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Played Character Galatea Arte || How may this unit be of assistance?

This character is actively played.
Nov 19, 2024
Reaction score

~Wrapped in Dust~
--= Galatea Arte =--
"Greetings! How may this unit be of Assistance to you?"

Character Information
  • Full Name: Galatea Arte (A.K.A. as Reva, short for 'Revelation')
  • Heritage / Culture: Mech Automata (Skyborn)
  • Age: 152
  • Gender / Pronouns: They/It/She (in order of preference)
  • Religion: N/A
  • Occult: N/A
  • Character Occupation: None (yet). Currently acting as an aimless vagrant.
  • Tech Branches: Clockwork (with what seems to be minor after-market Klokktech modifications in the legs specifically, and nowhere else).

Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Teal
  • Skin Color: Mahogany
  • Hair: Birchwood
  • Height: 6'7"
  • Body Type: Mannequin
  • Additional Features: calf-mounted propulsion units

  • Physical Description: It appears to be some sort of... Mannequin, at least by the way it moves. it flops and flips about like a puppet on strings, and seems to never use its legs for much of anything, sliding to and fro with a distinct lack of a gait. It doesn't even try to synchronize its lips to the words it says, simply allowing the puppet's maw to spew out whatever it's saying. Despite its wood paneling and unemotional, unblinking doll-face, one could say there's a bit of a silly charm to the oblivious look it has, more than an uncanny feeling. Talks at a notably stilted pace, taking many pauses to stitch words together from their scripts and past recorded voices to make new sentences.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: For hobbies; Bird watching, Herb collecting, watching paint dry, keeping and caring for earthworms. For talents; really just the one thing it was made to be good at: Chasing things down. (Athletic, in regards to fast movement)
  • Mechanics:
    • Reva cannot invest in any Magic or Faith Proficiencies at all. They, however, gain 1 free Point Buy Pack from any other Category without Proficiency investment.
    • Reva doesn't need to invest in a Tech Branch for tinkering.
    • They have perfect, sequential memory. Additionally, Magic cannot tamper with Galatea Arte's memories.
    • Arte possesses a unique perspective that allows them to glean details with regard to the inner workings of other machines.
    • Reva has the ability to create a "backup" by way of the distinct crystalline "core" located in their chassis. So long as their core remains intact, they can be rebuilt or repaired– though this can be quite stressful.
  • Languages: Common ("off-script" speech), Zahram (using their preprogrammed script)


A living training doll, forged to help others reach their true potential, but taken and reprogrammed to think it was instead made to topple others down, bringing it into servitude as a living weapon.
That was a lie: but now that its creators–- and the thieves that reclaimed them— are long gone, and even though its returned to its docile "factory settings", there's no one left to tell them that they're free to go.

It's memory is hazy… It doesn't know where it is, has trouble remembering where it came from, and how it even functions. However– judging by their amiability, it would appear that they don't particularly care.

As Arte is a relatively new character, their plot hooks have to do with how they came to be in Regalia more immediately than most. As this character gets elaborated upon, these will inevitably change.
  • Arte is aware that, prior to waking up a free automaton, they were being transported in the back of a caravan. What they didn't know is that they were forcefully deactivated and removed from their initial site by a third party, and were loaded onto the trail to be brought elsewhere for analysis. This didn't come to fruition, as the wagon tipped over and they spilled into a bush. Maybe your character was party to said caravan, and got rather unnerved by the weird mannequin taking up space in the cargo bin.
  • Anyone can see that Reva's face, as of now, is broken. Their wood paneling seems delicate and unreasonable to be installed on anything built for combat, but any who know a thing or two about tech would recognize the ingeniousness of the design: Wooden panels… Are really easy to replace! One's busted? Just… carve a new one and plug it into the facet! It's really that easy.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat
: Dexterity
Defense Stat: Constitution

Stance: Cutthroat Stance

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 2
    • Diving Tackle
    • Pinning Throw
    • Technique Parry (Machine Automata)
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound
    • Thick Hide
    • Iron Will
    • Rage Counter
    • Shield Snare
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Fleet Footed
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Fancy Footwork
    • Flexible Maneuver
    • Venomous Strikes
    • Cutthroat Dodge
    • Cutthroat Tears
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0

rev.webp IMG_4106.webp
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Don't forget to specify what tech branch(es) Galatea is made from! It's not a MUST, but it can lend some additional roleplay avenues. For example, running into a technician with that chosen branch or some power source roleplay. Otherwise, this looks great!

If you need help picking branches out, lmk.
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Don't forget to specify what tech branch(es) Galatea is made from! It's not a MUST, but it can lend some additional roleplay avenues. For example, running into a technician with that chosen branch or some power source roleplay. Otherwise, this looks great!

If you need help picking branches out, lmk.
done and done! i already had a few in mind before i posted, i just thought because i picked the mechanic i didn't have to list em ^^" oops!