Archived Shared Mcmmo Levels

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Races are worth.
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, First of all before I get started I will probably not write as much as others.

Ok, I'm not the best plugin/creative person in the world but I think I got a pretty good idea, If you are aware of the team plugin it allows you to share your mcmmo level and work as a team. so I thought it would be awesome if you could work as a team. BUT in factions you share your xp.

This will work by somebody training swords and another axes, You will get xp from both because there in your faction however this may be slightly more op if you have lots of people. However this is also a lazy route too XD

Anyway please have a think about this and please reply if you need more information.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Such a thing is in vanilla mcmmo (available in parties), and it is disabled on massive. I'm completely against it.
I am completely against that as well.
If the Xp is also split (like in pokemon).
Then it could be ok.
EDIT: Ofcourse it should be optional.
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I am completely against this. You probably just suggested this because someone has better McMMO than you and you it takes a few hours too train stats.
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Everybody be like "I'm too lazy to train"
I'm against the idea.
Back in my days, everyone trained fishing,axes,unarmed,swords,arco to 1000 plus. GET TO GRINDN' M8
To anyone against the idea. Why?
If it possible to disable it then it won't hurt you.
But I actually know someone willing to grind mcmmo for their friends. Yes that kind of friendly people exists. By r eight now it is only possible if you give them your password & email.
How can acrobatics not be trained?
Now a days, when you try train acrobatics by using a long fall, and some healing, like in the good ol' days, it doesn't actually give you XP. If you take fall damage in the same chunk area over and over, it stops levelling you; thus making it very hard to level Acrobatics, and it kinda just gets levelled passively from fighting mobs now.

So, it's barely trainable now. You've really just got to let it slowly happen =I

Me and some friends theorised that perhaps acrobatics could be levelled like before, if we had portals set up to take you to a bunch of different chunks, or worlds. This is yet to be tested though =o
This is a pretty nice, simple idea. If anything this is a lot better than a lot of ideas I've seen.
With a little work, this could become something.
Honestly, I could see this idea to be more than 'too lazy m8'. But what I don't see is how some people went to assume and become a bit rude by their assumption, @BenAlex144 . Some people have a reality to go to. He probably also suggested it originally because he thought of the teamwork aspect more than lazy. You missed him saying the word team for more than just explaining the plugin's name.

I see the benefits, if you were raiding with higher stats and you brought a bud along, but he wasn't powerful enough, it can work to boost your faction's power very quickly.
However, that is also an issue; Too quickly. If you are someone along the lines of 10,000 McMMo, then that makes this idea become only worse than what you began with. Big crew factions suddenly becoming Gods, then it truly does separate and make more complaints of being unfair. Everything else I wish to mention has been mentioned above.
Sorry, I'm against it! Best you get your nose to the 'grind'-stone though, and get training. It is your best option, and really the only!
What if everyone only got a small fraction of the XP? Say there were two people, for every xp gained, both people only get a quarter of it. This would leave the other half to just disappear. I think this /could/ work if it is heavily balanced and nerfed to Void and back. I think having the XP be equally shared, but only a small portion would encourage people to work together to get the full XP. There would be less of sitting on your butt. This should also only take place for members that are online. And of course, for each party member online, you would each get less and less XP. Maybe have a Max of four people?

That is the way I would see this working. You have a good idea, but it just needs ironed out.
Actualy support the idea though if it was split and had just a tad persentage added like say both get 5/8 ths of the ex meaning you actualy get a bit more for being in a group, thus encouraging party combat against mobs.