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Played Character Sæthre

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
{ The Changeling }
  • Character Information
    Name: Sæthre (Sathre)​
    Pronounced: Saw-thruh
    A.K.A.: Transmuter, Season Mage, Shapechanger, Wyld Daughter
    Heritage / Culture: Ailor // Fuath Changeling
    Age: 32 years old
    Gender: Female
    Occult: Anima Mage // School of Elemental, School of Alteration // Fenra "Godborn"
    Religion: Fornoss​
  • Character Information
    Name: Valeria Andelsdottir​
    Pronounced: Val-eer-ee-ah And-ul-stot-err
    A.K.A.: Namekeeper, Halltender, Scrollreader​
    Heritage / Culture: Kaini-Velheim Ailor
    Age: 27 years old
    Gender: Female
    Occult: Mundane
    Religion: Fornoss​

  • Core Concept
    Sæthre is a changeling born of the goddess Fenra, and a mage that modifies her specialization with the seasons. She picks faces to fit in, and finds comfort in new crowds, forever doomed to hunt for a real family. She suppresses her magic to fit in with others, most commonly using the mask of Valeria Andelsdottir. She embodies the classic Fey, impish and sly.
  • Core Concept
    Valeria is a devotee of Eirny, the Eternity Author. An avid record-keeper, she learns and remembers names and deeds as they're given to her, written down and recorded so that they never go forgotten and can be judged when the time is right. Valeria is used as a primary identity, the picture perfect daughter her parents wished they had before Fenra graced them with a Fuath girl.

  • Appearance Information
    Eye Color: Kaleidoscopic silver & pink
    Skin Color: Olive
    Hair: Black & white, short & choppy
    Height: 5'-06"
    Body Type: Slim
    She's short and spry, with a tricky smile and excitable features. She wears flowery clothes that are easy to move in, and change with the environment, always shifting to match. Her ears are long, and shrouded in a flowing film of glowing pink and orange Anima magic, reminiscent of Fenra's hair.​
  • Appearance Information
    Eye Color: Powder blue
    Skin Color: Olive
    Hair: Navy blue, long and tied into a braid
    Height: 5'-09"
    Body Type: Slim
    She sports rich navy-blue hair, with spectral antlers enchanted into a headband, and clothes befitting a woman who prefers to cold library after sundown than the company of many.​

  • Combat stats: Intelligence/Wisdom
    Constitution: 0
    Ailor | Breather
    Ailor | Rebound
    Intelligence: 6
    Adapt | Mimicry
    Adapt | Wardrobe
    Adapt | Oceanic
    Adapt | Safeguard (Magical)
    Adapt | Sealing (Magical)
    Adapt | Shapeshift (Magical)​
    Wisdom: 3
    Chem | Bolts
    Chem | Revive
    Chem | Purge​
    Charisma: 5
    Speech | Hazard Presence
    Speech | Saving Presence
    Speech | Undisclosed Presence
    Speech | Stubborn Presence
    Speech | Sanctioned Presence​
  • Heritage
    Ailor 1. Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    Ailor 2. Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
    Ailor 3. Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.​
    Fornoss Mechanic. TBA.​
    Hazard Presence. This Pack allows the user to access physically or socially hazardous locations. This can include for example Guldar, where the air is toxic though some kind of special exception granted by the Maquixtl state. This can for example be the Allorn Empire, which has its borders closed to foreigners, and Regalians are banned from entry without this Pack. Because these places exist off the map, they cannot be visited in-game. This pack purely exists to allow a Character background interactions with these regions and to write lore stories and have stories to tell players in conversational roleplay. Finally, this Pack also grants your Character the means to (mundanely) avoid some of the hazardous risks of exploration around Regalia, for example, the Acid Flats (in Gloomrot) and Sulphur Caves (in the Badlands), where normal Characters would experience respiratory problems, your character happens to have safety breathers.
    Saving Presence. Either when you or your friend commits some grievous communication error with a DM NPC or some other Event Character controlled by a Staff Member, you can activate the Saving Presence Pack as a rewind to quickly save the situation from escalating, relax, or diffuse the person who the statement was made towards, and give the speaker the time to re-phrase their statement, opinion, or choose to remain quiet. This is particularly useful to save yourself or someone from committing a diplomatic faux-pas or saying something awkward that would result in loss of opportunities, however, this Pack has limited use. If you are using it for yourself, there is a 30-day cooldown per DM, even if that DM is playing different Characters in different plotlines, you cannot re-use this Pack on the same DM in that period. If you are using it to save a friend's error, the cooldown applies both to you and your friend, regardless if they have the Pack or not.
    Undisclosed Presence. This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.
    Stubborn Presence. This Pack allows you to reduce incoming Persuasion Rolls, or Persuasion Rolls made by others in the same scene. When someone uses Persuasion Rolls on you, the final result has -1 removed. When someone uses Persuasion Rolls near you, you can choose to apply this to their Dice, to sabotage their attempts to persuade. A Character can only be affected by one Stubborn Presence Pack per Dice Roll, and each time this Pack is used, it counts as your Character saying something snarky or snobby to sabotage the Persuasion attempt. The person who is attempting to use Persuasion will know IC that you tried to sabotage them.
    Sanctioned Presence.
    Your Character has an Imperial Identification Seal that is not forgeable and cannot be copied. It allows your Character to indisputably establish their identity if they have been forcibly Transformed, copied, imitated, or otherwise visually obscured.
    Your Character can, because of this Imperial Seal, gain access to Palace Events even if they are a Commoner, and without a Noble or Knight entourage or acting as their +1. Keep in mind Palace decorum is still in effect, criminals/monsters will be ejected.
    When Knights or other forms of government law enforcement block off an area or make an area off-limits due to a barricade or blockade, the Imperial Seal allows your Character to remain there, or pass through any barricade set up for security or exclusion.​

Serdi (9/10)
Ørsti (8/10)
Barrudh (3/10)
Common (7/10)
Plot Hooks
  • Sæthre rarely shows her true face, in an effort to hide it. Ashamed, wouldn't be the word, more detached. She seeks more than anything to be part of something, that something just often turns out to be unattainable. For this, Sæthre maintains distance, and keeps to her work as one of the Fornoss Faithful, nose in a book and magic studied in private.

    Each season, Sæthre's magic shifts. During Summer she wields Fire & Heat, Earth & Nature in the Spring, Wind & Lightning during Autumn, and Water & Ice in the Winter. A sense of attachment to each, to mimicking the environment for the best effects, brings her to practice Alteration above all else. She enjoys changing things, either in mirror to her own abilities or some depressing yearning to be something she isn't.
  • As Valeria, she can be seen with two books at all times- carried at her sides in custom holsters. A gold tome on her right side, used to write the good deeds she witnesses or hears of, and a black tome on her left, for sins and transgressions. When the books are full, she leaves them at the local Bard shrine, for his followers to pick up and pursue.

    She has been the victim of multiple counts of Eirny's prayer-answering-scroll-airstrikes. Even without voicing a proper prayer, and just a passive remark, she reflexively shields her head with a grasping hand, just in case one of Eirny's replies decides to fall on her. She presents as mundane, suppressing her magic to do so.

A suspiciously long steel pen, with a suspiciously sharp edge.
One black tome.
One golden tome.
A headband worn low, enchanted to create a laurel of glowing antlers near the back of her head.
A necklace of beads and tablets, etched with runes of protection, life, forethought, and fate. The pieces themselves are carved from whale bone.​

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