Archived Require Reading Rules Of Regalia Before Going In?

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Sep 26, 2013
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I have noticed lots of new players starting off in Regalia and most of them do not know the rules of the server... Such as no armor or how the different chats work. It may be worth our time to REQUIRE reading the rules and commands etc to familiarize themselves with it.

1. This stops new players feeling like they have no place in Regalia since many RPers brush them off as OOC.
2. This stops people running around in Regalia and disturbing RP.

Thoughts? Please comment your ideas!
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The easiest thing to do is to just help out a new player if they seem confused. You can't force anyone to do anything, and a simple helping hand goes a long way. I've only had an RP disrupted a handful of times in my time here, and most times a simply OOC talk in pms cleared things up.

Massivecraft RP has no whitelist, yet still maintains top quality. The players can moderate themselves, and can offer assistance to players in need. There's no need to slam rules down their throat, because they'd just leave.

Also, there are signs right before regalia that players can choose to read. But like everything on here, it's a choice.
How do you enforce this? If I'm given say a rule book, I'll likely skip through it, as I don't have the patience. A reward system for learning the rules, like Advisor Harry once did, might encourage people to actually bother learning the rules in the first place.
How do you enforce this? If I'm given say a rule book, I'll likely skip through it, as I don't have the patience. A reward system for learning the rules, like Advisor Harry once did, might encourage people to actually bother learning the rules in the first place.
Many servers, not naming names, have a short quiz at the end to enforce reading rules.
An NPC near the Regalian Spawn leading to /tp rphelp might be useful. Similar to the one used for the sewers and fast travel.

Where spotted, lore staff usually try to help new players out by directing them to the rules or providing them with the Roleplay Manual, but I think many players (even veteran ones) aren't aware that /tp rphelp exists.
You typically don't want to force a player to do something menial such as that. Sure it is inconvenient for the other players who are already familiar with the content but there are several people who were at that stage once and are now better.

Take the opportunity to teach them. Show them the ropes.
You typically don't want to force a player to do something menial such as that. Sure it is inconvenient for the other players who are already familiar with the content but there are several people who were at that stage once and are now better.

Take the opportunity to teach them. Show them the ropes.
I am not saying those players are annoying or unwanted, not at all. Whenever I see someone that doesn't understand the rules I make sure to help if they are willing to listen. My point of the post is to prevent the need for that to happen. Try and automate as much of the tedious and annoying stuff as we can.
I am not saying those players are annoying or unwanted, not at all. Whenever I see someone that doesn't understand the rules I make sure to help if they are willing to listen. My point of the post is to prevent the need for that to happen. Try and automate as much of the tedious and annoying stuff as we can.
As mentioned already, requiring people to go through something like that may put potential players off. Plus, some people learn better when taught live by another person rather than an automated system. And not everyone minds teaching new players, some people find satisfaction in teaching and watching new players learn.