Archived Server Donation Features

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Master Of Disaster
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Due to the EULA now being enforced, many premium and server aspects as a whole have been changed. This has gotten players up in arms and peopling already claiming they are not going to donate for premium anymore. Many players have already suggested some new premium features but a few have suggested alternate ways Massive to get money besides Premium donations and server events. One particular suggestion made by @LeafMC Was that the server could set up fundraisers with goals that will benefit the server. An example would be having a $100 fundraiser where if the funds are met, a new district will be added to Regalia. This could also go for things like implementing plugins or working on plugins. This will encourage players to want to donate. This also does not go against EULA as the goals would be server wide like my example of a new district being added. This may also help out staff as groups would be set among them to work on the goal which could bring out new staff ranks/departments.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
As stated in other threads... the EULA doesnt have ANY control over the forums. So there could be new features there too.
Staff will keep this thread open for further suggestions as we continue to review possible premium donation features.