Archived Safezone Survival

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
TL:WR - PvPers have Warzone for PvP among themselves, RPers should get Safezone for roleplay in survival.

Long Version:

The biggest gripe roleplayers have with the survival worlds is the fact that they can, at literally any time, be attacked and ruthlessly killed by PvPers. In order to avoid such a horrid death, they need to invest is massive (often ugly and immersion-shattering) walls to keep PvPers out - or they can just stay in Regalia where it's safe. There are probably dozens of Roleplayers who would much rather design their own towns in survival than be stuck with Regalia's style (not saying Regalia has bad constructs, just that not everyone likes the style). People who'd like to roleplay as races not accepted in Regalia, but don't want to spend the entire time hiding or in the sewers. Well, why not allow factions to buy Safezone Chunks the same way they can buy Warzone chunks?

Doing so would finally provide protection to roleplayers in survival worlds, enticing them to leave Regalia and actually, you know, survive. They'll need to pay upkeep tax on the faction that controls the Safezone, and like warzone it would need to be entirely surrounded. It would also have an initial expense (I think 5k is a good price, same as Warzone) which would require they earn money to pay for it or get together into factions to pay for it. Furthermore, they would need to gather or buy supplies to build the safezone area, be it a single building in a faction or an entire town protected by a wall.

Now, I know that this would give the advantage to Roleplayers in their safezones, but considering they can currently go to Regalia and roleplay there in security even more complete than anything a safezone could offer, I feel this is a good way to expand Roleplay beyond Regalia, out into factions.

Rules List:
  1. Must be completely encircled/contained by a building. Building must have doors or gate that can be closed. Cannot be more than 1 building.
  2. Maximum of 8 chunks of safezone per faction. (Enough for a single decent building).
  3. Safezone must be surrounded entirely by Faction Claim.
  4. Safezone cannot be the only building at the location (must be part of a town that exist outside the building).
Ok, discuss! What can be improved? What flaws are there? If you're a roleplayer, would you be interested in having safezones in faction-built & run towns? If you're a PvPer, do you think this is tolerable, and what rules would you put in place to prevent safezone abuse? Staff, is this even doable, logistics wise?

Thanks for reading! Sorry if I missed any details :)
~ Mecharic, Casual Gamer

EDITS: Added Rules List
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If they have no interest already in Survival, they won't be enticed by a safezone. At most they will sit in the safezone and use it as an RP location away from Regalia. I think you lack empathy and so you can't put yourself in a Roleplayer's shoes, but I can, and if I were a roleplayer that wasn't interested in Survival, a safezone wouldn't change it.

Most of them haven't been exposed to survival, or at least not in a very long time. Enticing them to join survival worlds and build, mine, log, darkroom, ext to make a unique town they can roleplay in safely may well show some of them that Survival is actually pretty fun. As I've said time & time again in this thread, most of them won't. But if some of them do, that still an improvement.

Anyway, it would be nice to get a lock or even a full delete of this thread, as it has served it's purpose.
If they have no interest already in Survival, they won't be enticed by a safezone. At most they will sit in the safezone and use it as an RP location away from Regalia. I think you lack empathy and so you can't put yourself in a Roleplayer's shoes, but I can, and if I were a roleplayer that wasn't interested in Survival, a safezone wouldn't change it.
Telling a role-player they can't put themselves in a roleplayer's shoes..

Safezones is a neat idea to bringing Roleplayers back into factions, but at the end of the day. Humans are creatures of habit. Regalia is comfortable, why leave comfort? To help gravitate Roleplayers towards factions in the first place, I think we should change the world spawns into miniature cities. Each with the appropriate lore build styles and regional culture. While also having available rent regions for players to rent from, like in regalia.

Also safezones should be lower than the oppressing 2500 that a warzone costs per chunk. Something like 1500 a chunk would still cost 13.5k for a 9 chunk claim. Which is reasonable. Asking 22.5k for the same size is rediculous.

Side note: As it currently stands, Roleplayers completely removed from the survival world, so what's the harm in letting them have safezones?
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As a roleplayer who loves to play in survival, any idea that makes it more accessible to me without forcing me into PvP has my support :')

I love survival- I love to build, and farm, and gather, and do everything else that makes Minecraft what it is, atop the story elements introduced by players. I don't think survival worlds should be run entirely by jungle law and PvP- I think there should at least be options for those who aren't interested in smacking people with a sword over and over until they fall over and poof.

The basic elements of Minecraft (building, exploring, creating) should not be kept exclusively by PvPers- that just isn't right.

-Edit- Also it's a little jarring to hear people talking about roleplayers as if they haven't set foot into a survival world in years. Minecraft does have singleplayer and other servers- I'm willing to bet a lot of roleplayers just don't like the survival format here. To be honest, unless you're a PvPer who's willing to join a faction, it's pretty unforgiving.. To the point that it just can't justify the effort involved.
I enjoy a challenge- but only if that challenge has some return. Struggling against challenges to scrape out an existence for myself is fun. Getting steamrolled before I even so much as find a place to build a hut is not fun.
I can't imagine anyone really likes to fight a clearly hopeless battle- it's demoralizing and discourages people from trying again.
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As a roleplayer who loves to play in survival, any idea that makes it more accessible to me without forcing me into PvP has my support :')

I love survival- I love to build, and farm, and gather, and do everything else that makes Minecraft what it is, atop the story elements introduced by players. I don't think survival worlds should be run entirely by jungle law and PvP- I think there should at least be options for those who aren't interested in smacking people with a sword over and over until they fall over and poof.

The basic elements of Minecraft (building, exploring, creating) should not be kept exclusively by PvPers- that just isn't right.

-Edit- Also it's a little jarring to hear people talking about roleplayers as if they haven't set foot into a survival world in years. Minecraft does have singleplayer and other servers- I'm willing to bet a lot of roleplayers just don't like the survival format here. To be honest, unless you're a PvPer who's willing to join a faction, it's pretty unforgiving.. To the point that it just can't justify the effort involved.
I enjoy a challenge- but only if that challenge has some return. Struggling against challenges to scrape out an existence for myself is fun. Getting steamrolled before I even so much as find a place to build a hut is not fun.
I can't imagine anyone really likes to fight a clearly hopeless battle- it's demoralizing and discourages people from trying again.
Your mass generalisation of the Factions worlds proves to me you know nothing about the game mode. It isn't "kept exclusively for PvPers." There's probably about 30 people in the Factions worlds that actually PvP, and the rest just play Factions. Don't want to fight? Build a wall. But don't try and implement "safe zones" in a game mode that is designed to NOT hold your hand.
This might have already been said- I'm too tired to read through every post. I think this is worth saying anyway -

Issue - Abuse to get out of PVP when losing a fight.
I saw a comment about how someone could rush into a safe-zone if they started losing a fight in PVP.

Solution -
What if they made it that you can only become "safe" in a "safe-zone" while PVP-inactive, and you could only become "unsafe" by engaging in PVP.

This is to prevent some twat from rushing over to the local safe-pub when he starts losing a fight, but also to prevent some twat walking into said local safe-pub and killing everyone who just want to roleplay.

Issue - Trolling.
The more 'trolly' of PVPers will just come into your roleplay safe-zone, and proceed to break the lore (or whatever custom faction lore you decide to use if you're not trying to be compliant) and troll you to annoy you and ruin your roleplay. Since they'll likely see your roleplay as ruining their PVP, I can definitely see quite a bit of obnoxious trolling going on; not every PVPer will do it, but I've seen PVPers in Regalia doing this, so it will definitely happen in the faction world.

Solution -
Moderators aren't always going to be online to help you deal with this, so when a troll shows up, I think people with perms inside the safe-zone should also have some kind of control over things. Perhaps an ability to mute a player while they're in the safe-zone (because not everyone listens when you tell them just to use /ignore). The issue remains of them standing in your face, so maybe also having some kind of ability to forcefully tp a player out of the zone if they're trolling could help solve this too.
This might have already been said- I'm too tired to read through every post. I think this is worth saying anyway -

Issue - Abuse to get out of PVP when losing a fight.
I saw a comment about how someone could rush into a safe-zone if they started losing a fight in PVP.

Solution -
What if they made it that you can only become "safe" in a "safe-zone" while PVP-inactive, and you could only become "unsafe" by engaging in PVP.

This is to prevent some twat from rushing over to the local safe-pub when he starts losing a fight, but also to prevent some twat walking into said local safe-pub and killing everyone who just want to roleplay.

Issue - Trolling.
The more 'trolly' of PVPers will just come into your roleplay safe-zone, and proceed to break the lore (or whatever custom faction lore you decide to use if you're not trying to be compliant) and troll you to annoy you and ruin your roleplay. Since they'll likely see your roleplay as ruining their PVP, I can definitely see quite a bit of obnoxious trolling going on; not every PVPer will do it, but I've seen PVPers in Regalia doing this, so it will definitely happen in the faction world.

Solution -
Moderators aren't always going to be online to help you deal with this, so when a troll shows up, I think people with perms inside the safe-zone should also have some kind of control over things. Perhaps an ability to mute a player while they're in the safe-zone (because not everyone listens when you tell them just to use /ignore). The issue remains of them standing in your face, so maybe also having some kind of ability to forcefully tp a player out of the zone if they're trolling could help solve this too.

Oh. My. Goodness. This is the perfect solution! It would require more coding than border-based flags like warzone, but Wow. that would be amazing.
Maybe to prevent abuse, if you are in combat, safezones don't work?
This might have already been said- I'm too tired to read through every post. I think this is worth saying anyway -

Issue - Abuse to get out of PVP when losing a fight.
I saw a comment about how someone could rush into a safe-zone if they started losing a fight in PVP.

Solution -
What if they made it that you can only become "safe" in a "safe-zone" while PVP-inactive, and you could only become "unsafe" by engaging in PVP.

This is to prevent some twat from rushing over to the local safe-pub when he starts losing a fight, but also to prevent some twat walking into said local safe-pub and killing everyone who just want to roleplay.

Issue - Trolling.
The more 'trolly' of PVPers will just come into your roleplay safe-zone, and proceed to break the lore (or whatever custom faction lore you decide to use if you're not trying to be compliant) and troll you to annoy you and ruin your roleplay. Since they'll likely see your roleplay as ruining their PVP, I can definitely see quite a bit of obnoxious trolling going on; not every PVPer will do it, but I've seen PVPers in Regalia doing this, so it will definitely happen in the faction world.

Solution -
Moderators aren't always going to be online to help you deal with this, so when a troll shows up, I think people with perms inside the safe-zone should also have some kind of control over things. Perhaps an ability to mute a player while they're in the safe-zone (because not everyone listens when you tell them just to use /ignore). The issue remains of them standing in your face, so maybe also having some kind of ability to forcefully tp a player out of the zone if they're trolling could help solve this too.
Then you can just run for a minute inside the area and become immune. Still not a fix.
Then you can just run for a minute inside the area and become immune. Still not a fix.

Provided counter point in your favour:
You could run around for a minute inside the area to become immune.

Flaws in this point:
You'd have to evade someone for an entire minute then, inside an area likely designed as a confined space for roleplay.

So we have (probably) a single chunk, likely designed for roleplay - say a tavern or a house of some sorts - and you have to run around for a full minute to get immunity. If you can evade your enemy for that long, then you're already fully capable of running away, outmanoeuvring them, and even just shutting a door.

The door thing is a very big point. Running around a roleplay zone for a full minute is literally not as effective as running into literally any zone, roleplay or not, and just shutting a door, which you can already do right now.

My own counter point / solution:
I believe your counterpoint can be substituted with doors.
"Then you can just run (into a building of any type) and (shut a door). Still not a fix."
These zones would simply mean that you could have picnic areas where you didn't need ultra security and doors all over the place, and, of course, running around a picnic area for a whole minute without getting hit is going to be hard.

A far better counter point in your favour:

You could run for a minute outside the zone before entering the zone, to gain immunity.

Flaws in this point:
Honestly, this sounds like a very real issue. You could stall for time by running around an open area, before suddenly hopping into a safe zone and instantly becoming safe.

My own counter point / solution:
Perhaps the addition of a 20-second timer would help solve this issue. Essentially, it doesn't matter if you're PVP active or inactive when you enter a roleplay zone, you'd still always have to wait 20 seconds to become safe. This way, people can not run around outside a zone to stall for time, become PVP-inactive, and then jump in the zone to have instant immunity.

Test this, increase or decrease the seconds - maybe even have entering a roleplay-zone make you become PVP-active so you have to wait the full time to become immune.
Also, if you have the mentality of "Staff never answer tickets so I am not going to bother making one." it is very much your own fault that the issue is not being resolved, because you're not making an effort.
i agree with this, half of these players could apply and become staff themselves to answer tickets for others if they really wanted to... would solve the problem if we all cared anough to put in extra effort for others. XD
I will note this idea as a feature suggestion as it is pertaining to Factions, however I am personally resistant/reluctant to the idea of adding safezone purchases to Factions simply because there are quite a large number of ways safezones can be abused.