• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Regalian Guard Offices


Average Wallachian Noble
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score

Grandiose the gate, which leads into the so called Black Tower, is. A demanding structure with an ominous, yet just presence watching over the Crown City of Regalia. Tall towers, ponderous archways, unshakeable walls.

Righteous radiance seeps through the open archways during the daytime, bringing both illumination and warmth into the otherwise fairly cool complex. Trickful winds pass playfully through open corridors, caressing both the walls and the floor, also those who hap to pass by on such an occurrence. Guards here and there, some patrolling while others spend their break in the mess hall. An ever so busy, yet also calm place the Regalian Guard's Headquarters are.

When dusk breaks, so does the sun's venerable light departs and fades; candles and torches are set alight in order to mimic the sun's brilliance. Lengthy corridors, stuffed offices, spacious lounges are what the only department what's open to the public consists of. After the large mess hall and a set of spiralling stairs, one would arrive to a door which leads to a open passage. There, at the end of this walkway rests an office. Two enigmatic personnel seem to be standing guard at almost all times; On approach, they'd ask for credentials and inform the Landsgericht Inspector Asssistant about their presence. If granted entry, the individual would gain sight on the chestnut blonde hair sporting woman with delicate glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. Silver-ilk pair of eyes would soon glance up; A cold and unnerving gaze, then allow her right to gesture at one chair from the two that are located before her desk.


Out-of-Character Information

This thread is entirely In-Character.

If you wish to arrange In-Game meetings, see more about that below.

This thread has the sole purpose of contacting the Landsgericht Inspector. Shouldst you have inquiries of your own, that can only be answered by the Inspector, do form an In-Character letter; addressing Landsgericht Inspector Assistant Emergart d'Vaud. Shouldst you happen to be in need of arranging a meeting with the Landsgericht Inspector himself, that can also be done here.

It is the Landsgericht Inspector Assistant who answers most letters and sorts out requests, meetings.

To the Landsgericht Inspector Assistant,

Greetings. I am First Sergeant of the Viridian Order, Wolfgang Drache of Drachenberg, and I request a minor plate armor permit in the Holy City. I am a House Retainer of House Drache and wish to protect Baron Drachenberg personally. I currently have a sword permit however I request a minor plate armor permit (The Armor I hope to use is Leather with Plate Armor Shoulderpads). I fully understand the limitations of a weapon permit such as citizen's arrest and as a Viridan, it is to be expected I won't be a total fool when it comes to using both my sword with my armor permit.

Thank you for reading this letter and may the Spirit forever guide your decisions,
Ser Drache
To the Landsgericht Inspector Assistant,

Greetings. I am First Sergeant of the Viridian Order, Wolfgang Drache of Drachenberg, and I request a minor plate armor permit in the Holy City. I am a House Retainer of House Drache and wish to protect Baron Drachenberg personally. I currently have a sword permit however I request a minor plate armor permit (The Armor I hope to use is Leather with Plate Armor Shoulderpads). I fully understand the limitations of a weapon permit such as citizen's arrest and as a Viridan, it is to be expected I won't be a total fool when it comes to using both my sword with my armor permit.

Thank you for reading this letter and may the Spirit forever guide your decisions,
Ser Drache

To the Good Sir, Wolfgang Drache of Drachenberg, First Sergeant of the Viridian Order.

Regalian State Weapon Law explains that individual permits for Armour cannot be granted. This request falls into a third category of Weapon State Law; Imperial Prerogative, which can only be granted by his Imperial Holiness only.

Spirit's Guidance to you, Good Sir.

Landsgericht Inspector Assistant,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette​
A letter to the guards
Directed at the office of the Regalian Guard.

Dear Commander of the Guard,

Yesterday evening, a raid was issued in the Ithanian district, as a representative of this district I find it most shocking, that in the most cultured and well behaved district, things like this are happening.

Our district sees almost no to little crime and is mostly inhabited by the good people of Ithania.

To come to a better solution for these actions, I invite you to my house in the Ithanian district - Hauteroad 15, where we can discuss other ways to enfore law here, which don't bother the daily life of our district in any way.

With kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac

Comtesse en l'honneur
Head of Société du Quartier D'Ithanie

[A parchment sealed with the Ravenstad crest would be delivered to the desk of the Landsgericht Inspector Assistant]

Landsgericht Inspector Assistant,

I would like to formally open a case against one 'Valbrand Haagenvig' for the violence he has committed against Nicolette Ravenstad, once known as Nicolette d'Eluise. I am unsure as to why this was not brought to the attention of the guard sooner, as this man wrapped his hands around my sister's throat at a public event in front of countless witnesses. He has a track record of violence and misbehavior, which I believe is worth investigating and I ask punishments for the acts he committed against my nearest and dearest. A man who has the ability to strangle a defenseless and weaker woman is a dangerous man. I pray that justice will be served, and that this filth will be swept from our Holy City's streets.

I should also like to add that an apology from this man to my sister is simply not enough. I do not believe he has repented for his sinful ways. Nicolette was intimidated and made to believe she was in danger, hence her not coming forwards with a case against the Haagenvig. He has manipulated my sister into 'forgiving' him for his violent acts against her. House Ravenstad in entirety feels that his apology means naught, and we would like to pursue this case in its fullest. If a trial should be deemed appropriate, I would like to request for an 'Order of Restraint' against the Haagenvig, prohibiting him to be a certain distance from Nicolette.

In retrospect, Valbrand Haagenvig is in violation of two counts of the 'Regalian Public Law', having attacked Theodore Artiemus after he discovered him pinning my sister to the ground and gripping at her throat.

I eagerly await a response.

May the light shine down upon you,

Lady Vivienne Ravenstad.

[Attached to the letter would be a similar piece of parchment, detailing those who witnessed the assault and where it took place.]

The assault took place at an event hosted by Theodore Artiemus, who witnessed the assault. The list of witnesses goes as follows:
Nathaniel Bigge* Though he was highly intoxicated, his perception of the event may be skewed.
Marcus Bigge
Raina Wodenstaff
Marcelo de Santigo
Frida Haagenvig* Though I doubt she will testify
Agnette Haagenvig* Though I doubt she will testify
Brydon Coen
Amelie Drache
Magnus Viduggla

A small statement from Theodore Artimus:

They were playing the card game known as the 'South-Anglian Shuffle' when the Haagenvig demanded the game be stopped, Nicolette disagreed. He took her to a private cabin, and when it became Nicolette's turn Theodore became concerned. He followed them to the location, and when he opened the door he witnessed the Haagenvig pinning Nicolette to the ground, gripping her neck. He then released her and turned his anger to Theodore. He pushed the man out of the doorway, pinning him to the floor and sending a flurry of punches to the mans face whilst the Artiemus attempted to defend himself.

If he can go into a mindless rage simply over someone disagreeing with him, I cannot help but grow increasingly worried of his motives.

@Tiber_ @VintageMystic
A letter to the guards
Directed at the office of the Regalian Guard.

Dear Commander of the Guard,

Yesterday evening, a raid was issued in the Ithanian district, as a representative of this district I find it most shocking, that in the most cultured and well behaved district, things like this are happening.

Our district sees almost no to little crime and is mostly inhabited by the good people of Ithania.

To come to a better solution for these actions, I invite you to my house in the Ithanian district - Hauteroad 15, where we can discuss other ways to enfore law here, which don't bother the daily life of our district in any way.

With kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac

Comtesse en l'honneur
Head of Société du Quartier D'Ithanie
Black Tower
Crown City Regalia

305 AC 28th of July

Sophia du Polignac @Ellimairy
Old Ithanian District
15 Haute Road
Crown City Regalia

Citizen Sophia du Polignac:

About the Regalian Guard:

The actions of the Order serve to upkeep written law, ensure safety and prevent acts of terrorism; These being a few from the many services the Guard carry out. Our deeds bear heavy and pressing reasons behind them, so be assured that so called- Allow me to quote from this letter of yours, 'raid' had no other intentions than ensuring safety of all citizens.
About the invitation:
As it stands; ink upon clean parchment on our informative posters, you may request a meeting with the Landsgericht Inspector via penned letter. This meeting may only take place within the Regalian Guard's Headquarters- Black Tower if you will, and only there.
Spirit Guide your path.
Landsgericht Secretary,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette
To the general secretary of the Regalian Guard,
My name is Otto Bergmann, and I was a former captain of the Bluesteel Order and current Warden of the inquisition. I am also employed to the House Drache as one of their guard. I would like to have a meeting to discuss a potential weapons permit for myself to utilize while off duty as an inquisitor and to utilize in my other employment.
Spirit's Blessings, Otto Bergmann.
To the general secretary of the Regalian Guard,
My name is Otto Bergmann, and I was a former captain of the Bluesteel Order and current Warden of the inquisition. I am also employed to the House Drache as one of their guard. I would like to have a meeting to discuss a potential weapons permit for myself to utilize while off duty as an inquisitor and to utilize in my other employment.
Spirit's Blessings, Otto Bergmann.
@Infinatum Warden Bergmann:

Your letter of request arrived without complications, and it has successfully been processed. A sanctioned courier will be sent to your person with details containing the date and time of a formal meeting with the Landsgericht Inspector.

Spirit Guide your path.
Landsgericht Secretary,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette

Please contact @Arendan in-game at your closest convenience.
Landsgericht Secretary,

I wish to speak with the Landsgericht Inspector as soon as he is available. Place his other appointments on hold if need be as this should be of the utmost importance as it pertains to the security of this holy city. With our organizations within mutual interest I do not wish for a cold war between the two to form. I will be awaiting a response.

Spirit Guide you from the shadows.
Principal Officer of the Black Hand
Marshal Erhard Maximilian Drache​
Landsgericht Secretary,

I wish to speak with the Landsgericht Inspector as soon as he is available. Place his other appointments on hold if need be as this should be of the utmost importance as it pertains to the security of this holy city. With our organizations within mutual interest I do not wish for a cold war between the two to form. I will be awaiting a response.

Spirit Guide you from the shadows.
Principal Officer of the Black Hand
Marshal Erhard Maximilian Drache​
Multiple drafts were written up, each stained with pure droplets of crimson blood. The hands of the Secretary were giving in from this day's work, yet she prayed and procured strength from the Spirit to aid her. This day had been a long one... After writing a set of words to the Officer, the Secretary glanced over to an earlier case and began to continue that one.
@Wumpatron Principal Officer Drache:

Request GRANTED. The Landsgericht Inspector awaits your arrival.

Spirit Guide your path,
Landsgericht Secretary,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette​
Last edited:
An envelope with a black and orange seal was sent to the Regalian Guard Offices.

To the Landesgericht Inspector Assistant Emergart d'Vaud,
Emergart. Could I request my leave from the city temporarily to accompany Christopher Black on a mission? I understand that I have a warrant put on me to stay in the city until my court trial, but I ask of you to let me out just this time. The details of this mission remain classified, but know this mission is one for the Empire. If it helps you some more, this voyage is to Farah'deen.
Spirit Bless,
Valbrand Haagenvig,
Baron of Kopvagr
((On an OOC note, I'll be attending this if this letter/request is accepted: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/player-quest-by-film_noir.57664/ ))​
An envelope with a black and orange seal was sent to the Regalian Guard Offices.

To the Landesgericht Inspector Assistant Emergart d'Vaud,
Emergart. Could I request my leave from the city temporarily to accompany Christopher Black on a mission? I understand that I have a warrant put on me to stay in the city until my court trial, but I ask of you to let me out just this time. The details of this mission remain classified, but know this mission is one for the Empire. If it helps you some more, this voyage is to Farah'deen.
Spirit Bless,
Valbrand Haagenvig,
Baron of Kopvagr
((On an OOC note, I'll be attending this if this letter/request is accepted: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/player-quest-by-film_noir.57664/ ))​

Imperial Knight Kopvagr:

Your request has successfully been processed. We have deemed that you, Baron Kopvagr may leave for this quest with Count Narlas under the following condition:

A member of the Regalian Guard Order will accompany you on this Mission.
Spirit oversee your actions with merciful intent,
Landsgericht Secretary,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette

[A letter arrives, written in a harsh, untrained hand.]
Landesgericht Inspector Assistant Emergart d'Vaud,
I request a personal meeting with Landesgericht Inspector Reynald Typhonus, to discuss recent events surrounding the Regalian Sellsword charter, specifically the Broken Standard and its former Vice-Captain, Heikki of Norrlan. As of recent, I find myself uncomfortable with the current position of my Sellsword Company and wish to discuss its future with the Inspector. As such, I ask that any such meeting be placed at his earliest convenience.
Spirit Shine Upon You,
Alraesonynn Deceres,​
Captain of the Broken Standard​
[A letter arrives, written in a harsh, untrained hand.]
Landesgericht Inspector Assistant Emergart d'Vaud,
I request a personal meeting with Landesgericht Inspector Reynald Typhonus, to discuss recent events surrounding the Regalian Sellsword charter, specifically the Broken Standard and its former Vice-Captain, Heikki of Norrlan. As of recent, I find myself uncomfortable with the current position of my Sellsword Company and wish to discuss its future with the Inspector. As such, I ask that any such meeting be placed at his earliest convenience.
Spirit Shine Upon You,
Alraesonynn Deceres,​
Captain of the Broken Standard​

Captain Deceres of the Broken Standard, @Scribbe

Your letter has successfully arrived, and it has also been processed. What your person asks for is hereby granted. Seek out the Guard Commander either this day or in the morrow.
Spirit's guidance to you.
Landsgericht Secretary,
Lady Emergart d'Vaud Bernadette