Archived Silent Faction Changes

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Yeah that
Staff member
Tech 2
Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I feel as though when faction leadership is changed, it can prove rather disruptive/unneeded when displayed in chat. Sometimes it is nice to see if faction leadership is changed, other times, not so much.

Allow leadership changes to be silent if desired by allowing the command run to be silent.

Command flags, for example the //paste and the //paste -a command in WorldEdit have two different results.

If someone runs the following command
/f leader (name) -s
The faction leadership change would be silent and not disruptive.

If the faction leadership change was wanted to be known by the players, say <important faction> has a new leader, the change could be visible to chat.

This would also be beneficial for disbands as well.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
But why?
People should get to know that stuff.
I would prefer that people could disable the messages they receive not the ones they send.
But yes it could be useful in some occasions
to everyone that thinks that this is a bad idea, even if it is for one second
-poinst towarsd teh spam fest of faction disbanding when there was a small bug and your chat got spammed to no end with "facction x has dibbanded"- nuf said
to everyone that thinks that this is a bad idea, even if it is for one second
-poinst towarsd teh spam fest of faction disbanding when there was a small bug and your chat got spammed to no end with "facction x has dibbanded"- nuf said
Vearoth. Enough said.
I agree, but if there is a way so that only people in the faction see it, instead of it being completely invisible, it would be better.
to everyone that thinks that this is a bad idea, even if it is for one second
-poinst towarsd teh spam fest of faction disbanding when there was a small bug and your chat got spammed to no end with "facction x has dibbanded"- nuf said
That was an auto disband.
I personally think it would be a lovely addition to get rid of the public announcement in chat of a change in ownership of one faction.

Although it may be useful to some extent, it sometimes serves as an annoyance when people constantly change their factions ownership, not because they are doing it is the problem, but because we have to see them doing it over and over again.

@Madus, I do not feel like the community of massivecraft benefits off of seeing faction leadership changed. People sometimes do it off of mere leaving of factions which can be important, but at the same time people do it to simply set /f homes, transfer items, temporarily join factions due to raids and such, ect... and at the end of the day It would just be nice for only the people within the faction to see the transfer of leadership.
@suzzie2 it seems this has been

(i deply regret givving you those gifs, next time i find good ones i keep'm :P)
so let's now stop this derailment mkay? this be a wonderfull idea and it would be something bad if this got locked because of the derailment


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@suzzie2 it seems this has been

(i deply regret givving you those gifs, next time i find good ones i keep'm :P)
so let's now stop this derailment mkay? this be a wonderfull idea and it would be something bad if this got locked because of the derailment
Which you have continued by posting that.

-_- I honestly have no clue why anyone would rate you winner for literally continuing what others had stopped

On topic;
@Jackson413 would this not cause sneaky leadership changes? Meaning there would be factions where the titles made it look like everyone was the leader, and there'd be honestly no way to find out unless they spoke in alliance?
All, cease your derailment attempts. Consequences will result. The suggestions section is a more serious area of the forums and the behavior that has been displayed is inappropriate.

Thou hath been warned.

@Jack_The_Unseen , yes, it would cause sneaky leadership changes. That would be cool, no?
All, cease your derailment attempts. Consequences will result. The suggestions section is a more serious area of the forums and the behavior that has been displayed is inappropriate.

Thou hath been warned.

@Jack_The_Unseen , yes, it would cause sneaky leadership changes. That would be cool, no?
It certainly would, to be honest.

Just imagine... You're invited to a lovely wedding at an ally's faction. You show up, and everything is nice...
Something's weird though... The gate's being closed, and people are wearing armour...
/f f ALLY
Your worst enemy is the leader of the faction, and the description has been changed to: "The Lannisters send their regards."
Suddenly; they /enemy; and a massive epic battle breaks out as guests frantically attempt to run away, or fight back.​

Make it so you can toggle wether you see it maybe?
All, cease your derailment attempts. Consequences will result. The suggestions section is a more serious area of the forums and the behavior that has been displayed is inappropriate.

Thou hath been warned.

@Jack_The_Unseen , yes, it would cause sneaky leadership changes. That would be cool, no?
You mean You have be warned. We aren't in old englaaaand
Anyway. So this applies to auto-disbands too, riiiight?