There can't be possibly more than 35 people in nobility, and the only reason it seems salty is because of this little example. Let's say: 5 people being mean will make up 1/7th of its 35 person population, whereas 50 people being mean in normal roleplay will only then make up about 1/14th of their respective category in their 700 person population. Even if there were only 7 nobles, just 1 of them being salty now makes up 1/7th of its population as well. Do you see the numbers now? One side is ten times as bad as the other, and yet it still is technically 'not as bad' as the other. If your roleplay is ruined by one or two salty folks, /ignore and avoiding interactions can, and will, fix everything. Of all things, this thread seems an unfortunate lot like a "I'm glad I'm not one of them" sort of deal. All parts of the community have ups and downs in tension, and it just so happens that this is currently a 'down'. What you are looking at is mostly an illusion of percentages because of the much smaller community in comparison.