire.

May we always remember the sacrifices that the dead have paid so that we may live.

Oratario Paean.