Slumberwood Family Staff


The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground


The Slumberwood house staff has several positions and different duties. Extremely selective, the Slumberwood family, though it is not known to the public, mainly hire vampires as their staff. While some can be non-vampires, they are accepted with scrutiny and have fewer privileges in the Slumberwood Estate. In a way, the Slumberwood Staff is a coven, members being loyal to the family as vampires are to desprinces. The family only accepts Alais, Shilot, Mivver, Zikiel or Barghest.


Chancellor: Filled
  • The Chancellor handles Diplomacy and keeping good graces with other Aristocrats as well as nobility.
  • Should have at least 10 Diplomatic Case Skill
Marshal: Filled
  • The Marshal deals with the families military and as an adviser on war matters
  • Should have at least have 10 Command or General Tactics Skill
Steward: No one
  • The Steward handles financial investments and keeping track of coin as well as going on financial missions.
  • Should have at least 10 Financial Case Skill
Spymaster: Filled
  • The spymaster gathers information and handles intrigue related activities
  • Should have a proficiency build for spying/stealth/lying
Court Mage: No one
  • The Court Mage is a magical adviser as well as a magic user themselves.
  • Should be a sorcerer or be able to pretend to be one. (IE a Zikiel or Mivver) Should also have magical knowledge
Minor Titles
Court Entertainer: Lorthel Marcela Anthrol @_Grimmy_
  • An entertainer. Whether it be through music, comedy or other means.
  • Should have at least 15 points invested in an art such as musical arts.
Court Physician: No one
  • A private doctor for the Slumberwood family and staff
  • Should have at least 20 medical sciences and preferably alchemy sciences as well.
Court Smithy: No one
  • A private blacksmith for the Slumberwood family
  • Should have at least 15 Metallurgy Sciences and preferably finecraft sciences as well.
Court Painter: No one
  • Paint stuff for the family
  • Preferably to have some points in Visual Arts
House Guard
Captain: No one
  • Head of the house Guard
  • Should have at least 15 points in a weapon and 10 Squad Tactics Skill
Guards: No one
  • Guards
  • Should have at least 10 points in a weapon
Estate Staff
Butler: No one
  • Head of the Estate Staff.
  • Preferred to have points in labour training or bodycare training
Footmen/Maids: No one
  • General staff, cleaners, ect.
  • Preferred to have points in labour training or bodycare training
  • Members:
Chef: No one
  • The head cook for the family, leading the other cooks
  • Cooks:
    • Should have at least 10 points invested in Culinary Arts
  • Should have at least 15 points invested in Culinary Arts
If you are applying, remember that it is preferred that your character is a vampire. If your character is not a vampire, more than likely you will not be accepted. Most non-vampire characters accepted into the Slumberwood Staff will be done outside of applications and more than likely in character. After applying I will message you on discord and set up a meeting between Damon and your character to see how they jive. If I like your rp, I'll accept you as staff. Do not assume that your character knows the family are vampires or visa versa until we discuss it.

What is your Discord:
Name of Character:
Approved Character Application:
Position applying for:
Do you have experience with Noble RP:
Do you have experience with Vampire RP:
IC Letter:
Last edited:
IGN: KytilSeren
What is your Discord: KytilSeren#0516
Name of Character: Zaide Dalsian
Approved Character Application:[x]
Position applying for: Guard
Do you have experience with Noble RP: Yes
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: Yes
IC Letter:

"To the house of Slumberwood, I heard from within the Regalian sewers that you are seeking members of vampiric nature to join you. I have such experience in combat and I am willing to join you. If you require my immediate presence, you may send a letter back to me.

I am skilled with and without a blade, but I also use mutations specific to my bloodline to have advantages. I am also quite athletic. I do eagerly await your reply."
IGN: KytilSeren
What is your Discord: KytilSeren#0516
Name of Character: Zaide Dalsian
Approved Character Application:[x]
Position applying for: Guard
Do you have experience with Noble RP: Yes
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: Yes
IC Letter:

"To the house of Slumberwood, I heard from within the Regalian sewers that you are seeking members of vampiric nature to join you. I have such experience in combat and I am willing to join you. If you require my immediate presence, you may send a letter back to me.

I am skilled with and without a blade, but I also use mutations specific to my bloodline to have advantages. I am also quite athletic. I do eagerly await your reply."
Rejected - not taking crimson witches as stated on the thread and the vampiric nature of the family and who they hire is also not known as stated on the thread
What is your Discord: FemFem#5624

Name of Character:
Myrin Kraok

Approved Character Application:

Position applying for: Court Physician

Do you have experience with Noble RP: I have absolutely none.

Do you have experience with Vampire RP: I do! I once was part of Lord Immortal's coven back in V4! I also lead my own coven at the beginning of V5. But I never had time for it. I was once also part of Magivore's coven for a while. Got him information on guards and etc, seeing I was a guard vampiric bish.

IC Letter:

"To lovely house Slumberwood,

I am sending this letter to apply to be your Court Physician. I have no work, but I am highly skilled. I have studied all my life in the art of healing. I have sorcery that permits me to heal those with a simple touch as well. I can heal internal bleeding. I can help house Slumberwood and I am willingly to be at your will.

On a tiny side note, I can cook as well.

With all care and health, Myrin Kraok"

OOC NOTE: He's not a vampire, but he once was. But that doesn't matter I bet. So oh well. O3O He's a pretty altalar boi tho.

IGN: TheJohnDouglas

What is your Discord: garbage#9569

Name of Character: John See'nn (Ra'ie K'sai'm See'nn)

Approved Character Application: John See'nn

Position applying for: Cook

Do you have experience with Noble RP: Nope!
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: A tad bit. I used to play a vampire a while back, but I've since stopped since I want to play characters that are a lot more friendly and giving, rather than the vampire mentality.

IC Letter:

"To House Slumberwood,
Greetings! I hope you'll take into consideration giving me a position as a cook in your wondrous house! I've recently found my way into Regalia, and I'm hoping to find any suitable employment that fits my only real talent, which is cooking. I'm not that aged, and I've not much work experience, however I'm willing to perform other tasks and chores alongside food and drink preparation! Any conditions of work are suitable for me, as long as I can work. In the case I'm given a position, I'll work full effort to improve not only the quality of your food, but hopefully your general well-being as well.

May your house forever prosper,
John See'nn"
IGN: TheJohnDouglas

What is your Discord: garbage#9569

Name of Character: John See'nn (Ra'ie K'sai'm See'nn)

Approved Character Application: John See'nn

Position applying for: Cook

Do you have experience with Noble RP: Nope!
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: A tad bit. I used to play a vampire a while back, but I've since stopped since I want to play characters that are a lot more friendly and giving, rather than the vampire mentality.

IC Letter:

"To House Slumberwood,
Greetings! I hope you'll take into consideration giving me a position as a cook in your wondrous house! I've recently found my way into Regalia, and I'm hoping to find any suitable employment that fits my only real talent, which is cooking. I'm not that aged, and I've not much work experience, however I'm willing to perform other tasks and chores alongside food and drink preparation! Any conditions of work are suitable for me, as long as I can work. In the case I'm given a position, I'll work full effort to improve not only the quality of your food, but hopefully your general well-being as well.

May your house forever prosper,
John See'nn"
I know we talked a little bit about status as a vampire, but still yet, him not being one is an issue. Also since you're relatively new back to the server (Welcome back btw) I'd rather you spend some more time on before I accept you. For now the application is rejected though I may contact you in the future.
Mobile apps are fun...
IGN: _Grimmy_
What is your Discord: Grim#5448
Name of Character: Lorthel Marcela Anthrol
Approved Character Application: bloop
Position applying for: Court Entertainer
Do you have experience with Noble RP: kinda,not really. I've had proper etiquette beaten into me.
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: Yes, but it's been a while and shift in char archetype/ playstyle.
IC Letter:
To the most prestigious House Slumberwood,
I, Lorthel Marcela Anthrol, am writing this letter to inform you of my wishes to serve in your court. I am a professionally trained entertainer and commander hailing from Rumvalia. My specialty lies in stage performances and I am adept at portraying non-animate characters. I am completely willing to serve in a commanding or similar if such is necessary.
May prosperity shine upon you.
IGN: Nocoa
What is your Discord: Nocoa#5157
Name of Character: Aya
Approved Character Application:Áya.81836
Position applying for: Physician
Do you have experience with Noble RP: Roleplayed with nobles but not as one.
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: Roleplayed with vampires but not as one.
IC Letter:
Damon Slumberwood,

Upon searching for work outside of my very own clinic I was informed of your interest in hiring a Physician. I'm a medical academy graduate who continues to study as well as teach my craft. My skills are refined and I take pride in my medical knowledge. The other tools in my skillset may peek your interest to be of use in certain situations.. If you're curious I'd love to meet with you in person to discuss.
IGN: Mini_Femmie
What is your Discord: Mini Femmie#5624
Name of Character: Phyrra Shamaris
Approved Character Application:
Position applying for: cook, possibly second entertainer? I dunno either works!
Do you have experience with Noble RP: I have absolutely none besides from a few bad experiences IC and OOC that I don't like talking about.
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: I haven't roleplayed as a vampire in a while but I would love to get back into it. I was part of Don D. Dread's coven in V4- and I was part of Magivore's with my character Cyrus Goodwin in V5.
IC Letter:

"Dear whomever this meets of house Slumberwood,

I am in need of great work. Something to make myself stable in life. I have others in my household to support and I will to do any form of work for your household. I can cook, and entertain."
IGN: Paganizm
What is your Discord: Yog-Sothoth#6596
Name of Character: Narcisa Vadzenov
Approved Character Application: HeNlO
Position applying for: Guard
Do you have experience with Noble RP: Not much at all.
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: Plenty, one of my first characters was a vampire for a long while, and had plenty of other vampire characters in the past.
IC Letter:
The letter appear to have been written in Ânnore.
"Dear house Slumberwood,
My name is Narcisa Andrei Vadzenov, I am an Ailor girl born in Rumvalia. My skills are mostly in the Longsword, in which the position I request is indeed Guard.
I hope you may consider hiring me,
Narcisa Vadzenov
IGN: Mavromino
What is your Discord: Mavromino#4630
Name of Character: Jahangir Mooriyi
Approved Character Application:
Position applying for: Steward
Do you have experience with Noble RP: No
Do you have experience with Vampire RP: A little? Not much though
IC Letter: "Dear House Slumberwood,
I shall keep this brief, as a courtesy, and simply state I wish to enquire about the Steward position for your most noble of houses. However, I would benefit from meeting you before any work is formally arranged as I wish to ensure we are of a compatible mind.
Yours sincerely, Jahangir Mooriyi.
IGN: ThePear
Character Name: Jack Velcantine
Staff Position: Court Physician
Character App:
Discord: ThePeer#2356
Experience with Vampire RP: Yes
Experience with Noble RP: A little
IC Letter:
To Lord Slumberwood
Hello, I am writing this letter due to my interest in getting the position of Court Physician in your Noble House. I have heard many positive things about your noble house from two people I know personally, Rachelle Vautour Van Vichten, and Octavia Dimir, I was recommended to finding work here by both of these people. You may have heard of me before from the incident that took place on the roof of your estate, but I comment that it does not reflect what I will be doing in my working state, and I was not in control during it. I have nearly 11 Years of experience in the medical field and I promise you will not be disappointed in my abilities. All of my medical abilities do not rely on magic, for I am entirely mundane, allowing me to be more flexible when it comes to healing, I know that I can not instantly heal wounds, but I am very capable of performing surgeries, closing wounds via mundane methods, curing a verity of simple diseases, and a plethora of more abilities. I hope that you consider me for employment in your house for if you do, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.
From Jack Velcantine