Why is my SilverEdge plot claimed?
Now will a moderator say cause ir not followed guidelines
That is not true it was in downtown and bot had a garden and a chimney
1 last note i tried many times get known about my plot was good enough but all team members ignored me.
Building a pillar of stonebrick on top of the roof is not really a chimney and the rest of the plot is just flat cobble with a basement and some trees.
You still have some time to fix the last 2 chunks of your plot but the one I took from you will be lost. I didn't see any real effort from you trying to fix the plot except the small pillar of stonebrick that is clearly not a chimney. Make use of what you now have. The rules of SilverEdge will be enforced even harder so I sugest you fix your plot if you want to keep it.
Ok ninja i see your point but i thought some trees some grass and some flowers was good enough for a garden. And the stonebrick chimney was good enough for 6 months ago. + i tried many time get a staff member to tell me about my plot was good enough i not got any answer and i thought it was okay. If you told me this 7 days ago had i fixed it
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