Table of Contents
Section I | Introduction
Section II | Philosophy of Education
Section III | Recommended Curriculum
Section IV | Following Education
Section V | Integration of Beliefs
Section VI | Conclusion and Thanks
Since the dawn of time, every creature of thought has longed to understand the world about them. As life would have it, both through willpower and the dedicated nature of study, much of the secrets of math, literacy, and science have become uncovered to our eyes. Although there is still much to learn, there is enough that any being should have the ability to become educated and given the chance to hold a higher understanding of the world around them. As such, with great time and patience, this Doctrine of Schooling has been carefully drafted, not only to expose forth the beginnings to better educate the world, but also to guide those within the Peerage to use it as an assistance for teaching their peoples outside of Regalia.
Within the second section, there will be an explanation of different philosophical outlooks of teaching in the classroom. While there is always the basis of wishing students to understand the basics of reading or writing, this philosophy will go further into expressing how the actual model of such will be exposed to children. Furthermore, there will be an explanation of how morals and values should be taught to the youth of the Regalian Empire.
The third section of this doctrine goes further into the actual subjects and methods that might be used within the classroom. Of course, there will be the basis of math, reading, and general history, among others, but it will further explore how exactly these core topics might be explained. The methods that might be recommended are those that focus around the learners themselves, allowing an independent study with minimal assistance that will both bolster the student's self worth and their intellectual growth.
Section four is relevant to the paths made available to children once they have finished all provided schooling. Many times, the youth are pushed immediately into joining the workforce in order to assist their impoverished families, but it is with hope that there can be an introduction of more artistic or trade crafts for those leaving their childhood years.
Lastly, section five is a brief chapter exploring how this doctrine might be integrated within communities and lands that currently exist without it. Some areas of the Empire already exist with mandatory or optional schooling, but there is enough without such that it proves to be a large scale problem for the adult world of Ailor and others.
With the adoption of this doctrine and the betterment of education for all within society, those within the common class would find themselves with an advanced set of knowledge to build their foundations off of. Although it is often forgotten, all survive on the workings of common men and women, and thus they can only commit harder and more proficiently on their own craft with successful education as a child. A world of educated people is one in which we thrive forever.
Section II | Philosophy of Education
After much study of various philosophies found throughout the world of teaching, it has been settled within personal opinion that the best line of education would follow that of the Axiology beliefs; that being focused less on the deep secrets in the world and more within the idea of morals and expression of oneself.
Far too long there has been a simple focus on making one much like a machine and working solely on the purpose of benefiting those around you, but it comes at a cost of Human expansion of thought. Through the study of teaching students from a young age about morality defined from actions and the feelings within one's heart, alongside the proper values that any young Regalian should be raised upon, there will be a new generation of emotionally connective and intellegical youth.
Within the Axiology philosophy, there are also the sub-branches of Ethics and Aesthetics; the beliefs of learning good from evil and right from wrong, as well as truly discovering what makes life beautiful. With an upbringing upon those teachings, Regalian students will grow up with a strengthened belief of lawfulness, internal strength, and appreciation for both nature and made artforms.
Section III | Recommended Curriculum
As there is much busyness within the on-goings of common life, it comes with great decision that Learner-Centric Curriculum would best benefit the majority of Regalian youth. With such a design, there would be less focus on the idea of sitting down at a desk and listening to lectures by an instructor, and more on the establishment of students receiving guidelines for activities and studies that must be completed in a set amount of time. If the children need, their instructor will be nearby to assist, but students will be majorly left to their own devices with minimal assistance save for in newer or more difficult subjects*.
For example, a set of students may be given a list to complete a mapping, a slate board mathematics activity, and to read a set number of pages within a book. They must complete all these activities, in their own order and at their own pace, by the end of the day, and their teacher will be nearby should assistance be required.
*'Newer or more difficult subjects' would be handled in an interactive and group manner, in which all children will come together to figure out the subject as a single unit before being given practice materials to work on their own. After a subject has been handled with enough time and children appear to be learning, it can be provided as an independent study like any other topic.
Section IV | Following Education
Nearing the beginning of the child's teen years, they would likely complete the provided years of education by schools, and as such would be expected to continue outwards into the world. Still, there is the factor that the whole point of this doctrine is to introduce a better livelihood for Regalian youth and that should not end at childhood years.
As such, outwards moving youth will be encouraged to find themselves as an apprentice within a trade, while also continuing any sort of art form that might have caught their eye during their educational years. Those students that decide to continue their way with a general trade- which will in no way be stopped as all ways of work are necessary- may decide to entirely continue without schooling. As for other students that have their heart set upon a visual or performing artform or craftsmanship will be allowed to openly use a school building's resources to continue practicing their craft.
With materials being easy to access, there will hopefully be a surge of artistically inspired youth that will fulfill the niche of creativity that must be found in a society, or else it will grow dull and stagnant. All cultures need a sense of art within it- especially those that are focused vastly on rural, laboring lives- or the peoples of it will become bored and unproductive, thus putting a stress on society as a whole.
Section V | Integration of Beliefs
Though there is, of course, the need for financial support to enact a belief such as this, the main struggle with integration would be fitting it somewhere within the lives of the lower class. As such, the first and foremost idea will be making it clear that this school will not be entirely mandatory. Rather than forcing children all the way to the age of thirteen to be within schooling, it will be recommended and acceptable for students to go to class, as well as open for anyone to go in and out of as their schedule permits.
Although, mandatory schooling should still be found in some primary form; take Anglia as an example. Within the Anglian lands of this empire, it is required that all children go to school from their ages of six to eight years old, allowing them to become beginners in reading and writing, along with basic math. Thus far, it has ensured that all Anglians are able to at least have some form of literary strength, compared to other lands where there is no form of enforced schooling.
The Anglians have the beginning ideas for the betterment of knowledge for all people, and that can only be bettered with additional guidelines adding to those already in place. Additionally, the spread of this educational requirement of at least the primary years will certainly benefit the intelligence of all people.
Section VI | Conclusion and Thanks
With hope, there will be consideration made upon the ideals and methods brought up within this document, as a great amount of time was put forth in writing it all down. There is little reason that no improvement has been made thus far on the education of common people, especially when the Regalian Empire is a beacon of hope and culture and should strive to remain such. The only way that will happen if we continuously press all of our society towards betterment, regardless of class.
So far there is only mandatory education found within Anglia, thanks to the great leadership of the Imperial Kades. Why there has yet to be others that follow the ideals that House Kade have put forth over their homeland people is a large scale mystery, especially when Anglia is clearly a land of great culture when further explored past the grain fields.
Every single culture and land has the ability to improve upon their peoples, and such improvement can begin at a young age by simply allowing access to scholarly purses that have thus far been rather impossible to reach by those in rural or poor areas. Such is the purpose of this doctrine, there is an easy way to push our destiny further along and it starts with the youth of this Empire.
Thank you for taking time to read through this, it is with great hope that it will be taken into consideration and that we will find it in ourselves to help continue our path of greatness by only opening more doors to those that might not have opportunities due to their lowly upbringing.
Section I | Introduction
Section II | Philosophy of Education
Section III | Recommended Curriculum
Section IV | Following Education
Section V | Integration of Beliefs
Section VI | Conclusion and Thanks

Section I | Introduction
Since the dawn of time, every creature of thought has longed to understand the world about them. As life would have it, both through willpower and the dedicated nature of study, much of the secrets of math, literacy, and science have become uncovered to our eyes. Although there is still much to learn, there is enough that any being should have the ability to become educated and given the chance to hold a higher understanding of the world around them. As such, with great time and patience, this Doctrine of Schooling has been carefully drafted, not only to expose forth the beginnings to better educate the world, but also to guide those within the Peerage to use it as an assistance for teaching their peoples outside of Regalia.
Within the second section, there will be an explanation of different philosophical outlooks of teaching in the classroom. While there is always the basis of wishing students to understand the basics of reading or writing, this philosophy will go further into expressing how the actual model of such will be exposed to children. Furthermore, there will be an explanation of how morals and values should be taught to the youth of the Regalian Empire.
The third section of this doctrine goes further into the actual subjects and methods that might be used within the classroom. Of course, there will be the basis of math, reading, and general history, among others, but it will further explore how exactly these core topics might be explained. The methods that might be recommended are those that focus around the learners themselves, allowing an independent study with minimal assistance that will both bolster the student's self worth and their intellectual growth.
Section four is relevant to the paths made available to children once they have finished all provided schooling. Many times, the youth are pushed immediately into joining the workforce in order to assist their impoverished families, but it is with hope that there can be an introduction of more artistic or trade crafts for those leaving their childhood years.
Lastly, section five is a brief chapter exploring how this doctrine might be integrated within communities and lands that currently exist without it. Some areas of the Empire already exist with mandatory or optional schooling, but there is enough without such that it proves to be a large scale problem for the adult world of Ailor and others.
With the adoption of this doctrine and the betterment of education for all within society, those within the common class would find themselves with an advanced set of knowledge to build their foundations off of. Although it is often forgotten, all survive on the workings of common men and women, and thus they can only commit harder and more proficiently on their own craft with successful education as a child. A world of educated people is one in which we thrive forever.
Thank You,
Baroness Haeddi Jehanne Harhold
Baroness Haeddi Jehanne Harhold

Section II | Philosophy of Education
After much study of various philosophies found throughout the world of teaching, it has been settled within personal opinion that the best line of education would follow that of the Axiology beliefs; that being focused less on the deep secrets in the world and more within the idea of morals and expression of oneself.
Far too long there has been a simple focus on making one much like a machine and working solely on the purpose of benefiting those around you, but it comes at a cost of Human expansion of thought. Through the study of teaching students from a young age about morality defined from actions and the feelings within one's heart, alongside the proper values that any young Regalian should be raised upon, there will be a new generation of emotionally connective and intellegical youth.
Within the Axiology philosophy, there are also the sub-branches of Ethics and Aesthetics; the beliefs of learning good from evil and right from wrong, as well as truly discovering what makes life beautiful. With an upbringing upon those teachings, Regalian students will grow up with a strengthened belief of lawfulness, internal strength, and appreciation for both nature and made artforms.

Section III | Recommended Curriculum
As there is much busyness within the on-goings of common life, it comes with great decision that Learner-Centric Curriculum would best benefit the majority of Regalian youth. With such a design, there would be less focus on the idea of sitting down at a desk and listening to lectures by an instructor, and more on the establishment of students receiving guidelines for activities and studies that must be completed in a set amount of time. If the children need, their instructor will be nearby to assist, but students will be majorly left to their own devices with minimal assistance save for in newer or more difficult subjects*.
For example, a set of students may be given a list to complete a mapping, a slate board mathematics activity, and to read a set number of pages within a book. They must complete all these activities, in their own order and at their own pace, by the end of the day, and their teacher will be nearby should assistance be required.
*'Newer or more difficult subjects' would be handled in an interactive and group manner, in which all children will come together to figure out the subject as a single unit before being given practice materials to work on their own. After a subject has been handled with enough time and children appear to be learning, it can be provided as an independent study like any other topic.

Section IV | Following Education
As such, outwards moving youth will be encouraged to find themselves as an apprentice within a trade, while also continuing any sort of art form that might have caught their eye during their educational years. Those students that decide to continue their way with a general trade- which will in no way be stopped as all ways of work are necessary- may decide to entirely continue without schooling. As for other students that have their heart set upon a visual or performing artform or craftsmanship will be allowed to openly use a school building's resources to continue practicing their craft.
With materials being easy to access, there will hopefully be a surge of artistically inspired youth that will fulfill the niche of creativity that must be found in a society, or else it will grow dull and stagnant. All cultures need a sense of art within it- especially those that are focused vastly on rural, laboring lives- or the peoples of it will become bored and unproductive, thus putting a stress on society as a whole.

Section V | Integration of Beliefs
Though there is, of course, the need for financial support to enact a belief such as this, the main struggle with integration would be fitting it somewhere within the lives of the lower class. As such, the first and foremost idea will be making it clear that this school will not be entirely mandatory. Rather than forcing children all the way to the age of thirteen to be within schooling, it will be recommended and acceptable for students to go to class, as well as open for anyone to go in and out of as their schedule permits.
Although, mandatory schooling should still be found in some primary form; take Anglia as an example. Within the Anglian lands of this empire, it is required that all children go to school from their ages of six to eight years old, allowing them to become beginners in reading and writing, along with basic math. Thus far, it has ensured that all Anglians are able to at least have some form of literary strength, compared to other lands where there is no form of enforced schooling.
The Anglians have the beginning ideas for the betterment of knowledge for all people, and that can only be bettered with additional guidelines adding to those already in place. Additionally, the spread of this educational requirement of at least the primary years will certainly benefit the intelligence of all people.

Section VI | Conclusion and Thanks
With hope, there will be consideration made upon the ideals and methods brought up within this document, as a great amount of time was put forth in writing it all down. There is little reason that no improvement has been made thus far on the education of common people, especially when the Regalian Empire is a beacon of hope and culture and should strive to remain such. The only way that will happen if we continuously press all of our society towards betterment, regardless of class.
So far there is only mandatory education found within Anglia, thanks to the great leadership of the Imperial Kades. Why there has yet to be others that follow the ideals that House Kade have put forth over their homeland people is a large scale mystery, especially when Anglia is clearly a land of great culture when further explored past the grain fields.
Every single culture and land has the ability to improve upon their peoples, and such improvement can begin at a young age by simply allowing access to scholarly purses that have thus far been rather impossible to reach by those in rural or poor areas. Such is the purpose of this doctrine, there is an easy way to push our destiny further along and it starts with the youth of this Empire.
Thank you for taking time to read through this, it is with great hope that it will be taken into consideration and that we will find it in ourselves to help continue our path of greatness by only opening more doors to those that might not have opportunities due to their lowly upbringing.
Great Wishes to All,
Baroness Haeddi Jehanne Harhold of Verleysteyn
Diplomat of the Foreign Reichsrat
Imperial Mistress of Cuisine
Baroness Haeddi Jehanne Harhold of Verleysteyn
Diplomat of the Foreign Reichsrat
Imperial Mistress of Cuisine

This is essentially a proposal to introduce more widespread teaching within the Empire in order to support the Ailor race as a whole since most commoners are illiterate and unscholarly. Additionally, the format of education that has been proposed is based off the IRL Montessori Education, although I couldn't actually call it by name since Maria Montessori doesn't exist in Aloria lol
If you're interested in discussing this with Haeddi hmu B)
If you're interested in discussing this with Haeddi hmu B)