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Played Character Reynard/Reyhildra Dahrell

This character is actively played.

I've given Reynard a small overhaul. I've set his lineage back over to Akkadian, find that to be a more fitting lineage for him in the time I've had playing him as Woaden and with how his character how it is and rearranged some of his points as a result to the racial proficiency bonus. I've also went over and added Wall Climb 3 and two spells to his sheet, climbing walls was a bit of a trademark for him as a Woaden (I suppose it is for all Woaden) so I aimed to keep that. As for the spells, I've wanted to give them a shot and I think Reynard fits quite nicely as light sorcerer, add a small stipe to his backstory of him learning it from the refugees his aided for this change. All changes highlighted in Violet, have a good one!

With the new alchemy update I have did some re-arranging. I took common alchemy and invested the left over points into the Astral Being 2 spell, subtracting 1 point of of swords to do so. Otherwise, no other changes. All changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!
Approved, but please differentiate bought-abilities, and sorceries, etc. It's becoming hard to read through. @FolkFume

I went over and did some reorganizing to the points to make things more legible but also I swapped Reynard's Common Alchemy for Healing Alchemy since I got mixed up on what Common and Healing Alchemy were able to do. Healing also just makes more sense given his backstory in a clinic and how he works in a clinic IRP as of now. All changes highlighted in Violet.

P.S If it's still difficult to differentiate the proficiencies I can section them further into sorceries, rogue packs, etc. Have a good one!
Sorry I've been away on vacation. I shall review it now.

Made what I would consider a small adjustment, Reynard is a deal more magical now, but otherwise he still has what made him, him. I dropped Light Ranged Combat by 12 points, and invested 3 of those points into Swords. Then I invested the rest of the points into Super Self 1, Magic Bolt 1, and Power Curse 3. All changes highlighted in Violet.

Reynard has been infected again, with the Wyrden bloodline! Details put in a spoil and all changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!

In accordance with the new engineering update I've given Reynard one! I've removed Clockwork Metallurgy (now that it no longer exists) and replaced it with Affliction Knowledge while adding a small snippet in the backstory that relates to that. I've also removed Power Curse 3 and replaced it with Engineering Hooking. Lastly, I swapped Reynard's Sword proficiency with One-Handed Blunt due to the spicy new media I've been consuming. I think I quite like the smashy weapons now...

All changes highlighted in Violet. See you on the flip flop!

I went off and made a small change. Removed Steamtek Hooking. Replacing them with Darkness 2. All changes highlighted in Violet.
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I've made another change to Reynard. I've decided to completely remove Light Ranged Combat from his sheet and replace it with Steamtech Hooking and put the 5 remaining points into Blunt Combat. I've also rejiggered Super Self 1 into Magic Sight 1. Over the course of the Vampiric Crisis Reynard just hadn't used his ranged tools nearly as much as his magic and blunted weapon and I found myself having far more fun with that style so I've decided to forgo them. All changes highlighted in Violet.

There might be a nice touch up of Reynard in a couple of months, sprucing the sheet and trimming/improving the backstory so baited breath for that! (I just hope I get the drive to do it)

With the new magic bolt update I've removed magic bolt and replaced it with Elemental Control 2. All changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!

And there we are! I believe I've gotten everything all formatted to the new one. I've highlighted all changes in Violet. As a side note, some parts that were technically updated I haven't highlighted as the changes were so small I didn't think it mattered. Such as the Life Story. All I added for that was bullet points since Reynard's life story was actually already in the new format by chance. I've also left out his Alias, Wyrden, and Cahal abilities from the ability page since he isn't one currently (but I will add it when/if he becomes one). And lastly I did not include a Cahal appearance in the appearance part because Reynard had a outdated and un-updated Cahal form from when Cahal were actually Werebeasts (I will add a description if he ever gets infected again)

Have a GOOD one!
I've removed Darkness 2, Elemental Brand 2, Magic Sight 1, and Super Self 1. All those 12 points of put into Shielding which I added in a small blurb to the backstory. I'm thinking of elaborating perhaps on that teacher (maybe they were someone who got teachings in the school of the Battlemed?) but this is okay so far. All changes Highlighted in Violet.
Have a good one!

I went and swapped Astral Being 2 for Super Self 1. No other changes! I've had Astral Being 2 for a while now, and, unfortunately, I just haven't gotten much use out of it. By the nature of the spell it's just that people forgot they could contact Reynard and often ended up doing so the normal way. So! I've swapped to explodenard (Changes highlighted in Violet) Have a good one!
Bump! Updated to the new Proficency update and given a new backstory to fall in line with how Reynard's personality has changed since the beginning. I shamelessly stole parts from my, now discontinued character Remus, yes.
@Yurs I've went ahead and replaced Reynard's Parkour Pack with Polearm Pack, and his Axe Pack with Improvised Weapon Pack. That's about it, all changes highlighted in Violet and have a good one!
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@LumosJared Another round of small changes. I swapped Multi-Shielding with Heavy Shielding, and Bruteforce Pack with Large Blades Pack. All changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!

VERY minor pack rearranges done with the most recent pack Re-Tooling. Large Blades was swapped with Thin Blades, and Dimenthist Wisdom was swapped with Obstructive Alchemy. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!

VERY minor pack rearranges done with the most recent pack Re-Tooling. Large Blades was swapped with Thin Blades, and Dimenthist Wisdom was swapped with Obstructive Alchemy. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
Apologies for the delay!

The listed changes are consistent. Approved.

Apologies in advance for this, but I've done another minor re-tooling. I've returned Reynard's Dimenthist pack due to the new Demonology update, replacing Obstructive Alchemy with it. And I've also minorly re-arranged his fighting kit, taking away abilities I never used, not once. Improvised pack replaced with Large Blades, and Thin Blades replaced with Short Blades. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
@Dekuras Very minor change with the sick new Defensive Pack abilities. Replaced Short Blades Pack with Counterplay Pack. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
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@Dekuras After much deliberation I've decided to make, what I consider one more minor, but important change to Reynard's sheet. I've removed Reynard's Affliction Knowledge and Dimenthist Knowledge and replaced them with both Short Blades Pack and the new Tradeoff Pack. Curing has always been a thing I've enjoyed doing and something that I liked to include in Reynard's retour but it's been over a year since I've actually done anything with the Afflicted pack, let alone curing and I don't expect that to change, even more so with Dimethism. I'd like to work with this new point spread and see how it suits him. All changes in Violet have a good one!