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- Jan 24, 2016
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Full Name: Siralli (Daevaar) Toktokibu Kuning
Shortened: Siralli Toktokibu
Alias: Dr. Kuning
Race:.........Allar | Kyat, Pelayaran
Eye Color: Pale Yellow
Occult:...... N/A
…. Kelompok, or the group of focused Religions:
.....N/A | Occasionally favors Dragon Worship, Estellon, or the most fitting Religion when asked. They are not one for worship or reverence unless magically-influenced to do so, and thus choose specific deities on a whim.
A textbook mad scientist with a penchant for manipulation, Siralli can come off as heavily idiosyncratic to others. They adhere to the common philosophies of their race for the most part, but have distanced from following it to the letter in recent years with Regalian interference on Hadarian society and their non-Allar connections. Morality is something that waxes and wanes but hardly disappears as a mask for the Allar. Genuine loyalty is hard to come by, but is almost unshakable when someone finds it. Siralli will go to unending lengths to do what they set out for, although what they set out to do is often arbitrary or unclear.
Summary: May be deemed cowardly, untrustworthy, or cruel in their methods of attaining what they want. What do they want? Aside from discoveries of the natural world, they may not know.
Strength 0
Constitution 0
Arcane 7 [OUTDATED]
…. Chem Enrange | Chem Endure | Chem Cleanse | Chem Berserk | Chem Revive | Chem Feeding
Wisdom 5
…. Enchant Shift [OUTDATED]
…. Tech Sanction | Tech Barrier | Tech Stim | Hook Shot
Dexterity 2
…. Dirty Fighter | Close Save
Faith 0
Proficiency Racials: Allar
…. Building Scale
…. Debuff Endurance
Tech Branch | Chemtech
Affliction | Inactive
Fluent | Pidato, Zoram, Saan, Common
Conversational | Sinnayed, Faraddi, Droque, Ibeth, Shalota
Phrases | Sofaal, Altalar
Mutations . | A singular mutation, in the form of a permanent pumpkin-shaped scar they cannot regenerate away. It may be hidden or embellished. [Gained circa 306 AC (2018)]
Scars .......... | A surprisingly prevalent thing on the Allar due to their interactions with volatile magic and alchemy. Most are too subtle to note.
Tattoos ....... | Intricate Alchemical formulas are tattooed into the Allar's back, and flecks beside their eyes. Made with a specific type of ink that can shift colors.
Technology | Siralli is not hesitant to modify themselves with technology, and most consistently have biotics for voice modulation and hearing.
Body | Siralli is a wiry Kyat-Allar just barely standing at a height of 5'3. Their entire form could easily be compared to that of an Armadillo Girdled Lizard, down to the head proportions and spiky, segmented tail longer than their legs. Their teeth are big and carnivorous however, with dark brown claws they either manipulate carefully or cover in a durable sheath-like fabric. They can be extended further in times of stress. The Allar's coloration is almost desert-like with its composition of dusty yellows, oranges and browns. Lighter colors in softer areas, darker on the outside and ends of their limbs.
Clothes and Accessories | The first and foremost priorities for Siralli in their garb is utility and comfort. They have a tendency to wear older Hadarian styles or incorporate it into clothing fitting the dress code of other cultures, with a wide variety of accepted colors. The Kyat is never without a satchel or some sort of bag to carry their numerous alchemical concoctions or devices in, and have a tendency for a couple either glass or golden accessories. They will have other types of outfits tailored to their anatomy should social convention require it.
Eye Color: Light yellow | Scale Color: Yellow and orange to a dusty brown
Clothing: Comfortable and Utilitarian | Height: 5'3 | Build: Spindly
Hatching and Childhood
- Eiko hatched on the back of a turtle circling Osstissa, Hadar- to a Slizzar and Ksat-Allar pair by the names of Etsu and Toktok. It wasn't until later that they discovered that, by some coincidence of genetics, they did not hatch as a Slizzar like their twin, Siralli.
- Eiko spent their childhood in a happy and relatively normal manner for being part of a Digmaan that fervently followed the image and beliefs of the Yellow Water Dragons, otherwise known as Zanobi. This was within the framework of the wider Hadarian unigost philosophy, Keyakinan. Due to the cultish Digmaan thoroughly mixing with that of the Slizzar and occasionally making stops at other islands, they grew up with tales and knowledge of the outside world. The young Kyat-Allar took an early interest in the use of Alchemy for offense.
Young Adult
- Several weeks after turning eighteen, Eiko knew that the visions and changes that came to their twin were not going to visit them. While this came with mixed feelings, the two only reinforced their bond. With the support of their family's connections, they went traveling together across continents to help re-establish their ide1ntities. It was difficult at times, as many locations did not have a signed language and the two could not always successfully communicate with the populace through what they'd picked up of speech.
- In the end, it appeared to be a blessing in disguise for Eiko to have hatched an Allar. Siralli, without regeneration and a potentially congenital disease, had begun to decline to a point where the two had to return home after several years. It wasn't an instant passing- Siralli had enough time to experience love and family as they'd always wanted to-, but it was shorter than either of them would have liked. As a last wish, Eiko took Siralli's identity unto themselves, shedding their own name in favor of carrying on their sibling's. While they didn't travel far due to their new familial responsibilities, the Kyat still moved about fairly often to work on various projects.
Chrysant War and After
- Siralli was in their forties and living comfortably with their family when Osstissa was suddenly bombarded by giant ships approaching the coastline. In the ground-shuttering chaos and flame, the Kyat's world crumbled around them. They tried to salvage what they could, but it wasn't enough. Many lives were lost, all were maimed. The only reason Siralli survived the first night was due to the sacrifice of their father. The next five years of their existence were spent fighting back in whatever rage-fueled way they could think of, and by the end of it they were expelled from their homeland with their soul barely intact due to rioting, betrayed Allar who'd been alerted to their born identity of a Slizzar.
- Aimless in their venturing, Siralli stumbled across technology that could give them a sense of hearing. The rest of the years in this time period were partially concentrated on learning to speak and understand the languages they knew- with vocal technology to assist. This is when they turned their scientific knowledge to focus more on healing for a change, too. It was the Bone Horror crisis that led them to board a fleeing ship.
The Holy Empire
- Their initial arrival to the Regalian Empire was not planned nor expected; the ship had simply found itself approaching the land and took its chances with docking. Once they realized where they were, the Allar attempted to flee. Alas, they did not have the resources. So, they found themselves stuck there, temporarily. It was not long before they learned the current state of affairs between the Empire and Hadar, and decided it may be more beneficial to stay and see what could be accomplished there. Events unfolded and bonds were made and reconnected, and they soon found themselves settling down further as a few years went by. The Allar now seeks to fulfill and reignite their passions in this land, through the opportunities presented.
For more,
…. Hatched January 22nd, Choosing their Name 'Day' to be March 32nd.
…. Has a myriad of pets. The one they are closest to is an orange and white sticky-fingered Mongoose named Mata Tangan. It's barely domesticated.
…. Has an 'aquatic' variation, in which some of their spiked scales extend to reveal fins and others flatten for heightened hydrodynamic qualities. They hardly use this trait, as they prefer dry land.
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