• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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A Call For Connection And Employment

Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
A good day to all,

I am a newcomer to the heart of the Empire, and hope to integrate into its social and economic life. I desire interact with anyone who'll take the moments to talk to me be they noble, commoner, or borough resident but I've a few groups who I'd be most interested in meeting amongst the masses: Kathar, Eronidas, Fin'ullen, and Solvaan. If you've a desire to make a friend or perhaps more please reach out, or approach if you see me, or my shark tail, as I'm wandering the streets.

I am also seeking employment as a scholar. I've been many things from explorer to mercenary but academia of both the occult and mundane varieties has become a calling in recent years. Alongside my nautical knowledge I've delved into dimenthism, mineralism, afflictions, Alorian history, and am a skilled mage (please ask in person if you desire to know what kind). I seek to be employed to a legal patron, institution, organization, or noble house if you've a opening feel free to write, I've no current limits as to whose offers I'll consider.

Fair Winds and Fairer Seas,​

Selthas Wavell Bannor
Bel-Saal Solleria-Mineria​

P.S. For employers with security concerns, I'm also a trained combatant and shall put my full magical and martial education at your disposal should danger arise during my employment.
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