Regalian Academia Association

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Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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Greetings to all engineers, men and women of the sciences, scholars and researchers of history, language and so much more. Presented for your eyes today:
The Regalian Academia Association

A scholarly organization dedicated to scholars of technology, alchemy, history and other assorted topics together, the Regalian Academia Association is based out of the Scholar's Academy and is run by a leading expert on western cultures, history and languages, Henric of Heeresveen. Meetings for the group will ideally take place every other week, where food will be shared from across the Cultures of Aloria. Then, up to three members may present a creation, invention, paper, theory or thought question to the assembled group. They can also demonstrate a technique, technology and so on in the attached lab facilities.

On top of the desire to create a scholarly community embracing the Imperial ideas of pluralism and unity, there are plans to commit to exploration and excavation of various sites across Aloria in a respectful way with funds from supporters noble, aristocratic, and otherwise. Additionally, research projects for members of the more technology-focused in the Association are also hopefully in the cards. There are a few major goals or plans for all of these examples of field or lab work, but it all depends on interest and membership numbers in the end.

The Regalian Academia Association is divided into four Groups: the Technology Group, the Alchemy Group, the History Group and the Assorted Group (being made up of students of biology, magic, and etc that do not fall into any of the other three categories). When they sign up, an applicant must dedicate themselves to one Group in particular as their focus however, people are free to have interests beyond just their own Group and actively engage in a multidisciplinary perspective. Additionally, we are more than happy to accept applicants from non-scholars or hobbyists who have an interest in learning

To apply to join, please write a letter to the organization head, Henric of Heeresveen. The first planned meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 14th of October at 6pm, so people who have an interest in the organization or have a desire to attend may also turn up then.

Technology Group
Enki Lok-Guthrain (@Carcalla)

Alchemy Group

History Group
Tommen Howlester (@Woodwork)
Claire d'Anjou (@NebulaePrimo)
Cro-Zzhao (@MrBlwe)
Ortoak Es-Azulon (@KrakenLord01)

Assorted Group

I'm aware that recently, there have been a series of these sorts of groups that have formed and have unfortunately failed or stalled out. However, I am dedicated to making this group succeed and last for quite awhile. We have a lot of new lore coming out, and I intend to make sure that there is always something to talk about each meeting. If you have a scholarly, intellect-focused, or eager character please, join and help me give us a community that will thrive!

On a different note, in the letter, include whatever information you want, just be sure it is wholly IC. Afterward though, include the OOC component of a link to a character application (if you have one) and your discord username.
To Henric of Heevreseen,

Greetings! I am Wan-Xia. I am interested in joining your society, the Regalian Academia Association. I am a thespian, with special interest in the history of music and theatre from around the world. I am also a skilled luthier, amongst other instrument making skills. I have a great love for the arts as a whole. I am a musician, with many talents, including knowledge of music theory. I would love to join your society! I do hope you'll have me.

I have previously been a part of the Prinzenhof Society, and was trained in noble etiquette prior to joining. I am currently a member of the Silver Stage, a society of performers, and I am also the head of the Regalian Institute of the Performing Arts.

I come from the east, from Dexai. I have traveled the western world to learn of their performing arts, and have studied how to play many instruments. I have learned various styles of theatre and writing. I feel as though my skills and knowledge would be of great benefit to this Association. I have lived to the age of 73 (74 in only a few short weeks!), and in that time, I have much wisdom to share with the members.

Anywho, have a wonderful day!

Sincerely Yours,

Character app:
IGN: indyfan98
Discord Name: indyfan98#7933
To Henric of Heeresveen,

I hope that this letter finds you in good graces, good health, sturdy state of mind, and at the work of most magnanimous study! I believe you do not know me as much as I know you (which is, in truth, only what was mentioned in the announcement of the Regalian Academia Association), though no doubt we both share in a love of learning, even if we are scholars of very separate walks of life. I am, however, eager to learn from what scholars that fall within this circle of sorts, and perhaps even offer my own expertise in a beneficial and constructive way.

For the sake of introduction, my name is Nayasol Iraluv, and I have been living in Regalia for a few months, almost a year now. I do admit my presence has been rather humble, and my occupations have shifted quite a bit within the past few months, but despite this upheaval within my life I know a great deal about matters pertaining to the arcane, nelfin history, and even a rare bit about artifacts and considerably ancient history. I am learned in a few other topics as well, though I would wager a guess that the R.A.A. would be rather bored by some of the more eccentric things that I could talk on and on about. I have worked in my areas of study for quite some time, taking, organizing, and synthesizing notes on all these various matter, though it has been some time since I prepared any kinda of lectures (and by that I mean I've never lectured before). Regardless, throughout my "prolific" career I have never backed down from a challenge, and I welcome the opportunity to hopefully try my hand in a new skill.

I would be honored if you would accept me into the R.A.A., as I think that the acquisition of new knowledge of all subjects is as worthy and honorable an endeavor as any. I hope that my own musings, writings, notes, and explorations into the matters of the past and matters of magic can help enlighten the fellows in this organization, and I in turn can be enlightened in turn. I eagerly await to hear your response, and I thank you in advance.

May the Spirit protect,
May starlight guide your steps,
Best of regards,
Nayasol Iraluv

Character Sheet:
IGN: Lizehrd
Discord Name: A Lizehrd#9406
To Henric of Heevreseen,

Greetings! I am Wan-Xia. I am interested in joining your society, the Regalian Academia Association. I am a thespian, with special interest in the history of music and theatre from around the world. I am also a skilled luthier, amongst other instrument making skills. I have a great love for the arts as a whole. I am a musician, with many talents, including knowledge of music theory. I would love to join your society! I do hope you'll have me.

I have previously been a part of the Prinzenhof Society, and was trained in noble etiquette prior to joining. I am currently a member of the Silver Stage, a society of performers, and I am also the head of the Regalian Institute of the Performing Arts.

I come from the east, from Dexai. I have traveled the western world to learn of their performing arts, and have studied how to play many instruments. I have learned various styles of theatre and writing. I feel as though my skills and knowledge would be of great benefit to this Association. I have lived to the age of 73 (74 in only a few short weeks!), and in that time, I have much wisdom to share with the members.

Anywho, have a wonderful day!

Sincerely Yours,

Character app:
IGN: indyfan98
Discord Name: indyfan98#7933
To Henric of Heeresveen,

I hope that this letter finds you in good graces, good health, sturdy state of mind, and at the work of most magnanimous study! I believe you do not know me as much as I know you (which is, in truth, only what was mentioned in the announcement of the Regalian Academia Association), though no doubt we both share in a love of learning, even if we are scholars of very separate walks of life. I am, however, eager to learn from what scholars that fall within this circle of sorts, and perhaps even offer my own expertise in a beneficial and constructive way.

For the sake of introduction, my name is Nayasol Iraluv, and I have been living in Regalia for a few months, almost a year now. I do admit my presence has been rather humble, and my occupations have shifted quite a bit within the past few months, but despite this upheaval within my life I know a great deal about matters pertaining to the arcane, nelfin history, and even a rare bit about artifacts and considerably ancient history. I am learned in a few other topics as well, though I would wager a guess that the R.A.A. would be rather bored by some of the more eccentric things that I could talk on and on about. I have worked in my areas of study for quite some time, taking, organizing, and synthesizing notes on all these various matter, though it has been some time since I prepared any kinda of lectures (and by that I mean I've never lectured before). Regardless, throughout my "prolific" career I have never backed down from a challenge, and I welcome the opportunity to hopefully try my hand in a new skill.

I would be honored if you would accept me into the R.A.A., as I think that the acquisition of new knowledge of all subjects is as worthy and honorable an endeavor as any. I hope that my own musings, writings, notes, and explorations into the matters of the past and matters of magic can help enlighten the fellows in this organization, and I in turn can be enlightened in turn. I eagerly await to hear your response, and I thank you in advance.

May the Spirit protect,
May starlight guide your steps,
Best of regards,
Nayasol Iraluv

Character Sheet:
IGN: Lizehrd
Discord Name: A Lizehrd#9406
Both are sent letters of acceptance into the organization!

The R.A.A is still looking for members and parties interested in joining its community!
To Henric of Heeresveen,

I'm new to the city of Regalia and saw a flier for this scholarly association and was immediately interested, as I wish to speak with like-minded people. I hail from Farah'deen and have devoted my life to the study of alchemy and linguistic sciences, and in particular, the research of Dragon Script. Hopefully, I can lend my knowledge whilst I learn more in the process. However, I will keep this letter short for you as I assume you read many of these a day not including paper work. I'm looking forward to future endeavors with this organization.

Yours truly,
Kabir Kundimal

Username: FarmerBlakeyBoy
Discord: blakeyboy#7960
Character Sheet:
To Henric of Heeresveen,

I'm new to the city of Regalia and saw a flier for this scholarly association and was immediately interested, as I wish to speak with like-minded people. I hail from Farah'deen and have devoted my life to the study of alchemy and linguistic sciences, and in particular, the research of Dragon Script. Hopefully, I can lend my knowledge whilst I learn more in the process. However, I will keep this letter short for you as I assume you read many of these a day not including paper work. I'm looking forward to future endeavors with this organization.

Yours truly,
Kabir Kundimal

Username: FarmerBlakeyBoy
Discord: blakeyboy#7960
Character Sheet:
He would be sent letters of acceptance into the organization!
The R.A.A is still looking for members and parties interested in joining its community!
To Henric of Heeresveen

I've only recently arrived in Regalia in search of new knowledge, I've graduated from the Academy of History after studying for 8 years. I've devoted much of my time to the study of Linguistic science as well as the History of regalia. And I would like to join your organization in hopes of finding fellow scholars such as myself who share the same boiling passion for knowledge.

I believe I can bring a different point of view to every meeting I might encounter.

I look forwards to receiving your response

Sincerely, Elliot Addison Eau Clairance
Char sheet:
Ign: Jojonahnah
Discord: Jojonahnah#3523
Username: Mad_Gadfly
Discord: SecondWind#7475
Character Sheet:

Dear Henric of Heeresveen,

I hope that you have been well since our last communication. It interests me greatly to see that you have established an association for intellectual discussion in the time that I was away. It would be an honor to join you in this endeavor.


Leuthar Van Vichten.​
To Henric of Heeresveen

I've only recently arrived in Regalia in search of new knowledge, I've graduated from the Academy of History after studying for 8 years. I've devoted much of my time to the study of Linguistic science as well as the History of regalia. And I would like to join your organization in hopes of finding fellow scholars such as myself who share the same boiling passion for knowledge.

I believe I can bring a different point of view to every meeting I might encounter.

I look forwards to receiving your response

Sincerely, Elliot Addison Eau Clairance
Char sheet:
Ign: Jojonahnah
Discord: Jojonahnah#3523
Username: Mad_Gadfly
Discord: SecondWind#7475
Character Sheet:

Dear Henric of Heeresveen,

I hope that you have been well since our last communication. It interests me greatly to see that you have established an association for intellectual discussion in the time that I was away. It would be an honor to join you in this endeavor.


Leuthar Van Vichten.​
Both would be sent letters of acceptance into the organization! ((@JoJonahnah I can't find you on Discord, please shoot me a message, I should be easy to find given how I'm in RP Com and other major server related discords))​
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