In The Guidance Of Barton | A Doctrine On Agricultural Education

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by AtticCat, Feb 24, 2021.

  1. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
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    In The Guidance of Barton
    A Doctrine on Agricultural Education

    Table of Contents
    Section I | Introduction
    Section II | Literature in Agriculture
    Section III | Mathematics in Agriculture
    Section IV | Conclusion and Thanks


    Section I | Introduction
    With Spring just upon the worldly horizon, it comes as no surprise that those within the rural parts of the Regalian Empire find themselves preparing for another hardworking season. As the days become long and warm again, the newly born livestock are welcomed into Aloria and the first of major crops find themselves planted into the earth.

    Nonetheless, with the busyness of the day, there remains the same issue that existed from the wintertime: the placement of the youth. Throughout the Empire, but especially of those rural places, there still stands the lack of education among children- even more so when it comes to those children found under farming fathers and mothers. Still, this comes with good reasoning: strong, young minds that can both learn and assist in their parent’s vocation and carry it onwards when the burden becomes theirs. It is with this scenario that the fact that many of these children cannot afford to be both at home and offering their assistance and at school.

    It is with this idea in mind that a better view of what is taught within rural schoolhouses comes to mind. While there should be the idea that all children learn the same, such cannot always be true and instead of the same contents being education, it should instead be the same amount of effort put forward. With farming children, instead of an explicit focus on just the arts and leisurely reading, there will be a precise blend of schoolhouse topics and how they can be applied to the real world.

    Throughout this short doctrine, there will be a discussion of how Literature and Mathematics would benefit those with agricultural backgrounds, and how these specific topics will both assist children throughout their youth with general development and provide them with a headstart in the future. Please enjoy and it is with the hope that some things are brought to light on why the educational decision would be beneficial in the long-run for rural individuals.


    Section II | Literature in Agriculture

    When the ideas of reading and writing are brought up, especially within a formal environment such as school, there is usually only the concept of long-winded novels and pages of essays that come to mind. This such view is of course one that is not exactly correct as, while one being able to read does allow someone these skills, it also offers the ability for more beneficial writings. This can definitely be brought to light among a rural crowd, where there is not truly a need for leisurely reading, and instead, something that might be better for a practical view. Two main practicalities of benefit are found in the ability to read and/or write: recordings and announcing.

    With the first most, the ability to record, an individual will be able to write down various information that might be important down the line- whether that be a couple of hours or over the next couple of years. Weather phenomenons and paths, crop growth or lack thereof, and livestock health and offspring can all be captured in time and observed at a later date for comparison. This can allow aspects to be reproduced if it had a good impact on agricultural growth, or aspects to be avoided if there was instead a negative impact. (An example found in if there was a lower production rate in one area of farmland compared to another, and thus a farmer knows to avoid that area.)

    As for announcing, there is the ability to share information discovered with others of a familiar vocation, so that they can also find the best benefits in their farmlands. (Notice boards and letters between individuals all coming to mind.) If there is some observation that there is a negative impact discovered in one particular area, this discovery can be broadcasted over the community so all know to avoid it- or vice versa in announcing something of a positive nature.


    Section III | Mathematics in Agriculture

    In a usually overshadowed aspect, there is also the importance of another educational field found within the farming world: that of mathematical skill. Such ability is more than simply counting or determining how many of what goes where, and can be broken down into precise and beneficial groupings- especially for the rural community. That being said, there are the two main ideas of mathematics in agriculture: finance and measurement.

    First, as likely one of the most important factors of agriculture, to begin with, there is the field of finance that relates to the farming community. With the agricultural field, the biggest motivation is profit, and learning how to better manage one’s finances- what someone buys and/or sells, as well as invests in- can provide a huge benefit in the future. With financial records, an individual would be able to properly calculate an estimate of what they will make in a season, allowing them to form a budget throughout the year. If someone is able to properly realize an area of wealth they will reach from their crop and crop sale, they can figure how much supply to invest in through the season, and additionally what money will be left over for needs and luxuries. To put it simply, with the knowledge of finance, especially from a young age, an individual can make smarter money decisions in the future and thus gain more profit in the end.

    Additionally, there arrives the more ‘hands-on’ part of mathematics and farming, that comes to measurements and observations. Tied into one of the literature benefits, an individual will be able to properly observe factors that play into crop or animal growth. There comes the place of literal measure, where someone can determine how close or far seeds should be planted, how much water to provide a field, a more exact time for harvest, along with animal-related topics such as how much feed to purchase to properly provide for a specific amount of livestock. All in all, mathematics provides an avenue for smarter decisions with more beneficial outcomes.


    Section IV | Conclusion and Thanks

    In the end, there comes only the hope that individuals will see the importance of education, regardless if they are within an urban or rural situation. Through education, there is the benefit of smarter financial and mathematical decisions, being able to properly record discoveries and observations, as well as spread new ideas or these written down thoughts to a wider audience.

    During a child’s youth, it will require some dedication to a project that might appear too big for its worth, but it can definitely have a wide-spread and long-term beneficial effect on the Empire. With the next generation, there is the hope that they will have better education and can soundly make decisions that can both carry on the vocations of their parents, as well as properly build upon them so as to keep the effort alive throughout the decades.

    Thank you for taking the time to read through this and considering the points brought to light. It is with the hope that they can bring forth a bright new future for the youth of this Empire, or at least inspire ideas that can do such should this not be the path searched for.

    Spirit Guide.
    Her Grace Haeddi Jehanne van Hal
    Duchess of Westerhal
    • Winner Winner x 13
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