Archived Server Addition: The Slums

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Resurrected Pirate Lord
Jun 6, 2016
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Hello all, before I get onto the idea that I am putting forth, I do believe some introductions are in order. My name is Jakk, off the server I participate in forums RP's, sell premium fairly consistently, work on lore pieces or additions and usually used to have a different character application up for viewing every handful of days and would have it deleted every couple weeks. In game, I am a builder/redstoner of varying degrees. That being said, onto the idea!

A while back I joined the server, right about the time that everyone was putting forth their grievances for the removal of the Undercity. Personally this never affected me, yet as my time on Massive has lengthened and I have become more invested, I have noticed that having this no longer be an area of access, leaves me with some limited pursuits RP-wise. So what I suggest is an altered addition of the Undercity, in the form of the slums.

The Slums
  • While some may argue that we have the poor district, I will point out that the poor district is just that, the poor district. A place in clear sight of Regalia, a place in clear daylight, a place that isn't as 'poor' or dirty as some would think.
    • The slums would be an underground area with a prison-esque feeling. Most likely, as I am currently building a draft of it to display, would revolve around the idea of an old Regalian Prison that was left to desolation. Of course this could be edited, but as I have already began building this into a certain section of Regalia, it is the idea I am currently running off of.
    • RP-Wise, the slums would be fairly difficult to escape. The way it is currently being layed out, one could imagine from above as the ultimate punishment. Guards, officers, and those cloaked in night, take criminals (or targets) and throw them into a dark hole with no way to defend themselves, and let whatever beasts that call these ruins home devour them. Yet from below this is not the case.
    • While a majority of the people/beings that call the slums home are bloodthirsty cutthroats, they all share a common enemy. You. Being forced down a hole, presumably to your death, sustaining however many injuries during your fall. How would you react?
      • As a result, with the lack of guards to keep any sense of order, many gangs/cults could be seen struggling for power, food, and space in this dark pit. I believe the addition of this area would give a lore-compliant location for many of the dark transpirings in Regalia. Whether it be the basic area for gangs and organizations to gather strength, or where dark dealings of magick (Blood, shadow, etc) and the gatherings of Vampires and Undead (hey they can't all survive the fall) fester.
In conclusion, this is an idea that I believe could help expand some of the 'attempts' at criminal roleplay that I have witnessed. While I cannot base the entirety of a populace on the actions of a few, I believe that adding this will strengthen the RP quality and give more depth to some organizations. Since I am currently facing writer's block on the pieces of lore I am currently involved in, this idea popped in my head. So if any of you have opinions concerning this, constructive criticism, or some helpful suggestions they would all be greatly appreciated. Also there is a certain noble, I won't say who, who is just plain scary. Talking about blowing up islands and races, I personally could imagine her stuffing an annoyance down one of these holes xD
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love this idea because
  • Some thrill seekers could go down there too

This is really well thought out. Just make sure it literally isn't simply a giant hole in the ground.
Not sure if this is already part of your plan, by it would be interesting if the Slums got even more dangerous the further down you went. Let's say you have 10 levels in the Slums. First level would have a small amount of sunlight and decent torchlight, second level would have less, third level would have less, etc. All the way until at the bottom level its almost completely pitch black, serving as a place for the worst of the worst to gather.

Also, the Slums would be great if they had pvp enabled, just to fit the idea of a ruthless underworld a bit better. However, I can see it being a bit difficult if it was under nice parts of Regalia, since as far as I know warzone extends from bedrock to maximum height.
I'm going to be honest, I am not a fan of underground slums. Actually, let me rephrase - I am a fan, but I cannot think of how that would be worked into Lore unless there was at one point underground mining activities in Regalia and the slums exist inside the abandoned mines (which would make them more like an ant nest than a town). Otherwise I think that the slums should be on the outskirts of the city, beyond the wall, but on the surface. No guards, pvp-enabled (leather armor only though) in places (some people just want to RP as poor folks) and mobs enabled in places (to show that there is no support or protection).

One way it could fit is many cities in Europe as they expanded, instead of destroying old buildings and just rebuilding new ones, people would build on-top of the old buildings making layers and layers of effectively the old city deserted underneath.
Perhaps before Regalia came to be there was a vespid hive beneath the surface and they recently found it?
The return of the Pravden!

Love this idea. Reminds me of the Avernum series. Lore-wise, it would make sense since I recall something rather ominous sounding about the unexplored underground of Regalia and its origins. Ooh, here it is, last section.
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I'm going to be honest, I am not a fan of underground slums. Actually, let me rephrase - I am a fan, but I cannot think of how that would be worked into Lore unless there was at one point underground mining activities in Regalia and the slums exist inside the abandoned mines (which would make them more like an ant nest than a town). Otherwise I think that the slums should be on the outskirts of the city, beyond the wall, but on the surface. No guards, pvp-enabled (leather armor only though) in places (some people just want to RP as poor folks) and mobs enabled in places (to show that there is no support or protection).
Maybe the ancient catacombs like paris? and other old cities?

This is really well thought out. Just make sure it literally isn't simply a giant hole in the ground.

Don't worry I have this planned out to be fairly expansive with a few hidden dangers that, if used, could make it immersive and also deadly rp-wise ;)

Not sure if this is already part of your plan, by it would be interesting if the Slums got even more dangerous the further down you went. Let's say you have 10 levels in the Slums. First level would have a small amount of sunlight and decent torchlight, second level would have less, third level would have less, etc. All the way until at the bottom level its almost completely pitch black, serving as a place for the worst of the worst to gather.

Also, the Slums would be great if they had pvp enabled, just to fit the idea of a ruthless underworld a bit better. However, I can see it being a bit difficult if it was under nice parts of Regalia, since as far as I know warzone extends from bedrock to maximum height.

Yes this an idea that I was following in my design. I really like the thought of a layered design, even if the most dangerous layers are only accessible through special areas. It could make an interesting experience. I also had the thought of pvp enabled, but, like you said, war zones complicate this. I do believe there is a way to make pvp enabled by height or layer through command blocks, but I would have to look into it beforehand. I would really hate to turn Regalia into a bloodbath above ground haha. This is why Mecharic's idea does have some merit.

I'm going to be honest, I am not a fan of underground slums. Actually, let me rephrase - I am a fan, but I cannot think of how that would be worked into Lore unless there was at one point underground mining activities in Regalia and the slums exist inside the abandoned mines (which would make them more like an ant nest than a town). Otherwise I think that the slums should be on the outskirts of the city, beyond the wall, but on the surface. No guards, pvp-enabled (leather armor only though) in places (some people just want to RP as poor folks) and mobs enabled in places (to show that there is no support or protection).

With the replies from everyone there seems to be some ways to work this. As @Sven Tu linked us to (thank you so much for that information by the way Sven), the underground of Regalia is considered mysterious, dark, and dangerous with no Regalian citizen really knowing what goes on down there. While it may seem I am relying heavily on this notion, I am actually fairly reserved on the ground of it being possible that the Staff have something in mind for the Regalian underground already. I really like your mineshaft, mob spawn and pvp-version idea, and would like to Incorporated it into my design. On that note, I will most likely make a second draft of the slums located on the outskirts of Regalia, just in case the staff and community voice the same opinion as you as far as it's location goes.
So… thoughts on what's at the bottom of the slums/the Regalian underground?

-points to @DrFong -
The real abusement park.

I need you to build this now, Jakk. On the bottom level. I need you to.
I glitched somehow today underneath the city while running the MPM mod. I saw something that was incredable! I think this is the undercity you mentioned. A weird structured complex of buildings fitted to the side of a ravine?
I'd love to see something like what you describ, something dark, cluttered and cluster-phobically complex- like a maze!
I glitched somehow today underneath the city while running the MPM mod. I saw something that was incredable! I think this is the undercity you mentioned. A weird structured complex of buildings fitted to the side of a ravine?
I'd love to see something like what you describ, something dark, cluttered and cluster-phobically complex- like a maze!
I think some of the buildings are underground, before it gets World edited up on the surface.
Has anyone played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? On Taris, criminals and stuff got thrown into the slums beneath the city after there was no more space in the prisons. Down there were undeads everywhere, and people who were born and lived there for their whole lifes because of what their ancestors did. This concept would fit for Regalia rather well. This could also re-add the Pravden: People whose families lived down there for ages, who slowly developed themselves into beings who have no problems living in such an area.
Also, the Slums would be great if they had pvp enabled, just to fit the idea of a ruthless underworld a bit better. However, I can see it being a bit difficult if it was under nice parts of Regalia, since as far as I know warzone extends from bedrock to maximum height.
Perhaps when you are thrown into the pit you are warped like mid fall so that the warzone does not affect regalia?
Perhaps when you are thrown into the pit you are warped like mid fall so that the warzone does not affect regalia?

Hmm perhaps... with the new additions to command blocks coming it could be possible.. If any staff members would like to voice their thoughts on that I wouldn't mind just so I can plan this out more smoothly
Seems good there was something like this a time ago that was
Like this but they were removed. Yours seems more criminal.
Keep this idea alive! I seriously support it as it may bring me back to rp more :D
I r Support this. Now haz Cake and Pie. and wait till we get this.
-Sneaks in PvP zone with potions and the like-
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