Archived Regalia Stufff

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Enlightened son
Nov 29, 2014
Reaction score
the big house.
With new recent districts being built and main road renovations, a lot is happening in the world department. But amidst all the chaos we tend to detach ourselves from the rest of the community. So I impose a simple question for you all to discuss and leave suggestions, so we can hopefully gather up some ideas from you. The question is: What do you guys want to see happen with Regalia? Whether it's new districts, new public buildings or roleplay hotspots, please discuss and leave suggestions.

Many thanks, Snekk.

Please note: This thread is purely for my curiosity, and was not imposed by any other world staff members. Whatever suggestions you have may or may not be considered.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The big no-no that prevents all these multi-race districts and super secret cave networks from appearing in Regalia is that it's the imperial city of the largest human nation on Aloria. Naturally, it's focus is going to be on Ailor.

So, in extension, only first class citizens are allowed to own land or work on it. This prevents orcs or mekett with a questionable sense of taste or architecture from constructing theme-breaking buildings in between good old Alt-Regalisch housing. Its a sign of prestige; the Regalian Empire doesn't play ball with other races trampling over its regulations and privileges. Sure, you'll get slums. But they won't be filled with undesirables who aren't first-class citizens.

I was told something along those lines by MonMarty when I proposed a Chien-Ji quarter in the Old Gods district. It bummed me out for about 3 minutes, before I realized how much sense it made. The lore and roleplay the staff have been pressing to make is steeped in realism where concessions to fantasy cannot be made. It creates that oppressive and overwhelming atmosphere of a naval superpower's capital. It empowers the nobility and the high-born so they don't feel unsafe when a ruffian orc or belligerent shendar walks by.

But yeah; I understand people wanting a district to feel home in. An orc district, while looking goddamn awful and out of place, would delight the orc roleplayers because they have their own turf. But that's just not a good direction to step in, especially when we try to maintain that imperial atmosphere in the city. So the solution I present is to find something that's already there, and make it your home. If it means so much to you that people recognize this as 'your' turf, the World staff will make appropriate changes.
I propose that all orc players rent out a street, and make it a good ol' ruffian corner.
Supposedly the sewers are really deep. I think that, in the next sewer expansion (assuming there is one), we should be able to explore the deeper levels.
Government Buildings, Hospital, "Capitol Building", Warehouses, Guild Places, Court, Chancery.
Basically more "public works" buildings.
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I'd Like to see a village just out side of the city I think it can open more gates for roleplay experience
Seeing as so many characters go around claiming they can write, and know about history. I suggest we make a school for commoners.
Ofcourse, it costs a bit to attend it, but a school in which commoners can afford to go.

You could teach about subjects like:
  • Regalian history
  • Language
  • Writing and grammar
  • Unionism, and the benefits of it

One could also have different classes, focusing on different thing, almost like a list of subjects students can choose to learn. This could help improve Job Rp. Classes like:
  • Sowing
  • Basic medicine
  • Smithing
  • Tinkering
  • Basic strategy and combat training.
  • Baking and cooking
Ofcourse, one could study on after taking these classes. For example, as a smith's apprentice.

This would also help open more player jobs as teachers, and staff.
It'd be pretty cool to have cave homes. Like with underwater entrances.
Honestly I'd like to see more districts, rp hotspots, and more public buildings.