Archived Regalian Small House Prices

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Back with the old poor district near spawn, there were one room hovel regions that were worth 30r a month. They had limited space, and the price for rent was worth the regals.

Today, we have one room regions going for 300% that value, up to 1000% the value. This racking up of rental prices does not provide incentive to the Regalian rental region market. While the regions do serve as a money sink, the amount currently invested is too high for players to experiment with various smaller regions, choosing rather to spend regals on much larger properties and creating "ghost town" districts.

I propose the following changes to regalian housing:
  • All slum properties to be reduced to 30r a month.
    • At present a player is given a small region (arguably smaller than the old poor district regions) for 300% the current value. By lowering the price, I can not say that they will magically be f/illed, but they may encourage players to perhaps take a gamble at the district properties.
  • All asylum regions should be lowered to 30r a month
    • They are basically the same thing as the old poor district regions, and as such should bb the same price.
  • All dockfront and ecksdorn regions should be reduced to 30r a month
    • These regions are 50r more expensive than the slum regions, and offer no change in surface area. For the same reasons stated above, they should be reduced.
  • All reedroad and wetfootpass regions should be reduced to 30r a month.
    • These regions are slightly larger one room rents, but they cost 300 a month. I recall fondly that when these regions were released to the public, they were avoided like the plague, and have remained unoccupied ever since (over 90% of the regions are unrented as I type this). They need to have their prices adjusted.
So in short, I suggested that every one room region in regalia be reduced to 30r a month. Why did I make this thread? Because the gringy districts currently show no love, and I think they deserve to have a more active player presence, starting with rental reductions. Everything is centralized, and that is perfectly fine. But not everyone wants to just walk along mainstreet all day or the Emporium all day. I remember that the harbor was a nice hybrid between smuggling RP and merchant RP, something that was a bit seedier than the main city center, but still a bit better living conditions than the slums. It filled a special niche that is now currently dead in RP.

I think by reducing the price of these smaller regions, it would give players a reason to take a risk and try a new venue for their RP. It's a lot less impacting on a wallet if you only waste 30 regals on a RP attempt than 300r. 300r rental regions for one room regions discourages even the most dedicated RPer from trying new things.

I recall a thread or poll earlier on this exact topic, and I'd like for World Staff to look into this matter in the near future for the sake of RP innovation. I think with the current player numbers, having 30r rental regions will not make a large impact on the amount of player housing. If it does, the values can always increase. But for now, let's try 30r a month and see how well it works out. I think it's worth a shot to give incentive to try new RP avenues.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
  • All slum properties to be reduced to 30r a month.
    • At present a player is given a small region (arguably smaller than the old poor district regions) for 300% the current value. By lowering the price, I can not say that they will magically be f/illed, but they may encourage players to perhaps take a gamble at the district properties.
  • All asylum regions should be lowered to 30r a month
    • They are basically the same thing as the old poor district regions, and as such should bb the same price.
I think 30r all around is too heavy a drop. Some regions in the slums/asylum are decently sized. Easily worth the 100r. The tiny one-floor houses should definitely be 30r though.
I think 30r all around is too heavy a drop. Some regions in the slums/asylum are decently sized. Easily worth the 100r. The tiny one-floor houses should definitely be 30r though.
All the houses mentioned are the one room regions. the only exception was the "slum houses" because there are too many different street names to recall. every other bullet point indicates a specific rental region group.
Hello my name is TheDongler and I approve this message.

At least, if the regions aren't lowered to 30, then they should be 100, especially around the Reedroad and Wetfootpass areas, seeing as they are about the size of a small slum house yet are still 300 regals.