Archived Simple: /status

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
This idea if fairly simple, but it could be useful for normal players and staff alike.

/status set (status) - sets a status message.
/status on/off - toggles status messages on and off.

Status would be an automated reply that is sent instantly when someone /msg's you when it is on. For example:

conflicttftw > Fenlee: "hey sah ;3"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."
conflicttftw > Fenlee: "wow I cri </4 ;o;"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."
conflicttftw > Fenlee: "ok i get it god"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."

As an example of this being used in a game already: Anyone who has played World of Warcraft has probably used this. It could be used to say anything from "Im busy not talking right now." to "Im afk, check back later." ETC

Very handy, and it should be pretty simple to code, very light weight.

EDIT: Bonus points for if a player's status is shown in their /show while on.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
conflicttftw > Fenlee: "hey sah ;3"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."
conflicttftw > Fenlee: "wow I cri </4 ;o;"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."
conflicttftw > Fenlee: "ok i get it god"
Fenlee > conflicttftw: (Status) "I am afk, if you need me get on teamspeak. Unless your conf, then go away."
Would we be able to use "you're" instead of "your" when it is grammatically correct?
I like it. Should appear on /player.