Archived Small Buff To Vampires

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
Concerning Vampires
So this has been a very controversial topic over the past year. If you didn't know, vampires were brought back to Massive around February 2015. People complained for several months about vampires due to their excessive damage output and the fact that they're nearly impossible to kill during night time. Eventually the PvP community came to a mutual agreement to not use vampires, this was successful for the remainder of the time they existed. Eventually in the fall they were removed.

The damage was ridiculous at times and people were getting 2 shot

They were added back though some time ago and in my opinion are under powered. I personally enjoyed playing as a vampire last year, but could agree it was very unfair for non vampires to the point where some were carrying half an inventory of holy water (anti-vamp potion) during raids just to be able to compete. I personally, and I know people will disagree with this, would like to a see a slight buff in Vampires. I think it is a very fun and unique plugin and we could find balance for it. I'm going to compare what pros and cons playing as a vampire had, from back then, to how they are now, and then make suggestions for a possible balance.

Jump 5
If I remember correctly +50% damage while blood-lusting
Night vision
Truce to all mobs
Infect enemies with Vampirism
Feed off of hitting enemies

Burn in sunlight
Poison in sunlight
Slowness in sunlight
You're basically dead in sunlight.
Can be debuffed badly when hit by holy water

Speed 2
Jump 2
15% damage with melee weapon
Night Vision
Truce to all mobs
Infect enemies with Vampirism
Feed off of hitting enemies
Burn in sunlight

Poison in sunlight
Slowness in sunlight
You're basically dead in sunlight still
Can be debuffed badly when hit by holy water

Vampires did not have Healthboost, Absorption, Resistance or Strike Immune buffs as trait users would usually have but were still able to be tanky by the use of McMMO Potions. Its even debatable that they were just as tanky as trait users because they were so hard to hit, running around with speed and jump 5. Now though, all of the vampire abilities are obtainable by traits. The advantages they had before no longer exist.

My Idea for a Potential Balance
In my opinion, the biggest advantage vampires had was that they were much more agile than trait users. Maybe their speed could be increased to 3? I think its worth trying, but I know there's quite a few people who hate vampires (@jquaile) and would not like to see them as playable again. Post your opinions please :)

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As long as they incorporate the Holy trait into the plugin I would be fine with them being buffed. Holy water should not only incapacitate it should also cause damage and people running Holy should take 50% less damage and deal 50% more. I'm also fine with making Holy trait a few more points so it's not OP.
Haha I'm in the video, I remember that fight.
We will not reimplement the vampire plugin as it was, it causes to much hassle and issues. In the end if we were to do anything we would re-code the entire plugin instead but if we will is up in the air. We put the vampire plugin abilities to be the same as traits because they should not be overpowered.
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