- Joined
- May 10, 2020
- Messages
- 26
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A series of papers would be scattered amongst the city. They were clipped up with nails firmly planted into the upper-corners of their sheets. A few bits of smeared ink fell apart from the papers, dripping down into a runny mess along the writings' entirety. It would read, with plain Common used;
The enforcement of 'reality' has begun, with our words watched tirelessly by a juxtaposition to civil security. The demonstration of PROJECT: CAST has delivered one finite truth amongst our populace, along other culminating grievances, that have spiked the fundamental quarry of this exposition; The Regalian government's intoxication of our liberty has gone too far.
Section 1: Grievances;
Only a short year ago, the city used to be populated by a government designed with a chancellery position, multiple civil-services that refrained from exercising their 'reality' over those they sought to serve, and a lack of the government monitoring our every move.
The fundamental release of PROJECT: CAST has made it undoubtedly clear that our government is attempting to silence the means of which we may criticize and enact against its oppressive policies. Though the system of familial power was far too crazed and hierarchal from before, there were undoubtedly people able to openly speak within proximity to the Imperial voice and thus contribute to the public forum of ideas.
Alas, as demonstrated by the project itself, there are fears being mongered more and more amongst our city. For an administration so bent on secrecy and the cultivation of our personal speech, acts, and information, it has become evidently clear that there is more crossing amongst the background. We cannot, in good faith, allow this administration any more prowess to consume our lives and even threats to what we see unfit in our society.
Simply enough, the Ministry of Information has already begun to implement their security. They have only released it once it became noticeable through this PROJECT: CAST maneuver, as subsequent to the belittled power and lack of self-determination within our population.
In addition to the follies projected by that project, the Truth Ministry has regarded itself as a stain among our valuable freedoms. They have the power to deem what is considered 'objective reality' to the public, thus defenestrate any form of argumentation to their status quo, if necessary. Reality Enforcers, as they presume themselves, are those that can assail and torture those opposed to their belief systems. While objective morality may be argued amongst murder and other crimes of 'fairness', there is no objective morality when it comes down to nuance. These enforcers are armed with mind-changing chips that can be covered up to the public by not only the mass population's apathy, greed, and spite towards the 'derogatory', but also those enforcers.
Moreover, the loss of liberty in the Crookback has become all too apparent. Merciless, marauding terrorists to our own population and people now have been placed in venues of power, to which have not adequately been challenged. They attempted, without any apology nor justice delivered to them, to murder all aspects of religion and practically life in our city. They obeyed the wills of obscenely vile and brutal maimers. I am speaking chiefly on the promotion of multiple Bralona-selected within the constraints of a governing force. They are an oligarchy that chooses positions once gratified and fought for by the hands of the people. Though hatred towards the whole race is nonsense, the factors specified by those specific individuals aligning with that sub-culture must be given title. Moreover, even the Constable forces are allowed to patrol that aspect of the city. More and more are the hands of the people deprived by these malicious emitters in the Crookback government.
Lastly, the extensive hunts by those bounded by knighthood. The false justifications poised by the Vengeance Writs, that have so popularly weaved their way into our 'fighting society', claim a major angle at which corrupted justice has been allowed to exist. Couple those factors with the homogenized Lothar Order, a series of legally-protected terrorists that have been indoctrinated to murder all those born with magicks. The Viridian Order, in coding, has become the ringers of deplorable pettiness when it comes to words, enacting means of violence and abduction to the will of a governing body so detached from those principles of protecting our public.
Section 2: Idealism Speech;
With those grievances uttered, we must set forth the ideals colluded with self-determination and the natural born regards for an individual to direct their own destiny, in a world controlled purely by the strength of which we can amass and vocalize ourselves, and not on the incumbent powers of an all-determining, bureaucratic set of institutions. Furthermore, it is chief that the ability for anyone, no matter the birth of their race nor the bleeding of their culture, to determine their destiny free of the restraints of unjust law shall be promoted.
Those that demonstrate and enforce our current institutions of civilian slavery still remain as chained ants to a eusocial desire; The comfort in their unengaged, unambitious livelihood. Long has the populace collaborated with the systems in place, so that they retain their comforts, whether that be through economic status or social hierarchism. That system can no longer remain, we must live in a world where the ambitious can be unrestrained by any folly and thus provide the highest order of progress for our very society.
I call upon the needed establishment of a true meritocracy, unbounded by any restraints of 'birthright' nor familial heritage. The elimination of bureaucratic law and enforcement over which our city has been strangled. We need not fear the voices of indoctrinated forces nor those acting in favor of a selfish bureaucracy, built solely on pettiness and personal power. It becomes bothersome when the sewer systems have regained a higher semblance of self unification and peace than the bureaucratic institutions above. Those sewers are without government, they are in anarchism in the clutches of blatant criminal organizations, yet they still relieve a sense of unified election among their own parties.
Why shouldn't the surface be the same way? Why shouldn't there be a place for those needing freedom to formally expose themselves to the blessed sunlight of our world?
The prodding for change must be delivered, as I recognize that these words will leave little impact. There will be no action, to my own knowledge, by any institution nor power-structure so colluded with itself. Just as an animal feening for their sweet survival does, these administrations will not change themselves. Revolution is not a major necessity either, as large-scale warfare amongst two toppling populations only results in the grim shadow casting its hand among ourselves. What is needed is the public outcry and defense against ourselves from these institutions' enforcers. These enforcers must be met with similar strength.
Section 3: Calls;
As many may already understand, there is an arms regulation within the borders of our city. Whether it be forcing a citizen to carry an arm or depriving them thus of it, the people are restrained to the fitting attitudes of bureaucracy to have power. The people are disarmed and thus unable to fundamentally protect themselves from an overly zealous, dangerous growth in government assault. Knights are given free weaponry, training, legalized armour, and weapons all in one form or another. Combine those knights with the selectively gathered 'Reality Enforcers', the enactors of potential tyranny are upon our populace.
Every individual should, by their own will, be able to fight against and defend themself against these marauding figures that may seek to deliver injustices in the numerous fights that have broken down along our streets. All should be able to be armoured, trained, and armed by their free volition.
In futurize, it is evidently necessary that these forces must be combated with, if they continue to exercise this control. Not the people that so comfortably live in peace, but those that associate with the general devolution of our freedoms into comfortable bliss supported by this nation of blessings. Those with power must be able to defend their power, they must be challenged beyond the shrivels of bureaucracy.
I name the following of my quarries to change their ways by the self-determined freedom I shall exert, so be my life and my crusade to wage a vendetta;
- Director Tarlok and the entirety of your Reality Enforcer administration. I call for the dismemberment of your organization and the production of true, audible facts to be freely delivered. As well, any 'reality' that has been privatized must be out-given.
- To the facets of all knights. I have longed to recognize how obsessive duels have become amongst your population. As a result, it has become undoubtedly clear that I must deliver opposition to your legalized terrorism of people, by the individuals that are too far numbered to quantify. If you so wish to chalice a proper, honourable duel, by all aspects pen my name.
- To the Ministry of Information, and whomever runs it after that comatose episode, I understand there is no dissolving your hunger for information nor the will to further compromise the unsuspecting populace that abounds our city. As a result, it is chiefly clear that you must be held objectively accountable through any means necessary.
- To the faltering Crookback, regain the ways of self-determination and freedom that used to prevail within the past. The hyper-bureaucratic enslavement of the people must not be left to continue.
Beyond all, I understand the ramifications of being a criminal hunted by the public sentiments to follow. I foresee the outcry which my free words and acts will deliver to the public, but they are done out of my self-determinative free will to fight for what I believe in. All shall be able to fight for their wills in the overture of a future.
In Seceding Bureaucracy,
The Paper Wasp
((OOC: Thank ya @HeyoBiggums and @Testlo for letting me tag!))The Paper Wasp