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Scholar Seeking Employment


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
To Whom it May Concern,

I'll introduce myself. I'm Inntael Annun'ciiaen, an Altalar of the highest echelon of society from his homeland, as well as numbered at 161 years old. I possess an Expert rank of the Discipline of Arcane Knowledge, and have been an adviser to many fine men and women of this world in my past. Shortly speaking, I seek work, for any family or organization who has need of my service, but also has their own worth. I do not offer my decades upon decades of worldly experience to anyone who requests it, but I feel every important person in this Empire should be aware they are under the most potential for arcane threat; threats I can recognize and advise upon before they even begin. In the current world of strife by magical beings, as well as a war against a magic-faring people, my immense knowledge on the subject should be a welcome sight to a needing court. I'm aware of protocols and etiquette, and experienced in acting as not only a magical adviser, but also a general one. I hope to hear back soon.

Inntael Annun'ciiaen

Either send me a message or reply to this thread with a letter if Inntael's services interest you.