Archived Regalia Stufff

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Enlightened son
Nov 29, 2014
Reaction score
the big house.
With new recent districts being built and main road renovations, a lot is happening in the world department. But amidst all the chaos we tend to detach ourselves from the rest of the community. So I impose a simple question for you all to discuss and leave suggestions, so we can hopefully gather up some ideas from you. The question is: What do you guys want to see happen with Regalia? Whether it's new districts, new public buildings or roleplay hotspots, please discuss and leave suggestions.

Many thanks, Snekk.

Please note: This thread is purely for my curiosity, and was not imposed by any other world staff members. Whatever suggestions you have may or may not be considered.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
MORE SECRET PLACES! I'm not talking about like more entrances to the sewers, though I like the ones already that I have found. I like finding all these secret nooks and cranies that you can have a shady character live or stay in. What would be cool if somehow there was like an underground bar or some more parks. Maybe a marketplace that have stalls up for people to sell, that would be really interesting rather than owning a whole building.
An Alt-Regalian district type of thing. Some more areas like the training grounds. Ooh! More music embeded into areas. More Voidling possession areas. Some conduits? What about a mural?

All just ideas to toy with~
I'd love to see houses that are between the poor district size and the regular house size a nice single or two story house, maybe ranch-ish style.
ever since Philip told Lith about what the city was built on I've always wondered what a giant ruin maze might look like. It would be awesome to see <3
Perhaps another viable roleplay experience outside of nobility? It seems that noble roleplay seems to dictate everyone's roleplay experiences, its why there are so many Ailor and those claiming to be "low nobility". Not saying there is anything wrong with it, it would just be nice to be other roleplay areas outside of nobility that have as large of a following. I know that people can roleplay whatever they want but with the staff and the model roleplayers acting as nobility it seems unlikely that people will deviate from that group. What I want is a change in roleplay dynamic, a new system that dictates how players will interact, rather than having a player create a low noble to fit into the current system.
Perhaps another viable roleplay experience outside of nobility? It seems that noble roleplay seems to dictate everyone's roleplay experiences, its why there are so many Ailor and those claiming to be "low nobility". Not saying there is anything wrong with it, it would just be nice to be other roleplay areas outside of nobility that have as large of a following. I know that people can roleplay whatever they want but with the staff and the model roleplayers acting as nobility it seems unlikely that people will deviate from that group. What I want is a change in roleplay dynamic, a new system that dictates how players will interact, rather than having a player create a low noble to fit into the current system.
Although this is an amazing idea. I think this thread is more meant for... physical regalia. World dpt changes. I do suggest you make this thread in the lore discussion section though.
I'm honestly more about improving the Districts we already have, or give some of the neglected ones a little bit of loving.

Specifically I'd like to see the Waterfront District and Elven Ghetto become rentable for players. These have the potential to be good places for character development, and since they're already built, why not get them ready to go.

If I had to suggest something new to be build, then I'd have to go with a cemetery. Think about it. A good amount of characters have lost a family member, which then contributed to their development. Why not have an actual area for people to go an remember their loved ones? You could even have noble crypts, which have since been buried under the market district, along with rows of unmarked sticks for commoner graves.

A good example of a cemetery design would have to be the zentralfriedhof.

On a side note: I don't think we should release more Districts, on the basis that hardly anyone RPs anywhere besides the Golden Willow. The Harbor District is a prime example. Everyone was sniping houses left and right that weekend it was released, yet I only see maybe 5 of these people actually RP on a regular basis.

So in short, I'd rather have the current Districts get shown some love than add more Ghost Districts.

Well...i took some time and thought about possible ideas and plans for Regalia! They are just ideas, but I hope you guys will like them! (PS; USE THE MAP).

Regalian Main Road (Purple lines)
The main road itself doesn't need any bigger updates, but I would like to see some more benches to sit down. We don't have a lot of them standing around on the main road, just around the tavern, but I think they could be a nice detail for this area.

Park area (Green lines)
I think that the park could need a lot of smaller updates, like a rework of the lake with a hidden underwater cave entrance (Maybe to a deeper area for Maiar nests?), or just some bigger trees. The old soupery isn't in use as well and could be removed or reworked as a Charter base, if it would be removed then how about a some picknick areas?

Elven Slums (Blue lines)
The elven slums should finally be opened for renting! The slums were added months ago and renting wasn't avaiable since then, so how about you allow players to finally rent the houses? The district itself could possible need a small fireplace or such, just for the atmosphere.

Old God District (Orange lines)
The old god district could also need a small rework at some corners, how about some hidden paths and smaller entrances in the city wall? They could be used for black markets and to hide in.

Area behind the Crimsons Base (Yellow lines)
The empty area behind the Crimsons Base could be used for a new district, how about a Yanar district? It could be filled with giant plants, a lot of grass areas and flowers. Another idea of mine would be to create some kind of mines back there, maybe a lapis mine or a iron mine? The crimsons could use their prisoners to get these materials and sell them to earn money and pay their taxes and such.

Waterfront District (Red lines)
The waterfront district should, like the Elven slums, be avaiable for renting! Nothing more, nothing less~

Empty area near the castle (Violet lines)
Empty areas are boring, right? So how does it sound to create a district with a lot of canals, smaller rivers and islands? The islands could be used for houses and the rivers and canals for small boats. It could remind people of Venice and could be a new Maiar hotspot!

Sewers (Not on the map)
The sewer grove could need a little update, like more space, some more trees and maybe a giant waterfall. Or maybe even a sewer jungle? That would be an amazing idea as well, especially for Yanars, Mekkets and more race roleplay~
Another idea for the sewers could be to build a cave for the giant spider-animal. This could cause players to watch out in the sewers for giant spiders and other, even more, dangerous stuff.

Maiar Caves (District Idea)
I think that the Maiars deserve, like Mekkets and Yanars, a own district! It mustn't be a real district, a single giant underwater cave would be enough! The entrance could be in the park lake, near the castle or even near the sunken ship (Near the spawn). You would need to dive down around 20 blocks and enter a giant cave, maybe with some plants, like corals and algas. As soon as you reach the end of the entrance, it should widen up to a cylindric-shaped, bigger cave. The walls would be covered with smaller cave entrances, which should be up for renting.
Although this is an amazing idea. I think this thread is more meant for... physical regalia. World dpt changes. I do suggest you make this thread in the lore discussion section though.

I agree with you and I will make that thread momentarily, but what I meant by it being here is for world staff to see it and to understand. You can create these new districts and supposed hotspots but ultimately it will mean nothing. You can paint a barn many times and the farmer will still sleep in the house. What I mean by that statement is that no matter what hotspots are created it won't change the flow of anything. People will flock to it once it is released then forget about it and go back to the tavern as always. It's just like the harbor district and I guarantee after the main street lottery the same thing will occur. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the world staff and I understand that what I am saying has to do with lore staff whom I also appreciate greatly, I just see that the world staffs work will go unappreciated without the push from the lore staff to make what they create important to players. Yes the tavern is the current hot spot and it works fine, but variation is also nice. But yeah, I'll make that thread right now, I was thinking about it.
I would like for another cathedral to be added. And perhaps an academy? This sort of pertains to actual world of regalia ( it mainly can be applied lore and roleplay wise), but I think the Imperial palace should be used as a royal (Imperial) court. The nobility and aristocracy spend all their days there, serving the emperor etcetera etcetera. It could be similar to what Versailles was like during Loius XIV? Noble plots and schemes could go down there. And perhaps the emperor could even provide some nobles he deems fit their own quarters in the palace, in order to be closer to the court. What this has to do world wide is: It would be nice if the palace could be completed and created in such a way to be useful for not just the Imperial family, but for the nobles and EVEN the commoners.

Sorry for any mistakes or if you believe "this doesn't belong here!"
To add to what Ragnio said about the area behind Graygate (It's still called Graygate, right...?), I'd love to see that become some sort of industrial district. Maybe add some mines outside the walls, but what I'd really like to see are some factories, sweatshops, warehouses... the gritty work places of the Regalian lower class. Maybe even make it into something sort-of for the dwarves, with HUGE refineries and maybe even a colossal forge. Just some ideas!
To add to what Ragnio said about the area behind Graygate (It's still called Graygate, right...?), I'd love to see that become some sort of industrial district. Maybe add some mines outside the walls, but what I'd really like to see are some factories, sweatshops, warehouses... the gritty work places of the Regalian lower class. Maybe even make it into something sort-of for the dwarves, with HUGE refineries and maybe even a colossal forge. Just some ideas!
@DrFong i could totally imagine a FongCo Factory
To add to what Ragnio said about the area behind Graygate (It's still called Graygate, right...?), I'd love to see that become some sort of industrial district. Maybe add some mines outside the walls, but what I'd really like to see are some factories, sweatshops, warehouses... the gritty work places of the Regalian lower class. Maybe even make it into something sort-of for the dwarves, with HUGE refineries and maybe even a colossal forge. Just some ideas!
I like this. Sounds like the things @DrFong and FongCo would own.
The big no-no that prevents all these multi-race districts and super secret cave networks from appearing in Regalia is that it's the imperial city of the largest human nation on Aloria. Naturally, it's focus is going to be on Ailor.

So, in extension, only first class citizens are allowed to own land or work on it. This prevents orcs or mekett with a questionable sense of taste or architecture from constructing theme-breaking buildings in between good old Alt-Regalisch housing. Its a sign of prestige; the Regalian Empire doesn't play ball with other races trampling over its regulations and privileges. Sure, you'll get slums. But they won't be filled with undesirables who aren't first-class citizens.

I was told something along those lines by MonMarty when I proposed a Chien-Ji quarter in the Old Gods district. It bummed me out for about 3 minutes, before I realized how much sense it made. The lore and roleplay the staff have been pressing to make is steeped in realism where concessions to fantasy cannot be made. It creates that oppressive and overwhelming atmosphere of a naval superpower's capital. It empowers the nobility and the high-born so they don't feel unsafe when a ruffian orc or belligerent shendar walks by.

But yeah; I understand people wanting a district to feel home in. An orc district, while looking goddamn awful and out of place, would delight the orc roleplayers because they have their own turf. But that's just not a good direction to step in, especially when we try to maintain that imperial atmosphere in the city. So the solution I present is to find something that's already there, and make it your home. If it means so much to you that people recognize this as 'your' turf, the World staff will make appropriate changes.
I'd love to see an industrial district with forges.

Perhaps looking like the dwarven district in Stormwind just with a hint of Fallout's Pitt in the atmosphere and a general style of 19th century London. With perhaps a large abandoned factory for crime roleplay that's fully furnished but can't be rented. Some alleys, some slum-like housing as well. And of course, large warehouses and manufactures to rent.
I noticed this in the election thread

  • Commerce District (not yet built, but done soon)
    • District to the North of the Harbor district with the National Museum, Treasury and merchant houses.

I'm really looking forward to this
The big no-no that prevents all these multi-race districts and super secret cave networks from appearing in Regalia is that it's the imperial city of the largest human nation on Aloria. Naturally, it's focus is going to be on Ailor.

So, in extension, only first class citizens are allowed to own land or work on it. This prevents orcs or mekett with a questionable sense of taste or architecture from constructing theme-breaking buildings in between good old Alt-Regalisch housing. Its a sign of prestige; the Regalian Empire doesn't play ball with other races trampling over its regulations and privileges. Sure, you'll get slums. But they won't be filled with undesirables who aren't first-class citizens.

I was told something along those lines by MonMarty when I proposed a Chien-Ji quarter in the Old Gods district. It bummed me out for about 3 minutes, before I realized how much sense it made. The lore and roleplay the staff have been pressing to make is steeped in realism where concessions to fantasy cannot be made. It creates that oppressive and overwhelming atmosphere of a naval superpower's capital. It empowers the nobility and the high-born so they don't feel unsafe when a ruffian orc or belligerent shendar walks by.

But yeah; I understand people wanting a district to feel home in. An orc district, while looking goddamn awful and out of place, would delight the orc roleplayers because they have their own turf. But that's just not a good direction to step in, especially when we try to maintain that imperial atmosphere in the city. So the solution I present is to find something that's already there, and make it your home. If it means so much to you that people recognize this as 'your' turf, the World staff will make appropriate changes.
Mayhaps a little go between. There is an awful lot of open space outside the city walls, why not make use of it by having say an Orcish camp, or something along that lines. It could be shoddily built, unlike the nicer district houses, but it'd still be there.
Something I'd like is a sort of Klein shack village. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, maybe even a series of tiny one-room shacks on the outskirts of the city.
A china-town ch-ien ji type place with tea shops cuz i liek tea \('0')/
Yeah, I'd say instead of full-on districts like old Regalia, there were more small clusters of shacks and slums that are obviously where the lower class citizens dwell. Part of the realism of a city like Regalia is that the second class citizens can't own land and whatnot, but we know via roleplay that they still live in the city, so it'd be cool if you found small areas that were obviously the equivalent of that race's district. Ramshackle huts and tents and lean-tos and the like.

That canal area described above sounds amazing. I'd love to see more boat-oriented living, and the canals and bridges in the past Regalia were always amazing. I'd also love to see more housing in levels. New Regalia has done a really good job so far of creating a really interesting style and silhouette for Regalia Architecture, but I'd love to see more of the 'lowered' and 'raised' housing we saw sometimes in old Regalia. Areas where it looks like they had housing, and then built almost directly over it. A lot of older European cities have housing that's like that.

It'd be really cool to see something like the Flooded District in Dishonored. Basically an area like the waterfront district that is far more appealing crime and whatnot. The Industrial are spoken of before would fit that just as nicely. You can argue that the sewers fills that role already but honestly I always saw it as more of the vampire turf.

Elven slums for rent is a def yes please. And I really can't wait for market/shop type areas to be incorporated. I'd love to see more npc shops and playermade shops throughout the city. Little carts, boats, hideaway alleys with unsavory characters, obvious crime scenes.

I kinda would love seeing NPC guards and signs of their presence about, though I suppose it'd cause a lot of lag to have them.

Regarding not building up the city because everyone always ends up at the tavern: what might be interesting is staff or player driven roleplay events. Not quests exactly, but stuff like plays or a raid on a vampire nest or using that fighting slave ring or something to that effect. They could be announced on the forum in advance and people could come and observe or participate. Heck, an interesting thing might be having an story event where a 'dangerous criminal gang' or whatever is loose in Regalia (played by a volunteer or staff member), and players could see glimpses of them around till they're caught. It'd encourage roleplay in areas where things are more likely to happen. At current the only place that 'everything happens' is the tavern.
Maybe some more IG nods to other religions? Like maybe a small shrine devoted to Hael in some little nook in the city, or in the sewer. And the naming ritual. thing. Could be added IG too.
I think an industrial district primarily filled with refineries, factories and warehouses, but possibly with a small underground area with some dwarfish stuff
I think an industrial district primarily filled with refineries, factories and warehouses, but possibly with a small underground area with some dwarfish stuff
With new recent districts being built and main road renovations, a lot is happening in the world department. But amidst all the chaos we tend to detach ourselves from the rest of the community. So I impose a simple question for you all to discuss and leave suggestions, so we can hopefully gather up some ideas from you. The question is: What do you guys want to see happen with Regalia? Whether it's new districts, new public buildings or roleplay hotspots, please discuss and leave suggestions.

Many thanks, Snekk.

Please note: This thread is purely for my curiosity, and was not imposed by any other world staff members. Whatever suggestions you have may or may not be considered.
Regalian housing needs to be more condensed, and space efficient. Probably by making housing a couple levels taller.
In regalia there seems to be more of an emphasis on housing than there is of anything, which is not how regalia should be built.

To be quite frank, the entire city needs to be scrapped and remade again. Don't get me wrong the housing, parks, and structures of importance (Old gods temple, sewers, Prison, etc.) are amazing but the building placement is poor.

Regalia is the capital city of Aloria, undoubtedly making it a hub for commerce. Regalia housing that can be converted into player made shops (Industrial road housing). Should have been placed relatively close to the docs, where merchants would have easy access to fine Regalian made products and services. Also making player made roleplay shops closer to spawn, encouraging more roleplay encounters.
The issue with the current regalia is that it takes an unnecessary amount of time to become accustomed to the environment and learn the roads. For any starting out player it is both hard to navigate (Even with the Regalian street maps that can be found on the forums), and because of the way that important buildings/attractions are placed, players have to go through streets full of lag inducing housing. That's after they somehow manage to find out where those buildings are located.

More districts do not need to be added. Monmarty has mentioned before, saying something along the lines of "A building that people do not use is and should be rendered completely useless". Housing is always going to be of lesser of importance. Not as many people go out of their way to use their own housing for roleplay as compared to the tavern.

Let me relate to the situation by saying this one thing. Walmart is the biggest company in the world. They understand the concept of advertisement, each building is designed with the purpose to make people buy more products that they had come in to buy. The single most efficient way they do this is by putting staple groceries (Bananas, Milk, etc) at the back of the store while making it easy to navigate.

This is precisely what Regalia needs. An building/place at the back of the city, that forces players to pass by player made shops and other roleplay attractions. This will allow a newer player to get a sense for the roleplay environment. See the options and opportunities for which they can create their own roleplay scenario. While also making the streets easily navigatable. Which is not the case at the moment.

If I was a new player that had just joined the server, I would tell you exactly this:
Regalia is unbearably laggy. (My computer runs a consistent 50 fps on full MC settings tuned on, 0-5 fps in regalia with all settings turned off.) I lost my way on getting to "The Tavern", and I could not find my way back to the main street. So I ended up trying out "Factions" instead :P

Changes need to be made to regalia, new districts are not those changes.
Honestly, the builds are good though :)

Edit: There are some roleplay buildings I'd like to see or some that should be redone.
(I've decided to say something a little more constructive xD)
I want to see a new library, honestly, I find the old one quite boring (Actually put books in it).
The Regalian Bank should be revived, I want to see that in Regalia again. :)
Museum of past regalian wars, everything in it screaming NATIONALISM.
More Regalian ("Properties") shops opened up.
A calming oasis where people can find refuge and solace.
An Art museum...
- Pokyug
Last edited:
How about giving the library a proper location? I mentioned this in a different thread with a similar topic @Eccetra that the library is in one of the least trafficked area in Regalia, no one knows where it is or that exists at all. And I agree wholeheartedly with @Nammish 's post. A good way to attract players attention to places other than the tavern are events! People will definitely show up because many people prefer other locations than the tavern but roleplay there anyways because no one is anywhere else.
I wish I could see regalia in a war of some sort causing total chaos and having everything burning and or destroyed. Just a thought XD
I also belive there should be more secret area's as well, such as a secret merchant area, or an underground wizard academy, or even better how about they build a huge junk yard or something. And is there was a junk yard there could be a lot of shady things happening XD
Regalian housing needs to be more condensed, and space efficient. Probably by making housing a couple levels taller.
In regalia there seems to be more of an emphasis on housing than there is of anything, which is not how regalia should be built.

To be quite frank, the entire city needs to be scrapped and remade again. Don't get me wrong the housing, parks, and structures of importance (Old gods temple, sewers, Prison, etc.) are amazing but the building placement is poor.

Regalia is the capital city of Aloria, undoubtedly making it a hub for commerce. Regalia housing that can be converted into player made shops (Industrial road housing). Should have been placed relatively close to the docs, where merchants would have easy access to fine Regalian made products and services. Also making player made roleplay shops closer to spawn, encouraging more roleplay encounters.
The issue with the current regalia is that it takes an unnecessary amount of time to become accustomed to the environment and learn the roads. For any starting out player it is both hard to navigate (Even with the Regalian street maps that can be found on the forums), and because of the way that important buildings/attractions are placed, players have to go through streets full of lag inducing housing. That's after they somehow manage to find out where those buildings are located.

More districts do not need to be added. Monmarty has mentioned before, saying something along the lines of "A building that people do not use is and should be rendered completely useless". Housing is always going to be of lesser of importance. Not as many people go out of their way to use their own housing for roleplay as compared to the tavern.

Let me relate to the situation by saying this one thing. Walmart is the biggest company in the world. They understand the concept of advertisement, each building is designed with the purpose to make people buy more products that they had come in to buy. The single most efficient way they do this is by putting staple groceries (Bananas, Milk, etc) at the back of the store while making it easy to navigate.

This is precisely what Regalia needs. An building/place at the back of the city, that forces players to pass by player made shops and other roleplay attractions. This will allow a newer player to get a sense for the roleplay environment. See the options and opportunities for which they can create their own roleplay scenario. While also making the streets easily navigatable. Which is not the case at the moment.

If I was a new player that had just joined the server, I would tell you exactly this:
Regalia is unbearably laggy. (My computer runs a consistent 50 fps on full MC settings tuned on, 0-5 fps in regalia with all settings turned off.) I lost my way on getting to "The Tavern", and I could not find my way back to the main street. So I ended up trying out "Factions" instead :P

Changes need to be made to regalia, new districts are not those changes.
Honestly, the builds are good though :)

Edit: There are some roleplay buildings I'd like to see or some that should be redone.
(I've decided to say something a little more constructive xD)
I want to see a new library, honestly, I find the old one quite boring (Actually put books in it).
The Regalian Bank should be revived, I want to see that in Regalia again. :)
Museum of past regalian wars, everything in it screaming NATIONALISM.
More Regalian ("Properties") shops opened up.
A calming oasis where people can find refuge and solace.
An Art museum...
- Pokyug
That is spot on, I also got lost trying to find the Tavern so I had to ask a ton of people, there should also be a better help system but that is off topic.
To add to what Ragnio said about the area behind Graygate (It's still called Graygate, right...?), I'd love to see that become some sort of industrial district. Maybe add some mines outside the walls, but what I'd really like to see are some factories, sweatshops, warehouses... the gritty work places of the Regalian lower class. Maybe even make it into something sort-of for the dwarves, with HUGE refineries and maybe even a colossal forge. Just some ideas!
From the way it looks now, i'm pretty sure that is what they are doing.