Archived Ships, Yes, Ships.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
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So I was discussing this idea last night with a coupe of buddies. Basically there is a plugin out for bukkit called ships. I have tested it, it runs very smooth, is updating to 1.7, has nearly no lag, and doesn't mess up oceans when players ride through them. What I suggest, implement this with only having admins the ability to create ships. Make a thread auctioning off 5-10 ships, starting bid would be 30,000 regals. Only for the super rich, so they aren't abused by noobs, and only 5 are made. Once the winner of each auction is decided, (they would have the do 5 seperate auctions) the winner could hire someone to make a ship, or get a designated world staff to build one. The ship would have to be approved by an admin, and then the controls would be added in and it would be moved fr the grid to whatever world the person desires. This would add a lot more role play to the server, and it could be pretty cool for trading routes to be set up for regalia and such. Again this is lag free, configurable so boats can't fly, and doesn't mess up the oceans. When it would come time for a world to be deleted, the ship would be moved. The plugin is seen here. (Ships can be made non editable once they are turned into moving ship) I have seen tons of other servers implement this with no problem, and I believe it would be a great new option for MassiveCraft!
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I think there was a similar idea, but someone was saying that there should be applications to have a ship, like we do with character applications. Which means only moderators can make them, you just need to apply to get your own boat.
While I think this is a fantastic idea, there are a few things I think should be changed in your proposal.

Instead of only a select few ships being auctioned off by the admins, I believe that everyone should be able to create the hull of the ship. Then they can have it be reviewed by a staff member, and the staff can then add controls to it and make it movable if the ship seems acceptable. I don't think that getting a ship rigged should cost 30,000 regals, as that would only let the super rich of the server have all the fun.

Otherwise, this seems like a good idea.
The ship would have to be approved by an admin

Then they can have it be reviewed by a staff member, and the staff can then add controls to it and make it movable if the ship seems acceptable.

Imagine at the least, half the active people on MassiveCraft wanting a ship. Even if a large price requirement is added, still a lot of people. Imagine how much work the staff would have to do approving people's ships when they could be doing something like building for a new world or help tickets. My only concern is the amount of staff time it would take.
Imagine at the least, half the active people on MassiveCraft wanting a ship. Even if a large price requirement is added, still a lot of people. Imagine how much work the staff would have to do approving people's ships when they could be doing something like building for a new world or help tickets. My only concern is the amount of staff time it would take.

Well the role-play staff have a lot of character applications to approve. So I propose that a new section in the team, the "Ship Staff" be implemented. Their job is to review ship applications and then rig ships.
Well the role-play staff have a lot of character applications to approve. So I propose that a new section in the team, the "Ship Staff" be implemented. Their job is to review ship applications and then rig ships.

Not trying to sound harsh, but I think that would be pretty dumb. It would be a group of staff that do one thing and one thing only. If anything, I think the group of staff that would have to check ships would be world.
Imagine at the least, half the active people on MassiveCraft wanting a ship. Even if a large price requirement is added, still a lot of people. Imagine how much work the staff would have to do approving people's ships when they could be doing something like building for a new world or help tickets. My only concern is the amount of staff time it would take.
Please read the thread, there would only be 5 ships made for the highest bidders.
Only 5-10 people, these should be ultra rare. I imagine the bids would go as high as 100k
This would cause so many people to be jealous, it would be unreal. Could you imagine?
They could still join a crew of a ship, and it is their problem if they don't have enough. I am jealous I am not rich/ well known enough to go to be signed up to go to space when virgin releases their commercial space program, and so are lots of other people. This doesn't mean that they will stop sending people. Please justify rating my post disagree?
  • How do you keep the ships safe? I mean is it claimed or what?
  • What if you hit on land, will the ship stop before that happens or?
  • Can this be used in the current worlds?
But think about how many groups there actually are that would use these vessels.
Members of the Regalian Navy
Members of Various other navies
Members of factions who would want a ship or two to defend their base.
Members of pirate groups who would use these ships to loot and plunder upon the high seas.
Any large pvp faction would probably love to use these ships to help with raiding, seeing how you can put cannons on ships.
My own race, the Naga, would love to use nagan vessels to sail around the waters. And as cool as I think it would be, the amount of pressure it would put on the staff would not make it worth while. I like your idea, but I don't think it would be worth the amount of work the staff would have to go through. And if this was implemented, limiting it in the way you seem to want to is a terrible idea.
I hope you modify your proposal so it's more reasonable, but I am glad you found the plugin in the first place.
Please justify rating my post disagree?
  • I feel it would be more hassle than it is worth. Only a small number of people would use them.
  • You say it's lag free on other servers. I would imagine MassiveCraft is different. You can't guarantee 0% lag.
  • I feel it would take up too much staff time to implement it and then monitor its effects. Time the staff could be using on developing new worlds, doing help tickets, etc etc.
Therefore, justified.
  • I feel it would be more hassle than it is worth. Only a small number of people would use them.
  • You say it's lag free on other servers. I would imagine MassiveCraft is different. You can't guarantee 0% lag.
  • I feel it would take up too much staff time to implement it and then monitor its effects. Time the staff could be using on developing new worlds, doing help tickets, etc etc.
Therefore, justified.
All the staff would really do was set up an auction on the forums, I set this up on my test server, running off a tiny mac book air. I put a lot of plugins on it like massive's and then did the boats and it was over 15 tps… On a server run by a mac. I can almost guarantee no lag. Also I imagine lots of people would flock to the ships, making up large crews. Almost everyone I have chatted with says they would love this, even if they didn't get to have a ship.
I do not like this idea because of two words, Faction claims. So, lets say I get one of these five boats and since I want to keep it, I claim the land (or water) it was built on. Now lets say I want to use this boat to go on an adventure. The boat starts to move and what happens? Do the claims move with it? What if I go into another faction's claims? Do my boat claims override their sea claims? Can They destroy my ship because I wandered into their claims? Can I build under my ship when it is in another factions land, because technically it's my claims too.
Here's a better idea: We have a new questing world coming out. In this world there should be a quest to ride a ship somewhere. Staff can use the ships plugin for quests, and players would be able to ride them in a world that would not have any trouble with faction claims.
I do not like this idea because of two words, Faction claims. So, lets say I get one of these five boats and since I want to keep it, I claim the land (or water) it was built on. Now lets say I want to use this boat to go on an adventure. The boat starts to move and what happens? Do the claims move with it? What if I go into another faction's claims? Do my boat claims override their sea claims? Can They destroy my ship because I wandered into their claims? Can I build under my ship when it is in another factions land, because technically it's my claims too.
Here's a better idea: We have a new questing world coming out. In this world there should be a quest to ride a ship somewhere. Staff can use the ships plugin for quests, and players would be able to ride them in a world that would not have any trouble with faction claims.

No to the quest idea. The boat is not editable by anyone, you could ride it into another faction's claim, but it would still be uneditable by anyone. Please read the whole post before making suggestions. They move outside of claims and have no correlation with factions plugin. None of that stuff is really a problem.
I put a lot of plugins on it like massive's and then did the boats and it was over 15 tps… On a server run by a mac. I can almost guarantee no lag.
With one person on the server. MassiveCraft averages 250+ during peak times. Imagine the usual 250+ players going on about their normal, and a boat is each world. If you say your TPS dropped with the introduction of the ships, then imagine it on MassiveCraft.

I just feel there's too much what if with this idea. I also feels it isn't needed, and the staff could spend their time on other things, such as current projects or future ones planned.
With one person on the server. MassiveCraft averages 250+ during peak times. Imagine the usual 250+ players going on about their normal, and a boat is each world. If you say your TPS dropped with the introduction of the ships, then imagine it on MassiveCraft.

I just feel there's too much what if with this idea. I also feels it isn't needed, and the staff could spend their time on other things, such as current projects or future ones planned.

My server. Was running. On a mac book air. It had 15 tps from the start. I have seen lots of servers with more players then massive, and have talked with their staff and they have said boats add virtually no lag. Go test if you don't believe me.
My server. Was running. On a mac book air. It had 15 tps from the start. I have seen lots of servers with more players then massive, and have talked with their staff and they have said boats add virtually no lag. Go test if you don't believe me.

Not going to argue about the lag anymore. Point being, this is MassiveCraft, and not other servers. I would imagine MonMarty or Cayorion would be the final say on the lag ramifications.

I can still disagree.
Might be cool to have a Hadar world with ships in it... But nevertheless laggy and time consumptious. I don't really support this.
This server is much larger than your server was thor5648. Don't be rude to the staff just because they don't agree with you.
Also, perhaps you could name some of these servers then? Just to get some reference for your statements.
I agree with Alj23, there is no real need for the plugin. The only thing I could see warranting this would be naval battles, but that could still just be done by each side working with each other to create a rp/pvp site for the naval conflict.
Pretty sure I suggested this when I joined 9thLegion a year back making static boats, didn't get the attention, I hope this post does though.
*Facepalm* I have tested this, it adds no lag and doesn't really require more than one staff member to do… The only thing that could make this cause any sort of lag is the fact that there are more blocks in the world. Why does everyone think that when things move, it adds LAG.
This server is much larger than your server was thor5648. Don't be rude to the staff just because they don't agree with you.
Also, perhaps you could name some of these servers then? Just to get some reference for your statements.
I agree with Alj23, there is no real need for the plugin. The only thing I could see warranting this would be naval battles, but that could still just be done by each side working with each other to create a rp/pvp site for the naval conflict.

That my friend would be advertisement, there is a reason i gave the link to the plugin, go check it out before making a post.
*Facepalm* I have tested this, it adds no lag and doesn't really require more than one staff member to do… The only thing that could make this cause any sort of lag is the fact that there are more blocks in the world. Why does everyone think that when things move, it adds LAG.

I highly doubt you calculated in the fact that MassiveCraft has over 250+ players at peak times. It just isn't going to work.
I highly doubt you calculated in the fact that MassiveCraft has over 250+ players at peak times. It just isn't going to work.

Alj.. please tell me Mr. educated how this will cause lag? It takes blocks from one spot, deletes them, and moves them to another. This adds 0 lag go to the server list for this plugin and go ask an owner.
You're joking right? What is more intensive, a construct that looks like a ship and does not move, or a complex plugin that allows a ship to move two dimensionally across a single plane without breaking the server if it collides with other solid blocks?I get that you think that it will not add to the server load, but until you run a large scale server, with multiple worlds and a couple hundred people at any given time, you do not know what will and will not add to the server load. Please respect the fact that the staff have been running the server for a while, and they know more about it than you or I do.
You're joking right? What is more intensive, a construct that looks like a ship and does not move, or a complex plugin that allows a ship to move two dimensionally across a single plane without breaking the server if it collides with other solid blocks?I get that you think that it will not add to the server load, but until you run a large scale server, with multiple worlds and a couple hundred people at any given time, you do not know what will and will not add to the server load. Please respect the fact that the staff have been running the server for a while, and they know more about it than you or I do.

What staff member has commented on this thread? Alj doesn't know anything about the server's capacity, he is a forum moderator. Go in the server list for that plugin i linked, there is a server with 462 players on right now, talk to the owner about is this plugin causes any lag like I did before shooting it down.
What makes you think I haven't looked at that page.
Furthermore, if your knowledge only comes from that page and not talking to actual people one on one, I cannot trust that. The first rule of advertisement is to exaggerate the benefits and down play the costs. Never, EVER, rely solely on advertising to make a judgement.
I have seen lots of servers with more players then massive, and have talked with their staff and they have said boats add virtually no lag.
Name some servers that you have physically seen (well virtually, it is the internet after all), and the members of their staff that you have actually talked with in person (again, virtually, but you should get the idea at this point), and maybe I will think about changing my mind. However, you have still not replied as to what reason this server should add this beyond a shiny thing for rich people.
*Facepalm* I have tested this, it adds no lag and doesn't really require more than one staff member to do… The only thing that could make this cause any sort of lag is the fact that there are more blocks in the world. Why does everyone think that when things move, it adds LAG.

I used a bukit plug in very similar way back when MC was early beta whenever the ship moved it caused lag. The more people on the server at a time the stronger the lag became. If this really is a lag free plug in I'd expect tons of severs to have it by now.
I used a bukit plug in very similar way back when MC was early beta whenever the ship moved it caused lag. The more people on the server at a time the stronger the lag became. If this really is a lag free plug in I'd expect tons of severs to have it by now.

They do my friend. Go check the server list with the link I gave you
Lady Rose
Actually, I figured that this might be a premium thing, if it was implemented. I believe that would benefit the server the most, but thats just my opinion.
I just think that nobles would have good use of them, for role-play only.
What makes you think I haven't looked at that page.
Furthermore, if your knowledge only comes from that page and not talking to actual people one on one, I cannot trust that. The first rule of advertisement is to exaggerate the benefits and down play the costs. Never, EVER, rely solely on advertising to make a judgement.

Name some servers that you have physically seen (well virtually, it is the internet after all), and the members of their staff that you have actually talked with in person (again, virtually, but you should get the idea at this point), and maybe I will think about changing my mind. However, you have still not replied as to what reason this server should add this beyond a shiny thing for rich people.

Read. The. Thread. It adds more role-play, adds trading routes for regalians, and players. Also a new fun way of transportation. For me if I ever got to be in charged of a ship I would 100% travel to the battle in that and role up with my cannons firing. It just adds a lot more fun and a new way of doing things.
I know quite a few people who would set up a trading company, and carry large supplies of goods in between factions who want them. Most of the ships would probably be set up as a way to make a profit, or as rose said, to role play.
In principle I have to side with Alj23 on this one (me siding with a Mag Officer? - OMG). While it would be super awesome in my opinion it might get messy and labor intensive if there were too many... or cause anger if it was limited to a certain select group of people.

There are avenues for it to improve gameplay though. If certain ships at Regalia dock (not all - just a few) actually set sail at a regular time each day that would be pretty cool (then at a preordained spot all on deck are TP'd etc etc blah blah). It also might make arriving at those one or two worlds seem more exciting because you can only get there once or twice per IRL day.
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