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Serval's Den Notice: On Magic

Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Red Crypt, Clovis Legal Inc
Posted within the Capital City and even in Root Court lies a general notice.

Since it as come to my attention that some patrons are confused if magic is or is not allowed within Serval's Den, here are the basic rules in order to smoothline experiences for customers.

1)Serval's Den will remain neutral on the use of magic. Magic is not permitted to be casted for offensive or destructive purposes while the patrons are on the property. Cosmetic uses (such as lifting a drink or sweeping a broom) is acceptable.

2)Bartenders have the say in if magic is used, and it will vary via bartender. Some bartenders will use magic to, per example, lift a heavy board, while others will simply default to hand pushing heavy boxes. Bartenders are advised to allow patrons to use magic in cosmetic ways, however, it is there job to report nar-do-wells.

3)Patrons can request magic not be used on the premise, only when they are a paying active customer within the property. Street-goer's who enter the shop and try to insult or cause a ruckus will be removed, per bartenders discretion. Once the paying customer as left the property, the magic rules revert to the bartender's advise.

4)Afflictions (Cahal and Vampires) are and will be forever banned within Serval's Den. Any attempt of a feeding via Soul-Feeding or Blood-Feeding is illegal, and to be reported to the Metro.

Any questions on the updated rules on Magic and Occult, pen a letter to either Alessandra @FatDumplingGrace or Zolo Baker @Renajaka