Preserved Sheet Rennyn Caranis

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Hi! @Volaie

Just tagging to let you know I added some mutations.
Two of them are just copy pasted from void sight and void tears of the old mutations and how I roleplayed them.

The last, I decided to make use of the creative liberties we got on Wing mutations, to do something with a bit of flair. Albeit, I did make the wings toggleable so they can go away and come back when the character uses element control 2, if this isn't okay please let me know and I will change it ASAP.

Thank you!
The wings are fine, Approved!

Hi! Just updated Rennyn for him to be up to date with the new Kathar rework. Feel free to take a look whenever! To be specific on the actual changes, I did the following.

⦁ Four points were freed up with the introduction of magic dagger 1, so I ended up investing three more points into sorcery for Flux Shift 5 and invested the last point into fist combat
⦁ Chose cult of excess as the cult Rennyn draws power from, thus adding plus 5 to his physical stat total as the limit was raised.
⦁ Changed mentions of Paarthalaar to Parthanaar.
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Hi! Just wanted to make some kit changes for Ren since I felt as though I wasn't using the original kit often enough. The changes are as follows:

Removal of Blunt Pack

Addition of Brittle Shot Pack
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Did one last change in Rennyn's kit!

Removed Flesh Magic Pack
Removed Large Blades Pack

Added Blades Pack
Added Light Shielding Pack

I've been finding myself using Whimsy magic less and less lately, so with the new changes I've decided to replace it with blood magic!

In addition with the new society/arcanology wisdom point buy split, my character no longer meets the requirements for Bentyia wisdom. So I removed that, and left a free point there to spend when new arcanology packs roll out.
With the recent release of Demonology, the changes to the Kathar racial kit abilities, the rework of the wisdom scholarly packs, and lastly the extra bit of freedom of the dexterity stealth pack being integrated into shadow magic, I figured I ought to give Rennyn a tune up with all the updates.

The new constitution pack additions and the changes to how disguise pack interacts with afflictions made me wanna go ahead and do a quick change to Ren's kit.

Big magic update so there was a big change on Ren's kit.

Removed: Blood Magic, Shadow Magic, Metal Magic, Wind Magic, Arcane Magic, Brittle Shot.

Added: Displacement School, Illusion School, Caster School, Saboteur Pack, Tripwire Pack, Blunt Pack

Hi sorry for this sudden update, only a week later after the application was approved. I'm starting to get into the groove of the new optional crp system, so I decided to make a couple of edits to make Rennyn into more of a warrior, and an assassiny rogue that fits more into the Abyssal niche.

As a result I have removed Deeplore pack and Tripwire Shot

And added light shielding pack and stupid luck pack, to bump up his charisma and constitution stats.

This should be a final edit as I feel more than comfortable with what his kit ultimately looks like now. Thank you!
Also I love dark metal mech demon suits as a concept and I decided to kill off displacement magic with arcane knockback since I already have knockback slash for spacing, and add Mech-Suit Pack so I can lore in a lesser demon concept I like.
Hi with the big update I made big changes.

Removal of Backup Shot, Blunt Force Smash, Unarmed Ranged Dodge, Thin Blades Crippling Strike.

Addition of

Tripwire Pack, Brutalist Pack, Hunter Pack, Skirmisher Pack.

-2 Constitution + 1 Magic, + 1 Charisma

Lost abilities: Shield Pack, Rage Counter, Pinning Throw, Knockback Slash, Demon Warlock

Gained abilities: Steady Body, Leader's rally, Strangling Brand, Anchoring Hex, Life Leech

Also gained free bidding spirit pack for spirit type.
Crimson Witch affliction was removed, removed Strangling Brand and adjusted lore accordingly.

Removal of Clumsy Pack, Addition of Spirit Haunting Pack
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+1 Strength, -1 Wisdom

Additions: New custom kit. 3 Charisma Cost, Evasion Pack, Pursuer Pack, Warrior Pack. Free Hexlord.

Removals: Spirit Anchoring Pack, Spirit Haunting Pack, Mech-Suit Pack, Brutalist Pack, Tripwire Pack.

Just had to do some new year cleaning on the sheet with the new custom kit addition and Kathar update. Thank you!
Rennyn has been infected with vampirism!

Additions: Betrayal Pack, Parkour Pack, Parasite Pack, Spellsword Magic, A variety of form descriptions.

Removals: Being Unafflicted

Figured it was best to ask for a re-review to make sure everything was as it should be. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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Changelog: Bruiser Packs are kickass.

Additions: Bruiser Agony, Bruiser Flurry, Bruiser Slam, Bruiser Feint, Rage Counter. Commutable: Link Disrupt

Removals: Concussive Strike, Leaping Charge, Steady Body, Life Leech, Arcane Attraction. Commutable: Empowerment

Sorry for the long list, with these new additions I decided to do a big overhaul to dip more into the whole reckless attacker theme I got going on Rennyn. Bruiser is too good. Thank you for reading!

Small ability change for arcane ranged shenanigans.

Addition: Survivalist Pack
Removals: Evasion Pack

Thanks for reading!
Changelog: BIG UPDATE
So some of the things I did with this update was swap some things around with commutable point buy as well as change out a few previous abilities.

Additions: Bruiser Ruin, (Commutable) Trickery Pack, Spirit Parasite Pack
Removals: Heavy Pack, Parkour Pack, Spirit Hexlord Pack

Switch arounds: Disruption Spell Pack to Magic, Illusion Spell Pack to Commutable Point Buy

Thanks for reading!
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HI! Did a quick edit ability wise. I just realized Odella's reach is a thing, and it felt like a waste not to run Saboteur pack with all of Ren's Charisma, + I think Pocket Sand is a neat ability and will see more use than Creeping Toxin.

Added: Saboteur Pack
Removed: Creeping Toxin
