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A Call For Action!

Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
A public letter to the Lord Commissioner of the City Metropolitan stamped with the Montdall rat-sigil is pinned up on the City noticeboard.
Montdall crest.webp
Where is the Lord Commissioner of the City Metropolitan?​

These are the questions the Peerage should be asking themselves and each other. Why can a noble not walk the streets of our City without being assaulted? Moreso why is our Lord Commissioner allowing this circus to continue?

In less than two weeks an outrageous amount of crime has been permitted to go unopposed. Only recently did I call for the expulsion of Merowald Risberg from the Bloodcast Order and for her to be punished for her crimes. Did this happen? No.

In less than two weeks the following crimes have been committed:
  • Merowald Risberg publicly spouts jacobin rhetoric and encourages open rebellion against the state. This is treason.
  • Count Lamont Norinn was shot in the streets. This is attempted murder of a noble.
  • Fabienne du Poncaire was harassed by the common rabble into abandoning their position alongside their peers. This is blackmail of a noble.
This cannot be allowed to continue. Order must be restored to the streets of Regalia. What will it take for the Lord Commissioner to act?

These criminals must be caught, beaten and left to die in the streets like dogs. We the nobility should not tolerate harassment from these scum any longer. There must be justice.

I, Count Leofric Montdall, call on the Lord Commissioner to explain their inaction and finally put an end to the Jacobin plague that infests this City.

Leofric Montdall
Count of Wierre-Effe
The noble woman set down her cup of kaffee, releasing an annoyed huff. "Somebody harassed you dear cousin? Why didnt you let us know? The utter foolishness of some people these days." Lisette spoke, handing the paper over to Fabienne. @Halsi
Addressed to the Count of Wierre-Effe, his Lordship Leofric Montdall:

I have chosen not to address these public missives until now due to the alarming rhetoric you've now spoken, or in this case, written. I will recognize your "points" one by one for simplicity sake.​

1. Sera Merowald Risberg has not spoken any Anti-State rhetoric. The Concordat is not a State-owned or State-run legislature or group but rather a political party organized by a zealous blue-blooded nobleman. To state and believe otherwise is delusion and unreality. Furthermore, as per Sera Risberg's code, she must challenge political leaders she and her Order believes to be corrupt. She has abided by that to a 'T'.
2. I am sorry to hear that Count Norinn was shot in the streets. How barbaric. Have you utilized the State Metropolitan?
3. I personally witnessed the Countess Fabienne du Poncaire willingly feed The Concordat to the dogs. She was not harassed, she was not peer-pressured. Perhaps you should ask the Countess why she feigned ignorance about her name on The Concordat's roster? Oh, the drama she must be basking in.
4. No State institution or the people under their employ and banner are corrupt. To state otherwise would be (ironically) Anti-State rhetoric.​

With Regards,
Count of Krismea
Knight-Confidant of the Krsnik to the Order Lothar
Matviy Shchberyna​
Lena's attention was grabbed by the public letter. Clouds of foreboding smoke lingered at her every step, stopping only when she leaned in to tack on her piece. She resumed on her stroll shortly after.

This missive is crafted to be misleading, as is the peanut assembly you try to resurrect. Merowald was not responsible for the shooting. That was me.

For as long as you thieves poach our voices, I won't quit.

- Лena
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It would appear the poster of the original notice would get exactly what they asked to receive, a response from the Lord Commissioner.

"Count Montdall, I see that you have quite the list of grievances that you wish to air, oddly enough, in public instead of making a single report about one of these incidents to the State Metropolitan. How peculiar that you would call out inaction of the state when none of these crimes have been reported to the metropolitan, not even the shooting, which would be the most clear cut of these cases."

"Tell me, do you believe the state to be omnipresent? aware of crimes without being informed of them in any regard? The Metropolitan can heavily patrol the streets and do what is necessary to ensure the safety of citizens within the city and that the law is followed. But we are not everywhere at every time, if you see such a crime, it is /your/ duty to report it to the relevant officials, not spend your time posting useless public notices to achieve your ten minutes of fame, and stir up some degree of 'Public outrage'."

"Perhaps next time you could try reporting a crime, instead of complaining about one on a notice board."

Signed Lord Commissioner Trent Nathamlanne of the State Metropolitan.
Dear Count Mondtall,

I don't mean to overstep, but you've accused me of treason. Based on your letter, it's clear you want me dead. If that was just colorful language, I understand, but obviously that's not ideal for me.

I want to let you know:

I love the Crown, and this Empire that's accepted me into it with my whole heart. My intentions are to serve as every citizen should. I'm proud to do this under the Bloodcast Order, and while it's not possible in the first place, it does make my soul weep that you would try and have me kicked from it.

I'm glad to see change in The Concordat. My goal was only to push reform and inform the common people. I don't want any bloodshed, but calling me a rebellious jacobin puts my life on the line. I, for one, think I'm better off alive. As for the other people mentioned in your notice, they can speak for themselves, and the facts of the matter have been witnessed by many.

Please stop,

Thank you in advance,

Sera Merowald Risberg
Knights Bloodcast



It might be better off for us to settle this in person. I'm a doer, not a talker.
Count Montdall,

For the first claim, I was present for the Sera's comments. Since your political club is not a component of the government, any commentary cannot be treason. Since your political club is not a state office, they cannot be guilty of inciting rebellion against the state. However, you can be found guilty of two counts of Low Law for both claims.

For the second claim, the Lord Commissioner's commentary stands. The Metropolitan is investigating the matter.

For the third claim, those present spoke with the adored Countess in a calm and orderly manner. Urges met the answers given that the Countess talk with you about putting their name on a document without their permission. /However/, I strongly suggest - very much so - that you apologize for mistitling the nobility present and calling them Common Rabble; this includes me. I expect this public letter within a week - if this fails, the only corrective action is a duel. Wherein there will be a medic provided. This duel will be with live weaponry. No substitutes will be allowed. Legal Occultism will be permitted. If you fail in either of these conditions, the public will hear of your tentative cowardice.

[Here signed]
Lady Revna Vikstrom,
General - Imperial Military,
Councilwoman of The Conclave,
Artok of The Regalian Throng.