Preserved Sheet Sigurna Of Avoya

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Audacity Vendor
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score



⇹ - ⇹ Full Name: Sigurna Julia Feliz Wodenstaff, or Sigurna of Avoya

⇹ - ⇹ Age: 30

⇹ - ⇹ Gender: Female

⇹ - ⇹ Race: Ailor - Daendroque Culture

⇹ - ⇹ Sexuality: Chronosexual


"But it is no use to justify yourself. It is no good to explain. It is weak to be anecdotal. It is wise to conceal the past even if there is nothing to conceal. A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires."

Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall


⇹ - ⇹ Total Points: 60 (Fifty base points, Ten for hobby points) ⇹ - ⇹

Talents and Abilities

Pathfinding Arts - 15 (15 from points)
Theater Arts - 10 (10 Hobby Points)
Dancing Arts - 7
Perception Training - 10 (5 from points, 5 culture boost)
Dagger Combat - 6
Performance Arts - 5
Government Forgery Pack - 3
Slight of Hand Pack - 3
Guard Forgery Pack - 3
Language Arts - Daen - 3

⇹ - ⇹ Racial Abilities ⇹ - ⇹​
Omniaware 1

⇹ - ⇹ Physical Stat: 23 | Toned Body Shape with Average Body Fat ⇹ - ⇹

⇹ - ⇹ Languages: Common, Daen, Dressalo (Language of her Homeland) ⇹ - ⇹

She speaks three languages; Daendroque, Common, and Dressolini. She speaks Common formally, in reflection of her stepmother's unrelenting training in etiquette. When ruffled or thrown off, there will be a hint of rolled Rs and the small return of her accent. The family tends to speak Daen to each other when at home, and not in front of others.


⇹ - ⇹ Visual Information ⇹ - ⇹

Eye Color: Pea green

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Worn partially up in extravagant and luxurious styles

Skin Color: Pale ailor pink with olive undertones

Clothing Style: Often in her signature bold red dresses, Sigurna wears opulent fabrics in draping, clean lines.

Height: 5'3














@Ghirko and @Jack_Castle



Sigurna has almond-shaped, upturned eyes. Thick set lashes that are often accentuated by a kohl lining. Her mouth is generous, with her bottom lip slightly larger than the top. A shorter neck than would be considered elegant, and a pert chin that is framed by average cheekbones, and rosy cheeks.

On the short side of women's height, her curves can be highlighted when she wears the clothing of her homeland. Corseted, in the imperial fashion, her body can lose some of the curves that can be stereotypically Daendroque. Thin shouldered, a pair of scars mar her right shoulder. With exaggerated hips and chest, the rest of her is kept in shape due to daily exercise and her habit of walking when in the city, and her enjoyment of the fresh air when the weather is obliging. Her hands are a typical noblewoman's, showing no wear or evidence of manual labor.

Sigurna has typically worn the fashions of wherever she lands. Long dresses with high waistlines, exaggerated collars, and puffed, slashed sleeves. When business calls for her to be in Regalia, she typically wears dresses styled in Imperial fashion. It's rare to see her outside of her favorite color - scarlet red. However, during official functions, she sports the house colors of blue and green. Besides her wedding ring and a pair of earrings, she only tends to wear magnificent jewellry during special occasions. Her everyday dress is far more simple, and she prefers to adorn herself with smaller gold pieces, such as her marigold brooch.



⇹ - ⇹ Musica ⇹ - ⇹


⇹ - ⇹ Character Alignment: Chaotic Good ⇹ - ⇹

⇹ - ⇹ Character Personality Type: Consul ⇹ - ⇹

⇹ - ⇹ Character Religion: Unionism, The Vular Schism ⇹ - ⇹​

Instead of doing the provided questions, I thought it would be fun to have my character fill out the Proust Questionnaire - a famous series of questions asked to celebrities, politicians, and artists.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being with my family in perfect comfort and peace.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your greatest fear?

No longer having the ability to fight for what I believe in and watching the world pass by.

⇹ - ⇹ What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?


⇹ - ⇹ What is the trait you most deplore in others?


⇹ - ⇹ Which living person do you most admire?

My own son, Lyndon. His innocence, curiosity, and pure joy remind me that these virtues exist in the world.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your greatest extravagance?

My baths. I have bespoke oils handmade by a parfumier and alchemist. I insist on a copper tub, especial tea leaves served that are hand-selected and mixed in the flavors I enjoy, and use only silk for the washing linens.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your current state of mind?

A restlessness that comes after a long period of peace.

⇹ - ⇹ What do you consider the most overrated virtue?


⇹ - ⇹ On what occasion do you lie?

When it is preferable to the truth.

⇹ - ⇹ What do you most dislike about your appearance?

My short stature.

⇹ - ⇹ Which living person do you most despise?

I have been lucky enough to see my enemies dead before me. Any revulsion I have is saved for deeds, not people.

⇹ - ⇹ What is the quality you most like in a man?


⇹ - ⇹ What is the quality you most like in a woman?


⇹ - ⇹ Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

I often qualify my opinion with a question or inquiry as to its clarity. A trick to ease people into the comfort of thinking your way.

⇹ - ⇹ What or who is the greatest love of your life?

As of this moment, the greatest love of my life are my children.

⇹ - ⇹ When and where were you happiest?

Stepping off the ship La Tempesta in January of 306 and walking into my own door.

⇹ - ⇹ Which talent would you most like to have?


⇹ - ⇹ If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

To grant myself more patience.

⇹ - ⇹ What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My participation in events that helped save a great many people, or helping to lead the Empire.

⇹ - ⇹ If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?

I hope I have earned my time in paradise when I die, but if I am cursed to come back, at least let me be attractive, whatever it is.

⇹ - ⇹ Where would you most like to live?

On a coastal retreat.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your most treasured possession?

An enamel pin shaped as a marigold.

⇹ - ⇹ What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

To be removed from opportunity of action.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your favorite occupation?

Restaurant reviewer.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your most marked characteristic?

A very sharp tongue.

⇹ - ⇹ What do you most value in your friends?


⇹ - ⇹ Who are your favorite writers?

The philosopher Glideon.

⇹ - ⇹ Who is your hero of fiction?

Who doesn't love the Baroness herself, in the t'hoterie novels?

⇹ - ⇹ Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Besides myself, I suppose the famous Amelie D'fer

⇹ - ⇹ Who are your heroes in real life?

My heroes are the many people who've I've witnessed truly sacrifice for the greater good over the years.

⇹ - ⇹ What are your favorite names?

Lyndon and Aurelia.

⇹ - ⇹ What is it that you most dislike?

Vanity for vanity's sake.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your greatest regret?

That I yielded when I should have struck.

⇹ - ⇹ How would you like to die?

Peacefully, in my own bed, knowing my children are happy.

⇹ - ⇹ What is your motto?

Alis volat propriis – She Flies with her own Wings


⇹ - ⇹ Life Story ⇹ - ⇹

Sigurna Wodenstaff is the daughter of Leif and Julia Wodenstaff. From the beginning, Sigurna did not fit the traditional stereotyped Daenshore woman. The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, wilful, lusty with life, distinctly at variance with her decorous demeanor. On the exterior, she appeared poised and feminine, like her stepmother, but her personality was her father's. In fact, as the only daughter, she grew up a tomboy, riding horses, climbing trees, and throwing rocks as well as any of the neighborhood boys and slave children whose companionship she preferred to that of her cousins and other girls. As a result of her headstrong and impetuous nature, she found the road to ladyhood hard. She possessed sharp intelligence, but also was self-willed, vain and obstinate. Her early childhood was spent being raised with her brothers on the family land in Daenshore. Prior to her father's third marriage – her education was left mostly to tutors who taught the children reading, languages, and sums necessary for the running of estates. When Sigurna wasn't in lessons with her siblings, the group of them would explore the forest surrounding the family home. Hanging off of the steward, the guard, and running away from various nannies left them with an education of the inner workings of an estate, which Sigurna found infinitely more interesting than her more formal studies. But as she grew, so did her responsibilities. Leif Wodenstaff ensured that all of his children would be able to competently run businesses and their holdings. Sigurna attended the Narlas School of Commerce from the ages of 13-15, then quickly enrolled in the Regalian Statesman Academy from 16-19.

Sigurna was raised with her four brothers by her father and stepmother. Sigurna's mother died giving birth to her younger brother, Torbin. When her father married again, it was to a beautiful, ambitious woman, Dania, who instilled Sigurna with manners, aspirations, and pressure to rise through the social ranks of the aristocracy. Her father, Leif, was a man who wished to see his family and people thrive through accumulated wealth and cunning. Sigurna attended the Narlas College of Commerce, as well as the Regalian Statesman Academy.

As his daughter grew, Leif decided it was time to pass along the family titles. Sigurna arrived in Regalia in 304 to represent her family to the Empire. Having been given the mantle of heir to the family titles, and control of their fortunes, Sigurna's goals also include bringing stability to the family and ensuring that future generations can be taken care of, and given opportunities. As the city was taken over by the Undead Freya Lo, Sigurna inserted herself into the Undead Queen's court, spying for resistance operatives in Regalia, and eventually fighting to free the city. Over the course of the years she ascended to the role of Finance Minister of the Empire, Consul of Regalia, and then as the head of the Regalian Safeguard organization, assisting in empire wide disaster relief - eventually returning back to Naserna as the Viscountess of Naserna.

After retiring to her home, Sigurna's lands were in relative peace until the press of the Anahera cabal forced their way in without notice or action from the Empire. Finding no assistance from the current government, Sigurna turned to the Iron Duke, and willingly joined his dominion to keep out the Anahera's. She now functions as a governor of Avoya and has her place in the Iron Duke Lampero's court as his advisor. With her children off to school, Sigurna has decided to visit the capital again; this time with the hopes that this visit comes with much less tumult than the last.

⇹ - ⇹ Progression Points: Rogue 2, Warrior 1 ⇹ - ⇹
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Peer Review
no salt intended
Hello again I will be doing a peer review for you today, I hope this helps you.
Hello and welcome to MassiveCraft, I will be your host, and fear not, as no App is without flaw.
  • This is a Colon ":" put them between the words and the sentences describing them.
  • Some formatting usage for better readability could be the bolding of Information listings.
  • Ailor, by itself does not describe the Culture or Ethnic strain of Human she is. Try finding a culture in the Aloraian universe you think she fits in best with. Alt-Regalian (German), or Ithanian (French) would not be bad picks given her hair and eye color.
Other then that this is a very well done Application that took me a bit to Review, due to its lack of flaws.
The Unionist Church. She blames this religion for the downfall of her family. She refuses to attend services, and tries to avoid the clergy. She'll rarely be found around the church grounds, and it is with a hard-set jaw that she gives blessings, in an attempt to avoid trouble with the authorities.
Sucre dislikes tea? Huh. Love this app. (Might be because Sucre's a smexy beast though)

Usually see these go from Peer review to Staff review in a day or two and this one was peer reviewed about 5 days ago. It didn't fall in the cracks did it? Sucre is already quite active and getting in trouble with the rest of the rawkus Laveer crew so we all hope she can be approved soon! :)
I am reviewing this sheet!

Mercenary isn't neccesarily a weakness. Either explain how it's a weakness to her as a character or don't include it.

Easily led, I find to be a bit of a copout. That is rarely played upon in-game, so I'll insist it's removed and replaced by another mental, or physical weakness.

Touch on how good she is with the switchblade, or how bad. Or if she's just a commoner with a weapon.

Fantastic life story. Tag me when you're done @SpunSugar
"others to do her dirty work"

*wild mob of commoners with torches and pitch forks amass in Regalia*


My sun, moon, and stars - just a quick update due to IC events and a general cleanup. Changes marked in green.

Thank you!
In retrospect I dunno if I like the mercenary weakness. Doing what's lucrative is a hell of a strength too. Remove it and add a different weakness.

Tag me when you're done
Putting this up for review again. Due to extensive rewrites of some traits, strengths, and weaknesses, and overall sprucing up, asking for a full re-review.
@SpunSugar Review Ready! Gonna skip the pleasantries and get straight to it:

The Character has a Turall Fighter level skill, but nowhere in the backstory is it mentioned why she chose to train herself, when she did this, nor does it seem to connect to her Body build. She has the right build, but as the Turall page implies, the first few levels involve an excessive regiment of fitness and agility exercises. How does this play into her daily responsibilities? Why is her body build curvaceous? Most Turall Bladesmen regardless of skill level would classify as the body build "Ripped". This is obviously not something you'd want for your character I assume, so try to find some other middle ground. I'm getting a really disharmonious sense from it like it was just thrown in there to give her some self defense capabilities without properly integrating it into the backstory or concept.

I feel like the hairstyle doesn't compliment the character. When I get this whole "shrewd business lady/femme fatale/lady who don't take no for an answer" I don't imagine unruly long hair that would otherwise make her appear like a peasant girl. Perhaps try some more upclass updos? It's not the hair length that matters, more so the presentation in this case that I feel causes harm in the conceptual design.

I feel like the Anxious personality trait can be worded differently, perhaps "Perfectionist" or "Meticulous". The Anxious trait isn't entirely explained, certainly it sets the stage adequately for a negative confidence lacking response when things don't go her way, but in the way it is explained, the trait more so resembles her overall behavior, as opposed it being a thing that causes her anxiety all the time.

Perhaps expand on the Foolhardy weakness in how it relates to her perfectionism or meticulousness, and how that segways into paranoia if things don't go her way. Would she bottle up an issue because she is afraid of the consequences to bring it up for example?

I feel the Self Centered weakness is effectively the same as fearful, just differently worded. I feel like the matter of ill-experience might suit her better as a weakness. She is running a business and a Viscounty, two massive things, and she barely has any experience. This ill-experience might cause her to invest in bad business, or become subject to bad plots, which would accurately portray as a weakness.

A quick sidenote that may be fun to play with in RP: For her weakness of headaches, set a cooking timer or stopwatch to count ever hour or so, and then perform a /dice roll. 1 to 20. Above 10 could trigger a headache, from 11 being the leash bothersome to 20 being debilitating if you really want that random muck-up RP experience.

While this is not mandatory, it is my understanding Sigurna is a secret Old Gods worshiper. Maybe? Even if she isn't, it might be good for you to spend about a paragraph expanding under the expanded personality to highlight how she feels about her religion, how she feels about it in relation to other religions, how she feels to it in relation to state religion, how she views the supposed divinity of the Emperor, and if she has a deviating religion from Unionism, to what lengths she goes to hide it, and how she feels about the breakdown of her religion around her. This is purely optional, but I've always found it really helpful in general to have this sort of stuff pinned down.

In line with what is said above, it may also be interesting to pin down a section for her beliefs about the Divine right of nobility to rule, how she interprets the right being "borrowed" from the Emperor, and how she sees herself in a position of power over the common people. Again, optional.

Another optional addition: Declare somewhere in expanded Basic Information which languages she speaks, this is relevant due to noble education.
assigned to @Doc_Cantank

Should be a quick one, Marty became engaged in something else and cannot finish. Can you look over Marty's review and the edits and approve or continue the review? I would do this, but Spun is in my faction.
Putting this back up for full review, as this is the first time this character sheet has been done under the recent guidelines.
Bumping as added Statesmanship Schools permissions, as well as aging accordingly.
Have updated the application to reflect the recent proficiency changes.
Edited for the change of point gains. So many reviewers of the years, someone pick one.
Alright after intense mathematics, the numbers check out. This character sheet is approved.

Proficiencies, Personality, that's all correct. Nothing on the app needs to be changed to get approved, so approving, but I will make two notes for your consideration on app quality/character direction.

In the final sentences of the Life Story, perhaps consider both a primary and secondary goal for the character while visiting the Capital. The primary can be what they ostensibly are there for, and what they may be more public about (Curry the favor of the Chancellor for future manipulation via the Iron Duke, perhaps?) and the secondary goal may be more personal. Consider if she has a grudge against someone in the Capital that needs addressing, or if there's a more personal goal for her while in the capital this time around.

Maybe the Life Story isn't the place for it, and maybe there is nowhere on the app that is, but. Sigurna is Chaotic Good. On her own wings shall she fly, and all that. She advises the Iron Duke. She has a tangible connection to the idea of power and plays with the divine right of nobility to rule through her very identity right now, so consider how she feels about power in a more general sense. Perhaps look back through the life story and point out what her Financial Titles meant to her, or what her absence from the Capital has meant and changed her.

This application needs a reviewer. Someone...anyone?
Bumping this again as it in need of a reviewer.
@BillyTheScruffy I've updated the app to remove the educational school points, buying the slight of hand pack and the guard forgery pack, and then also added the appropriate progression points.