Archived Regalian Guillotine Executions

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Ah... Regalia... Such a beautiful city. It's such a nice day to go on a *hears a cannon go off in the prison* HOLY CRAP!

Anyways, all joking aside, just read the title. It says it all. No. Seriously. I don't need to explain anything. What's that? Oh, fine. I'll explain it.

What if Regalia had a new way to execute her prisoners? Right now, they have be headings, but those are rp only, cannons, but those are not public, and hangings, but those are also a bit odd, since they talk up a lot of space for the lava.

What if Regalia had a guillotine? Now, you may be thinking, "But Indy? Wouldn't that just be rp also? How would you get it to work?" Elementary, my dear readers. Read on.

I have made guillotines many times in Minecraft. I even built one in survival for my factions Ithanian base. It's a very simple design. You see, it needs to be 17 blocks or higher so that it will kill the player instantly. I suggest spruce wood, since it more closely resembles the colour of the guillotine you see in pictures. You have a fence gate to lock the person inside to where the blade will fall, and go to the top via ladders on the side and place an anvil.

This works 100% of the time so long as they don't have armor. It's a very simple design and can be seen from far away. It would make sense to use, as it is symbolic of Regalia's power over her criminals. It can be seen around the city due to his high it is, and actually kills the person. It is very simple to make. I find that this would be a great way to execute Regalia's prisoners.
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True.. But what would make more sense, a guillotine being used to chop someones head off, or shooting them with a cannon?
As catcat posted above, public executions are by block or by hanging. In private it really doesn't matter, though the block would make more sense than a guillotine, which would have to be reset each time
Whilst this is a good idea, with lots of potential
You are not taking my cannon.