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Secretary Of Finance - Education Subsidies


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

From the Desk of the Secretary of Finance
Effective Immediately Upon Publication

Education Subsidy Scheme:
After a review of the lordships in the Archipelago, the secretary of Finance has identified areas that would be most benefitted by an immediate introduction of increased resources for education. It is with such that the Secretary of Finance has decided to issue financial subsidies to all citizens who reside in the following lordships.

1. Lokinge (Duchy of Vlissinghelm)
2. Basta & Irvelle (Archduchy of Basta & Irvelle)
3. Drixagh (Duchy of Zastor-Byla, County of Gotland, Barony of Ostyr, Skarvaland Autonomy & The Free Baron Lands)
4. Calemberg (Duchy of Duerrstein, Duchy of Calemberg)
5. Opper Calemberg (Calemberg Margraves, Duchy of Drachenwald)

It should be noted that these lordships were selected based on the fact that they are…

1. Suffering an economic depression, have a poor or limited economy,
2. Have low education rates,
3. Or are recovering from conflict.

The Secretary of Finance urges all direct vassals to his Imperial Holiness, inside the Archipelago, to write to him to express interest in receiving subsidies for their citizens. He does, however, ask that they consider the following:

1. Those who consistently contribute to the Kathar war in a meaningful way will be better considered.
2. Lands suffering from the aforementioned three points will be better considered.

This scheme is on a trial basis, and if proven successful in improving the ability of literacy, numeracy and other desirable employment skills in the population, it will eventually expand to direct vassals of the Emperor who are outside of the Archipelago. The subsidy will periodically cycle through lordships, providing the most in need with financial support towards education.

An educated Regalian is a productive Regalian.
Signed by
His Grace Louis Delmotte
Archduke of Basta & Irvelle
Baron of La Cresse
Secretary of Finance

OOC: The five lordships on this thread will be periodically changed, marked by a notice of me doing so in the comments.
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"My people do not need books and worldly knowledge. They need plows, scythes, and threshing flails. As if the common man in the field needs to read... No, no, that is the making of Jacobinism. Put the money away to buy more paper for the printing yard, call it 'Educational reform'. Heh." The Great Lord of Lokinge scoffs to his steward, handing away the Secretary's papers to a nearby servant. He glances off to a bookshelf underneath his window, biting his lip as a thought most concerning to him took hold.