Archived Slow Down Massiverestore

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Aug 14, 2015
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Currently MassiveRestore goes through maps at a rate of 7-10 seconds/chunk, taking about a month to restore a world. This is a suggestion to slow down MassiveRestore to four months (I was originally gonna suggest 6 or 3, but 4 seems a good balance).


MassiveRestore is great for keeping the land clean and pristine but it kinda makes the world boring. There's nothing to explore out there other than natural terrain, which gets monotonous after a while. There's no ruins or abandoned towns filled with goodies to loot or secret passages to explore. No sense of history or civilization or activity. (Yes, you can explore factions, but since they're claimed, access is pretty limited)

I feel knowing that the world gets reset every month might be a bit of a turn-off for some players. If I recall, the average length of stay for a MassiveCraft player is about three months. Thus, I suggest that MassiveRestore be slowed down to at least three months. I was gonna suggest six months since only resetting twice a year seems semi-permanent for the average Minecraft server, which makes the whole resetting deal less scary. Then I settled on four, just so griefing and ugly stuff aren't around for too long, and 4 months means a year is evenly split into three restores.

This would give players the chance to build and play in the faction worlds without having to worry about resets, and without having to scramble to create a faction to claim their land, and then dealing with taxes and whatnot. They can just... build! These first three months can be like a trial for players; if they feel like staying, they'd hopefully be familiar enough with the server by then to create a faction to claim their land. Hopefully by giving them this longer breathing period, players can relax more and thus be more encouraged to stay.

More ideas I thought of:
- Creates a niche for the explorer/scavenger types.
- Also creates a niche for the sole survivalist and private type who want to live off the grid without a faction claim to advertise their position.
- Avoids enforcing the notion that you have to be bound inside your own faction box. Perhaps will encourage more travelling.

Terrain grief is the biggest problem with a slower restore time. But this can be alleviated with player effort if we can occasionally patrol the worlds and fix up grief ourselves, perhaps even decorating it after doing so. We can take down pillars, refill holes, and so on. We can beautify griefed builds into overgrown ruins. This can be a source of more global player activity. I intend to run a faction solely devoted to this purpose should this suggestion be accepted.

Further things to think about:
New players will have a different perspective than existing players. For existing players, the change is 1 month to 4 months, they can judge for themselves how they feel about that. For new players, the change is a four month restore from no restore at all, assuming they've either never played on servers before or their old server doesn't have restores.
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I support this and the reason behind it it nicely done.

Players can make hidden bases without having to worry that they will lose everything after one month. This extended trial period gives people incentive to explore, while also saving money to purchase a faction (should they choose the not join an existing one and somehow can't vote or do quests)

I recall my own faction experiences on many servers, and every time I find some isolated place and dig a hole to hide in, storing farming equipment until I can form a faction. It's the beginner ritual, and should be doable on massive (besides massivemobs, but light up the hole)
+1 i can make cool things and people go :O time 2 go all indiana jones
Some of my favorite memories of pre-MassiveRestore gameplay are exploring old ruins. Finding an old journal or a secret stash of named items was always fun. Like unraveling clues in a mystery. What was this place? Who lived here?
+1 I love this, The worlds wouldnt get too gunked up after only a couple months :)
I wouldn't go farther than 2 or 3. But yeah, 1 month is kinda short.
As long as it gets slowed, I suppose I shouldn't really be concerned with the specific time. But for the sake of brainstorming, lemme argue anyway.

How about 100 days between each restore? That's a nice even number, a little over three months, and the same as the maximum amount of days before the Faction inactivity kick.

Going on my own feelings, if I were told the world gets reset once a month, that'd be the same as hearing that it resets tomorrow, not very appealing. Two or three months is better, but there's still a looming threat of the restore. Four months is what I'd consider past the threshold for "a long time away" and not something to be concerned about.

Plus, four months is about the amount of time from the beginning of Summer break to the end at Fall.
Or the beginning of the school year in Fall up until Winter break.
Or the resuming of the school year after Winter break up until the end of the school year at the beginning of Summer break.
Just something I want to throw out here. Most faction servers have a complete server reset every 3-4 months and that works well for them so why wouldn't a unclaimed restore every 3-4 months work for us?
I completely agree, for years I played vanilla servers and it was gratifying to find an old base and wondering what was here or who lived here?? I remember in ellador checking out old ruins of once impressive castles and towns and wondering, what happened to the people who once built this, did they leave the server or where they forced from here?? Old castles were fun to explore as it had a sense of history and you wondered what great battles occurred here. It would make the server that tad more enjoyable if massive restore was slowed down, the current massive restore, restores builds/castles in random chunks and when you go to claim it you have zero clue of what piece fits together, it would be nice to be able to claim old castles or towns from the past without this issue and when they do restore the build restores in one whole go instead of a long painful lingering process.
I like this idea. It would give more time to tear down things like unclaimed faction cities for resources and all that.
+1 btw
I like this idea. It would give more time to tear down things like unclaimed faction cities for resources and all that.

To be fair there are many many gorgeous builds that massive restore literally rips apart. I would rather put my energy into claiming and reviving them than ripping them apart for materials, allot of massives faction bases are steeped in history primarily because 99% are not big ugly vanilla minecraft obsidian forts or block houses. Items are cheap enough in salemslot to remedy even the need for tearing down builds except the block houses ofcourse ;)
Though as a caution to this idea, nerd poles, massive grief (no pun intended) to forests etc and the such would put me off the idea
Though as a caution to this idea, nerd poles, massive grief (no pun intended) to forests etc and the such would put me off the idea
Terrain grief is probably the strongest argument against this idea, yes, as well as the extra burden of tickets that would be made by players wanting areas restored.

EDIT: One solution would be to gather some players to occasionally patrol the worlds and fix grief by ourselves. I intend to do this with my own faction at the least.
I don't really have any solutions to that, except for the hopes that this suggestion might attract enough survivalists/players to offset the cons of terrain grief. Or, perhaps MassiveRestore can be set to cycle faster around the spawn areas while deeper regions cycle slower.

This may be too optimistic, but this might also create another niche for players who want to help around and fix the terrain themselves, just like the project to fix Daendroc in ye olden days.
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Terrain grief is probably the strongest argument against this idea, yes, as well as the extra burden of tickets that would be made by players wanting areas restored.

I don't really have any solutions to that, except for the hopes that this suggestion might attract enough survivalists/players to offset the cons of terrain grief. Or, perhaps MassiveRestore can be set to cycle faster around the spawn areas while deeper regions cycle slower.

In fairness the only place you ever do see wide spread grief is around the spawns, I am anything but a coder or a map builder so I know very very little of how a maps mechanics works, maybe it is possible to slow it down, maybe not, but as I described elsewhere above It would be enjoyable to see more old builds and more old civilisations
I like this idea. It would give more time to tear down things like unclaimed faction cities for resources and all that.
Such as factions needing to tear down and rebuild in a different place, I mean. Or even giving more time for other factions to gather the money or acquire permission to claim the land they've found, etcetera.
This may be too optimistic, but this might also create another niche for players who want to help around and fix the terrain themselves, just like the project to fix Daendroc in ye olden days.
Heck, I'd be willing to make this the purpose of my faction and have members periodically patrol spawn and clean up grief, perhaps even adding additional decoration. It'd be a constant source of player activity.

And I shall call it: MiniRestore
Heck, I'm even starting to think of some lore to go along with it.
MassiveRestore is the god-deity that returns the land to natural pristine. Only by erecting a Faction claim-barrier can this force of nature be stopped. But a deal is made between MassiveRestore and the denizens of the world. The deity will slow down, allowing people to build outside faction barriers for longer periods. In return, Worshippers who call themselves the MiniRestore act as caretakers who help clean up the world in stead. I will need to build a shrine to MassiveRestore.
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Heck, I'd be willing to make this the purpose of my faction and have members periodically patrol spawn and clean up grief, perhaps even adding additional decoration. It'd be a constant source of player activity.

And I shall call it: MiniRestore
Heck, I'm even starting to think of some lore to go along with it.
MassiveRestore is the god-deity that returns the land to natural pristine. Only by erecting a Faction claim-barrier can this force of nature be stopped. But a deal is made between MassiveRestore and the denizens of the world. The deity will slow down, allowing people to build outside faction barriers for longer periods. In return, Worshippers who call themselves the MiniRestore act as caretakers who help clean up the world in stead. I will need to build a shrine to MassiveRestore.

Lmao I can agree with this one
This has been discussed among Direction staff and we are in agreement with this feature suggestion. We have asked Tech Staff to delay MassiveRestore to 6 months. We will provide an update when this is actually implemented.
MassiveRestore is now configured to restore over a 6 month period in all worlds except KOTH.
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