Archived Regalian Guillotine Executions

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Ah... Regalia... Such a beautiful city. It's such a nice day to go on a *hears a cannon go off in the prison* HOLY CRAP!

Anyways, all joking aside, just read the title. It says it all. No. Seriously. I don't need to explain anything. What's that? Oh, fine. I'll explain it.

What if Regalia had a new way to execute her prisoners? Right now, they have be headings, but those are rp only, cannons, but those are not public, and hangings, but those are also a bit odd, since they talk up a lot of space for the lava.

What if Regalia had a guillotine? Now, you may be thinking, "But Indy? Wouldn't that just be rp also? How would you get it to work?" Elementary, my dear readers. Read on.

I have made guillotines many times in Minecraft. I even built one in survival for my factions Ithanian base. It's a very simple design. You see, it needs to be 17 blocks or higher so that it will kill the player instantly. I suggest spruce wood, since it more closely resembles the colour of the guillotine you see in pictures. You have a fence gate to lock the person inside to where the blade will fall, and go to the top via ladders on the side and place an anvil.

This works 100% of the time so long as they don't have armor. It's a very simple design and can be seen from far away. It would make sense to use, as it is symbolic of Regalia's power over her criminals. It can be seen around the city due to his high it is, and actually kills the person. It is very simple to make. I find that this would be a great way to execute Regalia's prisoners.
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Hm, this sounds highly intriguing. Perhaps the Sanitation Commission will push for the use of this rather then...whatever else is used to kill people in Regalia.
No, it would take up a lot of space. I think it is a little uneccessary. Maybe if we could Make it use less space.
and the one who got exectuted would be raging coz he lost all his rp stuf (unles it's a prem)
besides that, i like this
Yes! This would be /very/ nice. I wish executions were held more often and turn public once more, as they were in the Crimson days...
From what I've seen RP Criminals are killed off too quickly. People who do simple things like steal bread, or start a bar fight with a Human when they're 2nd or 3rd class. I think this stops RP Criminal Gangs and Groups from doing well and I am sure during the time Regalia is set the streets would be full of them. Whether people were killed for bar fights and stealing a few coins back then, I don't know.

But the Guillotine idea, I like:) As long as it is used in the right way like to kill Vampires and Serial Killers. And Lo's...
No, it would take up a lot of space. I think it is a little uneccessary. Maybe if we could Make it use less space.
It would talk up as much space as the gallows. Maybe a little more. So what if it does anyways? Regalia is large enough for the housing. It has what it needs so far. There isn't much else to add.
While it may sound cool, this design would be very tedious when executing large amounts of criminals. And plus, we could only use it on premium players. Our current methods for public executed are by either hanging or beheading. And considering we've recently added "Public execution" as a punishment, you can expect to see more of them soon.
Store your stuff away?
yea sure i can see this happening already
a fair rp'er
prisoner: hey guy's let me go plox? gonna store ma stuf befure u exectute me.)
guard: yea sure go ahea)
prosiner tp's away to store stuf and comes back
guard: that took long)
prosiner: i am not a messy guy)
guard: b2rp?)
prisoner yesh)
unfair rp'er
prisoner: hey lads can o store mah suf before u exectue me?)
guards: yes)
prosiner tps away to not come back
yea sure i can see this happening already
a fair rp'er
prisoner: hey guy's let me go plox? gonna store ma stuf befure u exectute me.)
guard: yea sure go ahea)
prosiner tp's away to store stuf and comes back
guard: that took long)
prosiner: i am not a messy guy)
guard: b2rp?)
prisoner yesh)
unfair rp'er
prisoner: hey lads can o store mah suf before u exectue me?)
guards: yes)
prosiner tps away to not come back

This is why we have Ender Chests.
yea sure i can see this happening already
a fair rp'er
prisoner: hey guy's let me go plox? gonna store ma stuf befure u exectute me.)
guard: yea sure go ahea)
prosiner tp's away to store stuf and comes back
guard: that took long)
prosiner: i am not a messy guy)
guard: b2rp?)
prisoner yesh)
unfair rp'er
prisoner: hey lads can o store mah suf before u exectue me?)
guards: yes)
prosiner tps away to not come back
I'd imagine the player would be punished somehow, or just forcetp'ed back...?
That's just you, isn't it? I mean- Going to your /home and back isn't much trouble, is it...?
it is actually it is, my /home is not in my base but it's in a friendly fac were i sometimes go to rp and when i go to /f home i still need to w8 a full day if i have bad luck so the massivemobs go away, there is this large gap of unclaimed land from f home to my house
While it may sound cool, this design would be very tedious when executing large amounts of criminals. And plus, we could only use it on premium players. Our current methods for public executed are by either hanging or beheading. And considering we've recently added "Public execution" as a punishment, you can expect to see more of them soon.
You have a world staff on the guard, right? He could vanish and go into creative mode. Then he could place the anvil on top and destroy it at the bottom. Though, he would need to be online to do this. I guess there are ups and downs to every idea. Oh well. It is your choice, since you're captain.
You have a world staff on the guard, right? He could vanish and go into creative mode. Then he could place the anvil on top and destroy it at the bottom. Though, he would need to be online to do this. I guess there are ups and downs to every idea. Oh well. It is your choice, since you're captain.

It would still prove to be very tedious. And Ulric is the Commissioner, not a captain.
I find guillotines more reasonable to use than cannons. Who would really want to clean up the aftermath of a prisoner's remains? Wouldn't there be a hole in the brick walls of the prison after the cannon blast?..
I find guillotines more reasonable to use than cannons. Who would really want to clean up the aftermath of a prisoner's remains? Wouldn't there be a hole in the brick walls of the prison after the cannon blast?..

You'd be surprised how sturdy the prison wall was, and the remains were kinda just left there in the execution cell. But they do occasionally clean it though.
it is actually it is, my /home is not in my base but it's in a friendly fac were i sometimes go to rp and when i go to /f home i still need to w8 a full day if i have bad luck so the massivemobs go away, there is this large gap of unclaimed land from f home to my house
I'm not trying to be rude, but you're missing the point. You're /one/ individual. We're talking about a server-wide thing. It affects many, many more people.
I'm not trying to be rude, but you're missing the point. You're /one/ individual. We're talking about a server-wide thing. It affects many, many more people.
ik that, but i was using myself as example, others /might/ have teh same problem as me
While it may sound cool, this design would be very tedious when executing large amounts of criminals. And plus, we could only use it on premium players. Our current methods for public executed are by either hanging or beheading. And considering we've recently added "Public execution" as a punishment, you can expect to see more of them soon.
They are often concerned for non-prems losing their items, but look at the Beaver attacks. People die and lose their items all the times with those. Especially the one at the market. Anyone who was shopping lost whatever they bought. If you were refilling you stock, to bad. Gone up in flames. People losing items is not an issue for rp on the server. At least, it never seemed to be.
...Realize the guards don't actually kill you OOCly when they shoot the cannon at you, (Usually fire a piece of cobble at you, which does what? 5 hearts at max? And thats a direct contact hit.) so I'd not be inclined to think they would oocly kill you anyway with /this/ contraption. Maybe make it as high as suggested, but drop the anvil at a lower distance. And, really, only personnel with building rights in Regalia (Not many.) could feasibly do this.
As for public executions, I tend to find those more /laughable/ than scary. They usually end up botching OOCly one way or another. (Looking at you, Crimson, and that one prisoner that literally just jumped away because they were burning alive before you could carry out the actual execution. Then just tped away after tping them back with cover. Tchtchtch.)
They are often concerned for non-prems losing their items, but look at the Beaver attacks. People die and lose their items all the times with those. Especially the one at the market. Anyone who was shopping lost whatever they bought. If you were refilling you stock, to bad. Gone up in flames. People losing items is not an issue for rp on the server. At least, it never seemed to be.
I liked pushing people into lava.
It could be tedious, and take up a lot of space, but it makes much more sense RP-wise.. In medievals times, when they executed people, they either used the guillotine, or hung them. I never heard anything about them being shot with a cannon, it would be a waste, and it would probably destroy things. As said before, with everything, there are ups, and downs.
I don't think it's necessary. You could do RP guillotines, I suppose. But having to kill the player?... Yeah, I don't know. If they are responsible, they won't have to be killed oocly too.
It could be tedious, and take up a lot of space, but it makes much more sense RP-wise.. In medievals times, when they executed people, they either used the guillotine, or hung them. I never heard anything about them being shot with a cannon, it would be a waste, and it would probably destroy things. As said before, with everything, there are ups, and downs.
Nice try... The guillotine we know didn't exist in medieval times
Nice try... The guillotine we know didn't exist in medieval times
True, but Aloria is a fantasy world. You could technically do whatever you darn well please. No one would bat an eye. So long as it could fit in the theme of your fantasy world. Take Zelda. In some games, you see steam powered things. A bit too modern, but nothing like cell phones or TVs. So long as it has a slightly olden day feel, it would work.
True, but Aloria is a fantasy world. You could technically do whatever you darn well please. No one would bat an eye. So long as it could fit in the theme of your fantasy world. Take Zelda. In some games, you see steam powered things. A bit too modern, but nothing like cell phones or TVs. So long as it has a slightly olden day feel, it would work.
The post I quoted was referring to medieval times